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  • J.C. Willems and H.L. Trentelman
    H control in a behavioral context: The full information case
    IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
    Volume 44, pages 521-536, 1999

  • J.C. Willems
    Behaviors, latent variables, and interconnections
    Systems, Control and Information (Japan)
    Volume 43, pages 453-464, 1999

  • J.C. Willems
    Distributed dissipative systems
    System Theory: Modeling, Analysis and Control
    Edited by T. Djaferis and I. Schick
    Festschrift at the occasion of the 65-th birthday of Sanjoy Mitter
    Kluwer Academic Publishers, pages 39-54, 1999

  • T. Cotroneo and J.C. Willems
    Controllability and observability of linear differential behaviors
    Proceedings of the 38th Conference on Decision and Control, Phoenix, AZ, pages 96-102, 1999

  • H.K. Pillai and J.C. Willems
    The behavioral approach to distributed systems
    Proceedings of the 36th Conference on Decision and Control, Phoenix, AZ, pages 626-631, 1999

  • T. Cotroneo and J.C. Willems
    Initial condition problem for high order linear differential systems
    Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC'99), Karlsruhe, pages 51-56, 1999

  • H.K. Pillai and J.C. Willems
    Optimal LQ-control for n-D systems
    Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC'99), Karlsruhe, pages 93-99, 1999

  • H.L. Trentelman and J.C. Willems
    A Pick matrix test for strict half-line dissipativity for linear differential systems
    Proceedings of the 14-th Triennial IFAC World Congress, Beijing, China, pages 345-350, 1999




  • J.C. Willems
    The birth of optimal control
    Proceedings of the 35th Conference on Decision and Control, Kobe, Japan, pages 1586-1587, 1996

  • J.C. Willems
    Modelling using manifest and latent variables
    Proceedings of the 35th Conference on Decision and Control, Kobe, Japan, pages 197-198, 1996

  • P. Rapisarda and J.C. Willems
    Model reduction by balancing from a behavioral point of view
    Proceedings of the 35th Conference on Decision and Control, Kobe, Japan, pages 694-699, 1996

  • H.L. Trentelman and J.C. Willems
    Control in a behavioral setting
    Proceedings of the 35th Conference on Decision and Control, Kobe, Japan, pages 1824-1829, 1996

  • H.L. Trentelman and J.C. Willems
    Positivity and storage functions for quadratic differential forms
    Proceedings of the 35th Conference on Decision and Control, Kobe, Japan, pages 3964-3969, 1996

  • P. Rapisarda and J.C. Willems
    From data to state model
    Identification, Adaptation, Learning: The Science of Learning Models From Data
    Edited by S. Bittanti and G. Picci
    Proceedings of an Advanced Study Institute held in Como, Italy, Springer Verlag, pages 184-245, 1996

  • J.C. Willems
    Fitting data sequences to linear systems
    Systems and Control in the Twenty-First Century
    Edited by C.I. Byrnes, B.N. Datta, D.S. Gilliam, C.F. Martin
    Proceedings of the Conference on Mathematical Theory of Systems and Networks, St Louis, 1996
    Progress in Systems and Control, Birkhäuser, pages 405-416, 1996


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  • F. Fagnani and J.C. Willems
    Interconnections and symmetries of linear differential systems
    Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems
    Volume 7, pages 167-186, 1994

  • J.C. Willems
    The concept of a dynamical system in control
    Proceedings of the 33rd Conference on Decision and Control, Orlando, FL, page 2099, 1994

  • J.C. Willems and H.L. Trentelman
    On quadratic differential forms
    Proceedings of the 33rd Conference on Decision and Control, Orlando, FL, pages 3690-3694, 1994

  • P. Rapisarda and J.C.Willems
    State maps for linear systems
    Proceedings of the 33rd Conference on Decision and Control, Orlando, FL, pages 2868-2873, 1994

  • P.M. Rocha and J.C. Willems
    Controllability of delay-differential systems
    Proceedings of the 33rd Conference on Decision and Control, Orlando, FL, pages 2894-2897, 1994

  • H.L. Trentelman and J.C. Willems
    H-control from a behavioral point of view
    Proceedings of the 33rd Conference on Decision and Control, Orlando, FL, pages 3695-3700, 1994

  • J. Michalik and J.C. Willems
    The elimination problem in differential algebraic systems
    Systems and Networks: Mathematical Theory and Applications
    Edited by U. Helmke, R. Mennicken, and J. Saurer
    Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Regensburg, Germany, Akademie Verlag, Volume 2, pages 357-360, 1994

  • J.C. Willems
    High order variational principles
    Systems and Networks: Mathematical Theory and Applications
    Edited by U. Helmke, R. Mennicken, and J. Saurer
    Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Regensburg, Germany, Akademie Verlag, Volume 2, pages 559-562, 1994

  • P. Rapisarda and J.C.Willems
    State maps for linear systems
    IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Copenhagen, 1994, Volume 3, pages 187-192, 1994


  • A.C. Antoulas and J.C. Willems
    A behavioral approach to linear exact modeling
    IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
    Volume 38, pages 1776-1802, 1993

  • F. Fagnani and J.C. Willems
    Representations of symmetric linear dynamical systems
    SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
    Volume 31, pages 1267-1293, 1993

  • F. Fagnani and J.C. Willems
    Symmetries of differential systems
    Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and Control Science Edited by K.D. Elworthy, W.N. Everitt, and E.B. Lee
    Festschrift at the occasion of the 70-th birthday of Larry Markus
    Marcel Dekker, pages 491-504, 1993

  • J.C. Willems
    LQ-Control: a behavioral approach
    Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Antonio, TX, pages 3664-3668, 1993

  • F. Fagnani and J.C. Willems
    Representations of symmetric systems
    Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC'93), Groningen, NL, pages 1790-1793, 1993

  • K. Rudie and J.C. Willems
    The computational complexity of decentralized discrete-event control problems
    Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC'93), Groningen, NL, pages 2185-2190, 1993

  • H.L. Trentelman and J.C. Willems (editors)
    Essays in Control: Perspectives in the Theory and its Applications
    436 pages
    Birkhäuser, 1993




  • A.C. Antoulas, J.A. Ball, J. Kang, and J.C. Willems
    On the solution of the minimal rational interpolation problem
    Linear Algebra and Its Applications
    Volume 137/138, pages 511-573, 1990

  • P.M. Rocha and J.C. Willems
    Canonical computational forms for AR 2-D systems
    Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing
    Volume 1, pages 251-278, 1990

  • J.C. Willems
    Controllability and observability in a new perspective
    Visiting Scholars' Lectures - 1989
    Texas Tech University, Mathematics Series, No. 16, pages 91-113, 1990

  • J.C. Willems and J.W. Nieuwenhuis
    Continuity of latent variable models
    Proceedings of the 29th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Honolulu, Hawaii, pages 3369-3365, 1990

  • A.C. Antoulas, J.A. Ball, J. Kang, and J.C. Willems
    The solution of the rational interpolation problem: a summary
    Proceedings of the 29th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Honolulu, Hawaii, pages 3621-3322, 1990

  • C.I. Byrnes, A. Isidori and J.C. Wilems
    Stabilization and output regulation of nonlinear systems in the large
    Proceedings of the 29th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Honolulu, Hawaii, pages 3369-3365, 1990

  • J.C. Willems
    A framework for the study of dynamical systems
    Realization and Modelling in System Theory
    Edited by M.A. Kaashoek, J.H. van Schuppen, and A.C.M. Ran
    Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Birkhäuser, pages 43-60, 1990

  • P.M. Rocha and J.C. Willems
    A state representation for 2-D systems
    Realization and Modelling in System Theory
    Edited by M.A. Kaashoek, J.H. van Schuppen, and A.C.M. Ran
    Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Birkhäuser, pages 333-342, 1990

  • P.M. Rocha and J.C. Willems
    Markovian properties for 2-D systems
    Realization and Modelling in System Theory
    Edited by M.A. Kaashoek, J.H. van Schuppen, and A.C.M. Ran
    Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Birkhäuser, pages 343-350, 1990

  • A.C. Antoulas and J.C. Willems
    Minimal rational interpolation and Prony's method
    Analysis and Optimization of Systems
    Edited by A. Bensoussan and J.L. Lions
    Proceedings of the 9th INRIA Conference, Antibes, France
    Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Volume 83, pages 297-306, 1990

  • P.M. Rocha and J.C. Willems
    Controllability of delay-differential systems
    Analysis and Optimization of Systems
    Edited by A. Bensoussan and J.L. Lions
    Proceedings of the 9th INRIA Conference, Antibes, France
    Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Volume 83, pages 332-340, 1990
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  • J.C. Willems
    Models for dynamics
    Dynamics Reported
    Volume 2, pages 171-269, 1989

  • S. Weiland and J.C. Willems
    Almost disturbance decoupling with internal stability
    IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
    Volume 34, pages 277-286, 1989

  • P.M. Rocha and J.C. Willems
    State for 2-D systems
    Linear Algebra and Its Applications
    Volume 122/123/124, pages 1003-1038, 1989

  • C. Heij and J.C. Willems
    A deterministic approach to approximate modelling
    From Data to Model
    Edited by J.C. Willems
    Springer Verlag, pages 49-134, 1989

  • J.C. Willems and F. Lamnabhi
    A note on the linearization around an equilibrium
    Proceedings of the 28th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Tampa, Florida, pages 2259-2261, 1989

  • J.C. Willems
    Some thoughts on modelling
    Newton to Aristotle: Toward a Theory of Models for Living Systems
    Edited by J. Casti and A. Karlquist
    Proceedings of a Workshop held in Abisko, Sweden, Birkhäuser, pages 91-120, 1989

  • J.C. Willems
    The linear matrix inequality
    Proceedings of the Workshop on the Riccati Equation in Control, Systems, and Signals, Como, Italy, Pitagora Editrice Bologna, pages 91-120, 1989

  • J.C. Willems
    Proceedings of the IFAC Workshop on System Structure and Control: State-space and Polynomial Methods, Prague, Czechoslovakia, pages 9-12, 1989

  • J.C. Willems (editor)
    From Data to Model
    246 pages
    Springer Verlag, 1989


  • J.W. Nieuwenhuis and J.C. Willems
    Continuity of dynamical systems: A system theoretic approach
    Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems
    Volume 1, pages 147-165, 1988

  • C. Heij and J.C. Willems
    Consistency analysis of approximate modelling procedures
    Linear Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing: Theory and Applications
    Edited by C.I. Byrnes, C.F. Martin, and R.E. Saeks
    Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Phoenix, Arizona, pages 445-456, 1988

  • J.W. Nieuwenhuis and J.C. Willems
    Duality for linear time invariant finite dimensional systems
    Analysis and Optimization of Systems
    Edited by A. Bensoussan and J.L. Lions
    Proceedings of the 9th INRIA Conference, Antibes, France
    Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Volume 111, pages 13-21, 1988

  • P.M. Rocha and J.C. Willems
    Deterministic Markovian 2-D systems
    Analysis and Optimization of Systems
    Edited by A. Bensoussan and J.L. Lions
    Proceedings of the 9th INRIA Conference, Antibes, France
    Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Volume 111, pages 1079-1090, 1988


  • J.C. Willems
    From time series to linear system - Part III. Approximate modelling
    Volume 23, pages 87-115, 1987

  • J.C. Willems
    Pole placement
    Encyclopaedia of Systems and Control
    Pergamon Press, pages 3727-3734, 1987

  • J.C. Willems
    Paradigms and puzzles in modelling dynamical systems
    Proceedings of the 28th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Los Angeles, CA, pages 1645-1646, 1987.

  • J.C. Willems
    Unfalsified modelling in dynamical systems
    Modelling, Robustness and Sensitivity Reduction in Control Systems
    Edited by R.F. Curtain
    Proceedings of a Workshop held in Groningen, Springer Verlag, pages 197-209, 1987

  • J.C. Willems
    Modelling, approximation and complexity of linear systems
    Modelling, Identification and Robust Control
    Edited by C.I. Byrnes and A. Lindquist
    Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Stockholm, Sweden, pages 277-284, 1986
    Appeared also in Dynamical Systems, Edited by A.B. Kurzhansky and K. Sigmund, Proceedings of a Workshop held in Sopron, Hungary, Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Volume 287, pages 129-136, 1987

  • J.C. Willems
    Modelling linear systems
    Preprints of the 10th IFAC World Congress, Münich, West-Germany, Volume 9, pages 1-10, 1987


  • J.C. Willems
    From time series to linear system - Part I. Finite dimensional linear time invariant systems
    Volume 22, pages 561-580, 1986

  • J.C. Willems
    From time series to linear system - Part II. Exact modelling
    Volume 22, pages 675-694, 1986

  • J.C. Willems, A. Kitapçi, and L.M. Silverman
    Singular optimal control: A geometric approach
    SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
    Volume 24, pages 323-337, 1986

  • C.I. Byrnes and J.C. Willems
    Least squares estimation, linear programming and momentum:
    A geometric parametrization of local minima
    IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information
    Volume 3, pages 103-118, 1986

  • J.C. Willems
    Symmetries in dynamical systems
    Proceedings of the 25th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Athens, Greece, pages 520-521, 1986

  • J.C. Willems
    Complexity and approximate modelling of dynamical systems
    Proceedings of the 25th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Athens, Greece, pages 789-790, 1986

  • J.C. Willems
    The geometric approach to control system design: A tutorial introduction to a few of the main ideas
    Proceedings of the 25th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Athens, Greece, pages 1277-1278, 1986

  • J.C. Willems
    Deducing the input/output and the input/state/output structure from the external behavior
    Proceedings of the 25th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Athens, Greece, pages 1936-1937, 1986

  • J.C. Willems and C. Heij
    Scattering theory and approximation of linear systems
    Modelling, Identification and Robust Control
    Edited by C.I. Byrnes and A. Lindquist
    Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Stockholm, Sweden, No. Holland Publishing Co., pages 397-414, 1986

  • J.C. Willems and C. Heij
    l2 -systems and their scattering representation
    Operator Theory and Systems
    Edited by H. Bart, I. Gohberg, and M.A. Kaashoek)
    Proceedings of a Workshop held in Amsterdam, Birkhäuser, pages 443-448, 1986

  • J.W. Nieuwenhuis and J.C. Willems
    Deterministic ARMA models
    Analysis and Optimization of Systems
    Edited by A. Bensoussan and J.L. Lions
    Proceedings of the 8th INRIA Conference, Antibes, France
    Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Volume 83, pages 429-439, 1986

  • J.C. Willems
    Models for dynamical phenomena
    Dynamical Systems - A Renewal of Mechanism
    Edited by S. Diner, D. Fargue, G. Lochak
    Proceedings of a Conference held in Peyresq, France, World Scientific Publishing Co., pages 29-42, 1986


  • J.C. Willems
    An approach to exact and approximate modeling of time series
    Proceedings of a Workshop held in Bowdoin, Maine, Contemporary Mathematics, Volume 47, pages 479-490, 1985

  • J.C. Willems
    An algorithm for a state space realization of an arbitrary time series
    Proceedings of the 24th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, pages 414-415, 1985

  • J.C. Willems
    From time series to linear system
    The Road-Vehicle-System and Related Mathematics
    Edited by H. Neunzert
    Proceedings of a Workshop held in Lambrecht, West Germany, Teubner Verlag, pages 231-233, 1985
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  • A.J. van der Schaft and J.C. Willems
    A new procedure for stochastic realization of spectral density matrices
    SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
    Volume 22, pages 845-855, 1984

  • J.C. Willems
    Systems sciences and physics
    Systems Sciences and Modelling
    Edited by A. Ruberti
    Reidel Publishing Co., pages 139-153, 1984

  • J.C. Willems
    Modelling a time series by a linear time-invariant system
    Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems
    Edited by P.A. Fuhrmann
    Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems,
    Beer Sheva, Israel
    Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Volume 58, pages 899-902, 1984

  • J.C. Willems and C.I. Byrnes
    Global adaptive stabilization in the absence of information on the sign of the high frequency gain
    Analysis and Optimization of Systems
    Edited by A. Bensoussan and J.L. Lions
    Proceedings of the 6th INRIA Conference, Nice, France
    Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Volume 62, pages 49-57, 1984

  • J.C. Willems and M. Ikeda
    Decentralized stabilization of large-scale interconnected systems
    Analysis and Optimization of Systems
    Edited by A. Bensoussan and J.L. Lions
    Proceedings of the 6th INRIA Conference, Nice, France
    Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Volume 62, pages 236-244, 1984

  • A.J. van der Schaft and J.C. Willems
    Stochastic realization of spectral density matrices which may possess symmetries
    Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Las Vegas, Nevada, pages 1484-1577, 1984

  • C.I. Byrnes and J.C. Willems
    Adaptive stabilization of multivariable linear systems
    Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Las Vegas, Nevada, pages 1574-1577, 1984


  • J.L. Willems and J.C. Willems
    Robust stabilization of uncertain systems
    SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
    Volume 21, pages 352-374, 1983

  • H.L. Trentelman and J.C. Willems
    Guaranteed roll-off in a class of high-gain feedback design problems
    Systems & Control Letters
    Volume 3, pages 361-369, 1983

  • J.C. Willems
    Input-output and state-space representation of finite-dimensional linear time-invariant systems
    Linear Algebra and Its Applications
    Volume 50, pages 581-608, 1983

  • J.C. Willems
    Mathematical structures for the study of dynamical phenomena
    Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde
    Volume 1, pages 159-192, 1983

  • H. van de Water and J.C. Willems
    The value of information in stochastic control
    R.A.I.R.O. Automatique - Systems Analysis and Control
    Volume 17, pages 113-129, 1983

  • J.C. Willems
    Les espaces presque-invariants (in French)
    Outils Mathématiques pour l'Automatique, l'Analyse de Systèmes et le Traitement du Signal
    Edited by I.D. Landau)
    Proceedings of a Conference held in Belle Isle, France, Éditions du CNRS, Paris, Volume 3, pages 177-219, 1983

  • J.C. Willems
    The geometric approach in linear systems: achievements, comparison, and open problems
    Outils Mathématiques pour l'Automatique, l'Analyse de Systèmes et le Traitement du Signal
    Edited by I.D. Landau
    Proceedings of a Conference held in Belle Isle, France, Éditions du CNRS, Paris, Volume 3, pages 425-446, 1983

  • J.C. Willems
    High gain feedback control synthesis
    Singular Perturbations in Systems and Control
    Edited by M.D. Ardema
    Proceedings of a Conference held in Udine, Italy
    Springer Verlag CISM Courses and Lectures Series
    Volume 280, pages 185-189, 1983


  • J.C. Willems
    Almost invariant subspaces: An approach to high gain feedback design -
    Part II: Almost conditionally invariant subspaces

    IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
    Volume 27, pages 1071-1085, 1982

  • J.C. Willems
    Feedforward control, PID control laws, and almost invariant subspaces
    Systems & Control Letters
    Volume 1, pages 277-282, 1982

  • J.C. Willems
    Mathematische systeemtheorie (in Dutch)
    Netherlands Journal for Legal Philosophy and Jurisprudence
    Volume 11, pages 42-61, 1982

  • J.C. Willems and A.J. van der Schaft
    Modeling of dynamical systems using external and internal variables with applications to Hamilton systems
    Dynamical Systems and Microphysics
    Edited by A. Avez, A. Blaquière, and A. Marzollo
    Proceedings of a Symposium held in Udine, Italy, Academic Press, pages 268-284, 1982

  • J.C. Willems
    Approximate disturbance decoupling by measurement feedback
    Feedback Control of Linear and Nonlinear Systems
    Edited by D. Hinrichsen and A. Isidori
    Proceedings of a Workshop held in Bielefeld, West-Germany, and Rome, Italy
    Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Volume 39, pages 268-284, 1982


  • J.C. Willems
    Almost invariant subspaces: An approach to high gain feedback design -
    Part I: Almost controlled invariant subspaces

    IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
    Volume 26, pages 235-252, 1981

  • H. van de Water and J.C. Willems
    The certainty equivalence property in stochastic control theory
    IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
    Volume 26, pages 1080-1087, 1981

  • J.C. Willems and C. Commault
    Disturbance decoupling by measurement feedback with stability or pole placement
    SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
    Volume 19, pages 490-504, 1981

  • J.C. Willems
    Time reversibility in dynamical systems
    Stochastic Nonlinear Systems in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology
    Edited by L. Arnold and R. Lefever
    Proceedings of a Symposium held in Bielefeld, West-Germany, Springer Verlag, pages 232-233, 1981

  • M. Hazewinkel and J.C. Willems
    An annotated navigation chart and sketch of the main themes of this volume and their interrelations
    Stochastic Systems: The Mathematics of Filtering and Identification and Applications
    Edited by M. Hazewinkel and J.C. Willems
    Proceedings of an Advanced Study Institute held in Les Arcs, France, Reidel, pages 3-28, 1981

  • J.C. Willems
    The LQG-problem: A brief tutorial introduction
    Stochastic Systems: The Mathematics of Filtering and Identification and Applications
    Edited by M. Hazewinkel and J.C. Willems
    Proceedings of an Advanced Study Institute held in Les Arcs, France, Reidel, pages 29-44, 1981

  • J.C. Willems
    Design of high integrity multivariable control systems
    Proceedings of the AGARD Lecture Series No. 117: Multivariable Analysis and Design Techniques, pages 7.1-7.10, 1981

  • J.C. Willems
    Almost invariant subspaces: An approach to high gain feedback design
    Proceedings of the 20th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, CA, pages 1022-1023, 1981

  • J.C. Willems
    Modeling and representation of dynamical systems defined in terms of external variables
    Proceedings of the 20th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, CA, pages 1326-1330, 1981

  • M. Hazewinkel and J.C. Willems (editors)
    Stochastic Systems: The Mathematics of Filtering and Identification and Applications
    663 pages
    Reidel Publishing Co., 1981


  • P. Molander and J.C. Willems
    Synthesis of state feedback control laws with a specified gain and phase margin
    IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
    Volume 25, pages 928-931, 1980

  • J.C. Willems
    Topological classification and structural stability of linear systems
    Journal of Differential Equations
    Volume 35, pages 306-318, 1980

  • P.A. Fuhrmann and J.C. Willems
    A study of (A,B)-invariant subspaces via polynomial models
    International Journal on Control
    Volume 31, pages 467-494, 1980

  • J.C. Willems
    Almost A(mod B)-invariant subspaces
    Proceedings of a Workshop held in Bordeaux, France
    Astérisque, Analyse des Systèmes, Volume 75-76, pages 239-248, 1980

  • J.C. Willems
    System theoretic foundations for modelling physical systems
    Dynamical Systems and Microphysics
    Edited by A. Blaquière, F. Fer, and A. Marzollo
    Proceedings of a Symposium held in Udine, Italy
    Springer Verlag CISM Courses and Lectures Series, Volume 261, pages 279-289, 1980

  • J.C. Willems
    Some remarks on the concept of information state
    Analysis and Optimization of Stochastic Systems
    Edited by O.L.R. Jacobs, M.H.A. Davis, M.A.H. Dempster, C.J. Harris, and P.C. Parks
    Proceedings of a Conference held in Oxford, England Academic Press, pages 285-295, 1980

  • J.C. Willems and J.H. Van Schuppen
    Stochastic systems and the problem of state space realization
    Geometrical Methods for the Theory of Linear Systems
    Edited by C.I. Byrnes and C.F. Martin)
    Proceedings of an Advanced Study Institute held in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Reidel, pages 283-313, 1980

  • J.C. Willems
    Almost noninteracting control design using dynamic state feedback
    Analysis and Optimization of Systems
    Edited by A. Bensoussan and J.L. Lions
    Proceedings of the 4th INRIA Conference, Versailles, France
    Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Volume 28, pages 555-561, 1980
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  • M.I. Freedman and J.C. Willems
    Smooth representation of systems with differentiated inputs
    IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
    Volume 23, pages 16-21, 1978

  • J.C. Willems
    Recursive filtering
    Statistica Neerlandica
    Volume 32, pages 1-39, 1978

  • R.W.Brockett and J.C. Willems
    Stochastic control and the second law of thermodynamics
    Proceedings of the 18th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, California, pages 1007-1011, 1978

  • J.C. Willems
    Time reversibility in deterministic and stochastic dynamical systems
    Recent Developments in Variable Structure Systems, Economics, and Biology
    Edited by R.R. Mohler and A. Ruberti
    Proceedings of a Workshop held in Toarmina, Italy
    Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Volume 162, pages 318-326, 1978




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  • K. Glover and J.C. Willems
    On the stability of numerical integration routines for ordinary differential equations
    Journal of the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications
    Volume 11, pages 171-180, 1973

  • J.C. Willems and R.W. Brockett
    Average value stability criteria for symmetric systems
    Ricerche di Automatica
    Volume 4, pages 87-108, 1973

  • J.C. Willems
    Consequences of a dissipation inequality in the theory of dynamical systems
    Physical Structure in System Theory
    Edited by J.J. van Dixhoorn and F.J. Evans
    Academic Press, pages 193-218, 1974

  • K. Glover and J.C. Willems
    Parameter identifiability of linear dynamical systems
    Proceedings of the Symposium on Parameter Estimation Techniques and Applications in Aircraft Flight Testing, NASA Flight Research Center, Edwards, California, 1973

  • K. Glover and J.C. Willems
    On the identifiability of linear dynamical systems
    Proceedings of the 3rd IFAC Symposium on Identification and System Paramater Estimation, Den Haag, pages 867-870, 1973


  • J.C. Willems
    Dissipative dynamical systems - Part I: General theory
    Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis
    Volume 45, pages 321-351, 1972

  • J.C. Willems
    Dissipative dynamical systems - Part II: Linear systems with quadratic supply rates
    Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis
    Volume 45, pages 352-393, 1972

  • P.C. Young and J.C. Willems
    An approach to the linear multivariable servomechanism problem
    International Journal on Control
    Volume 15, pages 961-979, 1972

  • J.C. Willems
    1. Dissipative dynamical systems: General theory;
    2. Dissipative dynamical systems: Linear systems with quadratic supply rates;
    3. Mechanism for the stability and instability in dynamical systems;
    4. Stability, instability, invertibility and causality.
    Séminaires IRIA, Analyse et Contrôle de Systèmes, IRIA, Rocquencourt, France, pages 197-202, 203-212, 213-219, 221-226, 1972

  • R.W.Brockett and J.C. Willems
    Average value criteria for stochastic stability
    The Stability of Stochastic Dynamical Systems
    Edited by R.F. Curtain
    Proceedings of an IUTAM Symposium held at the University of Warwick, England
    Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Mathematics, Volume 294, pages 252-272, 1972

  • J.C. Willems
    Minimal realization in state space form from input/output data
    Proceedings of the Summer School on Theory and Practice of System Modelling and Identification, Toulouse, France,
    Edited by M. Pelegrin
    pages 1-25, 1972
    Appeared also in Systeemleer, Edited by H.F.J.M. Buffart and J.H.L. Oud, Proceedings of a Summer Course held in Nijmegen, Stenfert Kroese, Leiden, pages 22-58, 1975

  • J.C. Willems and H. Vandevenne
    A theory of dissipative dynamical systems
    Network and Signal Theory
    Edited by K.J. Skwirzinski and J.O. Scanlan)
    Proceedings of an Advanced Study Institute held in Bournemouth, England, Peter Pelegrinus Publishing Co., pages 514-519, 1972

  • J.C. Willems
    Mechanisms for the stability and instability in interconnected systems
    Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, Louisiana, pages 118-121, 1972



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  • J.C. Willems
    Some results on the Lp stability of linear time-varying systems
    IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
    Volume 14, pages 660-665, 1969

  • J.C. Willems
    Stability, instability, invertibility and causality
    SIAM Journal on Control
    Volume 7, pages 645-671, 1969

  • J.C. Willems
    A survey of stability of distributed parameter systems
    Control of Distributed Parameter Systems
    Edited by M. Athans
    Special Publication of the 1969 Joint Automatic Control Conference, Boulder, Colorado, pages 63-102, 1969

  • J.C. Willems
    The stability of distributed parameter systems
    Proceedings of the 1969 Joint Automatic Control Conference, Boulder, Colorado, pages 63-64, 1969



  • J.C. Willems
    Perturbation theory for the analysis of instability in nonlinear feedback systems
    Proceedings of the 4th Allerton Conference on Circuit and System Theory, Monticello, Illinois, pages 836-848, 1966
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Journal Articles

2013    2012    2011    2010   
2009    2008    2007    2006    2005    2004    2003    2002    2001    2000
1999    1998    1997    1996    1995    1994    1993    1992    1991    1990
1989    1988    1987    1986    1985    1984    1983    1982    1981    1980
1979    1978    1977    1976    1975    1974    1973    1972    1971    1970
1969    1968   





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  • J.C. Willems
    From time series to linear system - Part I. Finite dimensional linear time invariant systems
    Volume 22, pages 561-580, 1986

  • J.C. Willems
    From time series to linear system - Part II. Exact modelling
    Volume 22, pages 675-694, 1986

  • J.C. Willems
    From time series to linear system - Part III. Approximate modelling
    Volume 23, pages 87-115, 1987
    The above three-part article received the AUTOMATICA PRIZE PAPER AWARD at the 10th triennial IFAC World Congress in Munich, July 1987. The award committee's citation reads:
    "These papers present a fresh theoretical view of systems modelling in a fundamental, precise, and elegant way. The first part condenses everything that has been learned about systems theory in the last twenty years in a most beautiful way. In the second and third part innovative ideas in identification are presented and worked out. They are considered to be the best theoretical papers that have been published anywhere during the past three years."

    A translation into Russian of these articles appeared in the book
    Teoriya Sistem: Matematicheskie Metody i Modelirovanie
    Translated by N.I. Osetinskii, MIR Publishing, Moscow, pages 8-191, 1989
  • J.C. Willems, A. Kitapçi, and L.M. Silverman
    Singular optimal control: A geometric approach
    SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
    Volume 24, pages 323-337, 1986

  • C.I. Byrnes and J.C. Willems
    Least squares estimation, linear programming and momentum:
    A geometric parametrization of local minima
    IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information
    Volume 3, pages 103-118, 1986

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  • K. Glover and J.C. Willems
    On the stability of numerical integration routines for ordinary differential equations
    Journal of the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications
    Volume 11, pages 171-180, 1973

  • J.C. Willems and R.W. Brockett
    Average value stability criteria for symmetric systems
    Ricerche di Automatica
    Volume 4, pages 87-108, 1973




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Chapters in Books and Festschrifts

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  • F. Fagnani and J.C. Willems
    Symmetries of differential systems
    Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and Control Science Edited by K.D. Elworthy, W.N. Everitt, and E.B. Lee
    Festschrift at the occasion of the 70-th birthday of Larry Markus
    Marcel Dekker, pages 491-504, 1993

  • J.C. Willems
    Feedback in a behavioral setting
    Systems, Models and Feedback: Theory and Applications
    Edited by A. Isidori and T.J. Tarn
    Festschrift at the occasion of the 65-th birthday of Antonio Ruberti
    Birkhäuser, pages 179-191, 1992

  • H.L. Trentelman and J.C. Willlems
    The dissipation inequality and the algebraic Riccati equation
    The Riccati Equation
    Edited by S. Bittanti, A.J. Laub, and J.C. Willems
    Springer Verlag, pages 197-242, 1991

  • J.C. Willems
    Dynamical systems, controllability, and observability: A post-modern point of view
    Mathematical System Theory: The Influence of Rudolf Kalman
    Edited by A.C. Antoulas
    Festschrift at the occasion of the 60-th birthday of R.E. Kalman
    Springer Verlag, pages 17-37, 1991
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  • J.C. Willems
    Controllability and observability in a new perspective
    Visiting Scholars' Lectures - 1989
    Texas Tech University, Mathematics Series, No. 16, pages 91-113, 1990

  • C. Heij and J.C. Willems
    A deterministic approach to approximate modelling
    From Data to Model
    Edited by J.C. Willems
    Springer Verlag, pages 49-134, 1989

  • J.C. Willems
    Pole placement
    Encyclopaedia of Systems and Control
    Pergamon Press, pages 3727-3734, 1987

  • J.C. Willems
    Systems sciences and physics
    Systems Sciences and Modelling
    Edited by A. Ruberti
    Reidel Publishing Co., pages 139-153, 1984

  • J.C. Willems
    Consequences of a dissipation inequality in the theory of dynamical systems
    Physical Structure in System Theory
    Edited by J.J. van Dixhoorn and F.J. Evans
    Academic Press, pages 193-218, 1974
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Articles that only appeared in Conference Proceedings, Summer School Lecture Notes, etc.

2013    2012    2011    2010
2009    2008    2007    2006    2005    2004    2003    2002    2001    2000
1999    1998    1997    1996    1995    1994    1993    1992    1991    1990
1989    1988    1987    1986    1985    1984    1983    1982    1981    1980
1979    1978    1977    1976    1975    1974    1973    1972    1971    1970
1969    1968    1967    1966   










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  • T. Cotroneo and J.C. Willems
    Controllability and observability of linear differential behaviors
    Proceedings of the 38th Conference on Decision and Control, Phoenix, AZ, pages 96-102, 1999

  • H.K. Pillai and J.C. Willems
    The behavioral approach to distributed systems
    Proceedings of the 36th Conference on Decision and Control, Phoenix, AZ, pages 626-631, 1999

  • T. Cotroneo and J.C. Willems
    Initial condition problem for high order linear differential systems
    Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC'99), Karlsruhe, pages 51-56, 1999

  • H.K. Pillai and J.C. Willems
    Optimal LQ-control for n-D systems
    Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC'99), Karlsruhe, pages 93-99, 1999

  • H.L. Trentelman and J.C. Willems
    A Pick matrix test for strict half-line dissipativity for linear differential systems
    Proceedings of the 14-th Triennial IFAC World Congress, Beijing, China, pages 345-350, 1999




  • J.C. Willems
    The birth of optimal control
    Proceedings of the 35th Conference on Decision and Control, Kobe, Japan, pages 1586-1587, 1996

  • J.C. Willems
    Modelling using manifest and latent variables
    Proceedings of the 35th Conference on Decision and Control, Kobe, Japan, pages 197-198, 1996

  • P. Rapisarda and J.C. Willems
    Model reduction by balancing from a behavioral point of view
    Proceedings of the 35th Conference on Decision and Control, Kobe, Japan, pages 694-699, 1996

  • H.L. Trentelman and J.C. Willems
    Control in a behavioral setting
    Proceedings of the 35th Conference on Decision and Control, Kobe, Japan, pages 1824-1829, 1996

  • H.L. Trentelman and J.C. Willems
    Positivity and storage functions for quadratic differential forms
    Proceedings of the 35th Conference on Decision and Control, Kobe, Japan, pages 3964-3969, 1996

  • P. Rapisarda and J.C. Willems
    From data to state model
    Identification, Adaptation, Learning: The Science of Learning Models From Data
    Edited by S. Bittanti and G. Picci
    Proceedings of an Advanced Study Institute held in Como, Italy, Springer Verlag, pages 184-245, 1996

  • J.C. Willems
    Fitting data sequences to linear systems
    Systems and Control in the Twenty-First Century
    Edited by C.I. Byrnes, B.N. Datta, D.S. Gilliam, C.F. Martin
    Proceedings of the Conference on Mathematical Theory of Systems and Networks, St Louis, 1996
    Progress in Systems and Control, Birkhäuser, pages 405-416, 1996


  • J.C. Willems
    A simple proof that n < m * p implies generic eigenvalue assignability by real memoryless output feedback
    Proceedings of the 34th Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, LA, pages 3253-3258, 1995

  • M. Kuijper and J.C. Willems
    On constructing a shortest linear recurrence relation
    Proceedings of the 34rd Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, LA, pages 3253-3258, 1995

  • J. Rosenthal, J.M. Schumacher, X.A. Wang, and J.C. Willems
    Generic eigenvalue assignment for generalized linear first order systems using memoryless real output feedback
    Proceedings of the 34th Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, LA, pages 492-497, 1995

  • K. Rudie and J.C. Willems
    Decentralized discrete-event systems and computational complexity
    in Discete Event Systems, Manufacturing Systems and Communication Networks
    Edited by P.R. Kumar and P.P. Varaiya
    Proceedings of a workshop held in Minneapolis, MN
    Springer Verlag, The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and Its Applications, Volume 73, pages 225-242, 1995

  • J.C. Willems
    Interconnection as the central concept in control
    Proceedings of the Conference on Control and Information, Hong Kong, pages 2202-206, 1995

  • J. Michalik and J.C. Willems
    On differential algebraic systems
    Proceedings of NOLCOS '95, Lake Tahoe, CA, pages 370-377, 1995

  • H.L. Trentelman and J.C. Willems
    A behavioral perspective of H -control
    Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC'95), Rome, pages 2232-2237, 1995

  • J. Michalik and J.C. Willems
    A new setting for differential algebraic systems
    Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC'95), Rome, pages 218-223, 1995

  • F. Fagnani and J.C. Willems
    Deterministic Kalman filtering in a behavioral setting
    Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC'95), Rome, pages 2525-2529, 1995
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  • J.C. Willems
    The concept of a dynamical system in control
    Proceedings of the 33rd Conference on Decision and Control, Orlando, FL, page 2099, 1994

  • J.C. Willems and H.L. Trentelman
    On quadratic differential forms
    Proceedings of the 33rd Conference on Decision and Control, Orlando, FL, pages 3690-3694, 1994

  • P. Rapisarda and J.C.Willems
    State maps for linear systems
    Proceedings of the 33rd Conference on Decision and Control, Orlando, FL, pages 2868-2873, 1994

  • P.M. Rocha and J.C. Willems
    Controllability of delay-differential systems
    Proceedings of the 33rd Conference on Decision and Control, Orlando, FL, pages 2894-2897, 1994

  • H.L. Trentelman and J.C. Willems
    H-control from a behavioral point of view
    Proceedings of the 33rd Conference on Decision and Control, Orlando, FL, pages 3695-3700, 1994

  • J. Michalik and J.C. Willems
    The elimination problem in differential algebraic systems
    Systems and Networks: Mathematical Theory and Applications
    Edited by U. Helmke, R. Mennicken, and J. Saurer
    Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Regensburg, Germany, Akademie Verlag, Volume 2, pages 357-360, 1994

  • J.C. Willems
    High order variational principles
    Systems and Networks: Mathematical Theory and Applications
    Edited by U. Helmke, R. Mennicken, and J. Saurer
    Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Regensburg, Germany, Akademie Verlag, Volume 2, pages 559-562, 1994

  • P. Rapisarda and J.C.Willems
    State maps for linear systems
    IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Copenhagen, 1994, Volume 3, pages 187-192, 1994


  • J.C. Willems
    LQ-Control: a behavioral approach
    Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Antonio, TX, pages 3664-3668, 1993

  • F. Fagnani and J.C. Willems
    Representations of symmetric systems
    Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC'93), Groningen, NL, pages 1790-1793, 1993

  • K. Rudie and J.C. Willems
    The computational complexity of decentralized discrete-event control problems
    Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC'93), Groningen, NL, pages 2185-2190, 1993


  • S. Pinzoni and J.C. Willems
    The dissipation inequality for systems described by high-order differential equations
    Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Tuczon, AZ, pages 1434-1440, 1992

  • J.C. Willems
    Controllability and observability in a new perspective
    Proceedings Operations Research '91 GMÖOR, Physica Verlag, pages 222-223, 1992

  • J.C. Willems and A.J. van der Schaft
    Remarks on the linearization around an equilibrium
    Proceedings IFAC Symposium NOLCOS '92, pages 391-392, 1992



  • J.C. Willems and J.W. Nieuwenhuis
    Continuity of latent variable models
    Proceedings of the 29th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Honolulu, Hawaii, pages 3369-3365, 1990

  • A.C. Antoulas, J.A. Ball, J. Kang, and J.C. Willems
    The solution of the rational interpolation problem: a summary
    Proceedings of the 29th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Honolulu, Hawaii, pages 3621-3322, 1990

  • C.I. Byrnes, A. Isidori and J.C. Wilems
    Stabilization and output regulation of nonlinear systems in the large
    Proceedings of the 29th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Honolulu, Hawaii, pages 3369-3365, 1990

  • J.C. Willems
    A framework for the study of dynamical systems
    Realization and Modelling in System Theory
    Edited by M.A. Kaashoek, J.H. van Schuppen, and A.C.M. Ran
    Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Birkhäuser, pages 43-60, 1990

  • P.M. Rocha and J.C. Willems
    A state representation for 2-D systems
    Realization and Modelling in System Theory
    Edited by M.A. Kaashoek, J.H. van Schuppen, and A.C.M. Ran
    Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Birkhäuser, pages 333-342, 1990

  • P.M. Rocha and J.C. Willems
    Markovian properties for 2-D systems
    Realization and Modelling in System Theory
    Edited by M.A. Kaashoek, J.H. van Schuppen, and A.C.M. Ran
    Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Birkhäuser, pages 343-350, 1990

  • A.C. Antoulas and J.C. Willems
    Minimal rational interpolation and Prony's method
    Analysis and Optimization of Systems
    Edited by A. Bensoussan and J.L. Lions
    Proceedings of the 9th INRIA Conference, Antibes, France
    Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Volume 83, pages 297-306, 1990

  • P.M. Rocha and J.C. Willems
    Controllability of delay-differential systems
    Analysis and Optimization of Systems
    Edited by A. Bensoussan and J.L. Lions
    Proceedings of the 9th INRIA Conference, Antibes, France
    Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Volume 83, pages 332-340, 1990
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  • J.C. Willems and F. Lamnabhi
    A note on the linearization around an equilibrium
    Proceedings of the 28th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Tampa, Florida, pages 2259-2261, 1989

  • J.C. Willems
    Some thoughts on modelling
    Newton to Aristotle: Toward a Theory of Models for Living Systems
    Edited by J. Casti and A. Karlquist
    Proceedings of a Workshop held in Abisko, Sweden, Birkhäuser, pages 91-120, 1989

  • J.C. Willems
    The linear matrix inequality
    Proceedings of the Workshop on the Riccati Equation in Control, Systems, and Signals, Como, Italy, Pitagora Editrice Bologna, pages 91-120, 1989

  • J.C. Willems
    Proceedings of the IFAC Workshop on System Structure and Control: State-space and Polynomial Methods, Prague, Czechoslovakia, pages 9-12, 1989


  • C. Heij and J.C. Willems
    Consistency analysis of approximate modelling procedures
    Linear Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing: Theory and Applications
    Edited by C.I. Byrnes, C.F. Martin, and R.E. Saeks
    Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Phoenix, Arizona, pages 445-456, 1988

  • J.W. Nieuwenhuis and J.C. Willems
    Duality for linear time invariant finite dimensional systems
    Analysis and Optimization of Systems
    Edited by A. Bensoussan and J.L. Lions
    Proceedings of the 9th INRIA Conference, Antibes, France
    Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Volume 111, pages 13-21, 1988

  • P.M. Rocha and J.C. Willems
    Deterministic Markovian 2-D systems
    Analysis and Optimization of Systems
    Edited by A. Bensoussan and J.L. Lions
    Proceedings of the 9th INRIA Conference, Antibes, France
    Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Volume 111, pages 1079-1090, 1988


  • J.C. Willems
    Paradigms and puzzles in modelling dynamical systems
    Proceedings of the 28th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Los Angeles, CA, pages 1645-1646, 1987.

  • J.C. Willems
    Unfalsified modelling in dynamical systems
    Modelling, Robustness and Sensitivity Reduction in Control Systems
    Edited by R.F. Curtain
    Proceedings of a Workshop held in Groningen, Springer Verlag, pages 197-209, 1987

  • J.C. Willems
    Modelling, approximation and complexity of linear systems
    Modelling, Identification and Robust Control
    Edited by C.I. Byrnes and A. Lindquist
    Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Stockholm, Sweden, pages 277-284, 1986
    Appeared also in Dynamical Systems
    Edited by A.B. Kurzhansky and K. Sigmund
    Proceedings of a Workshop held in Sopron, Hungary
    Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Volume 287, pages 129-136, 1987

  • J.C. Willems
    Modelling linear systems
    Preprints of the 10th IFAC World Congress, Münich, West-Germany, Volume 9, pages 1-10, 1987


  • J.C. Willems
    Symmetries in dynamical systems
    Proceedings of the 25th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Athens, Greece, pages 520-521, 1986

  • J.C. Willems
    Complexity and approximate modelling of dynamical systems
    Proceedings of the 25th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Athens, Greece, pages 789-790, 1986

  • J.C. Willems
    The geometric approach to control system design: A tutorial introduction to a few of the main ideas
    Proceedings of the 25th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Athens, Greece, pages 1277-1278, 1986

  • J.C. Willems
    Deducing the input/output and the input/state/output structure from the external behavior
    Proceedings of the 25th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Athens, Greece, pages 1936-1937, 1986

  • J.C. Willems and C. Heij
    Scattering theory and approximation of linear systems
    Modelling, Identification and Robust Control
    Edited by C.I. Byrnes and A. Lindquist
    Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Stockholm, Sweden, No. Holland Publishing Co., pages 397-414, 1986

  • J.C. Willems and C. Heij
    l2 -systems and their scattering representation
    Operator Theory and Systems
    Edited by H. Bart, I. Gohberg, and M.A. Kaashoek
    Proceedings of a Workshop held in Amsterdam, Birkhäuser, pages 443-448, 1986

  • J.W. Nieuwenhuis and J.C. Willems
    Deterministic ARMA models
    Analysis and Optimization of Systems
    Edited by A. Bensoussan and J.L. Lions
    Proceedings of the 8th INRIA Conference, Antibes, France
    Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Volume 83, pages 429-439, 1986

  • J.C. Willems
    Models for dynamical phenomena
    Dynamical Systems - A Renewal of Mechanism
    Edited by S. Diner, D. Fargue, G. Lochak
    Proceedings of a Conference held in Peyresq, France, World Scientific Publishing Co., pages 29-42, 1986


  • J.C. Willems
    An approach to exact and approximate modeling of time series
    Proceedings of a Workshop held in Bowdoin, Maine, Contemporary Mathematics, Volume 47, pages 479-490, 1985

  • J.C. Willems
    An algorithm for a state space realization of an arbitrary time series
    Proceedings of the 24th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, pages 414-415, 1985

  • J.C. Willems
    From time series to linear system
    The Road-Vehicle-System and Related Mathematics
    Edited by H. Neunzert
    Proceedings of a Workshop held in Lambrecht, West Germany, Teubner Verlag, pages 231-233, 1985
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  • J.C. Willems
    Modelling a time series by a linear time-invariant system
    Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems
    Edited by P.A. Fuhrmann
    Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems,
    Beer Sheva, Israel
    Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Volume 58, pages 899-902, 1984

  • J.C. Willems and C.I. Byrnes
    Global adaptive stabilization in the absence of information on the sign of the high frequency gain
    Analysis and Optimization of Systems
    Edited by A. Bensoussan and J.L. Lions
    Proceedings of the 6th INRIA Conference, Nice, France
    Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Volume 62, pages 49-57, 1984

  • J.C. Willems and M. Ikeda
    Decentralized stabilization of large-scale interconnected systems
    Analysis and Optimization of Systems
    Edited by A. Bensoussan and J.L. Lions
    Proceedings of the 6th INRIA Conference, Nice, France
    Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Volume 62, pages 236-244, 1984

  • A.J. van der Schaft and J.C. Willems
    Stochastic realization of spectral density matrices which may possess symmetries
    Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Las Vegas, Nevada, pages 1484-1577, 1984

  • C.I. Byrnes and J.C. Willems
    Adaptive stabilization of multivariable linear systems
    Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Las Vegas, Nevada, pages 1574-1577, 1984


  • J.C. Willems
    Les espaces presque-invariants (in French)
    Outils Mathématiques pour l'Automatique, l'Analyse de Systèmes et le Traitement du Signal
    Edited by I.D. Landau)
    Proceedings of a Conference held in Belle Isle, France, Éditions du CNRS, Paris, Volume 3, pages 177-219, 1983

  • J.C. Willems
    The geometric approach in linear systems: achievements, comparison, and open problems
    Outils Mathématiques pour l'Automatique, l'Analyse de Systèmes et le Traitement du Signal
    Edited by I.D. Landau
    Proceedings of a Conference held in Belle Isle, France, Éditions du CNRS, Paris, Volume 3, pages 425-446, 1983

  • J.C. Willems
    High gain feedback control synthesis
    Singular Perturbations in Systems and Control
    Edited by M.D. Ardema)
    Proceedings of a Conference held in Udine, Italy
    Springer Verlag CISM Courses and Lectures Series, Volume 280, pages 185-189, 1983


  • J.C. Willems and A.J. van der Schaft
    Modeling of dynamical systems using external and internal variables with applications to Hamilton systems
    Dynamical Systems and Microphysics
    Edited by A. Avez, A. Blaquière, and A. Marzollo
    Proceedings of a Symposium held in Udine, Italy, Academic Press, pages 268-284, 1982

  • J.C. Willems
    Approximate disturbance decoupling by measurement feedback
    Feedback Control of Linear and Nonlinear Systems
    Edited by D. Hinrichsen and A. Isidori
    Proceedings of a Workshop held in Bielefeld, West-Germany, and Rome, Italy
    Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Volume 39, pages 268-284, 1982


  • J.C. Willems
    Time reversibility in dynamical systems
    Stochastic Nonlinear Systems in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology
    Edited by L. Arnold and R. Lefever
    Proceedings of a Symposium held in Bielefeld, West-Germany, Springer Verlag, pages 232-233, 1981

  • M. Hazewinkel and J.C. Willems
    An annotated navigation chart and sketch of the main themes of this volume and their interrelations
    Stochastic Systems: The Mathematics of Filtering and Identification and Applications
    Edited by M. Hazewinkel and J.C. Willems
    Proceedings of an Advanced Study Institute held in Les Arcs, France, Reidel, pages 3-28, 1981

  • J.C. Willems
    The LQG-problem: A brief tutorial introduction
    Stochastic Systems: The Mathematics of Filtering and Identification and Applications
    Edited by M. Hazewinkel and J.C. Willems
    Proceedings of an Advanced Study Institute held in Les Arcs, France, Reidel, pages 29-44, 1981

  • J.C. Willems
    Design of high integrity multivariable control systems
    Proceedings of the AGARD Lecture Series No. 117: Multivariable Analysis and Design Techniques, pages 7.1-7.10, 1981

  • J.C. Willems
    Almost invariant subspaces: An approach to high gain feedback design
    Proceedings of the 20th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, CA, pages 1022-1023, 1981

  • J.C. Willems
    Modeling and representation of dynamical systems defined in terms of external variables
    Proceedings of the 20th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, CA, pages 1326-1330, 1981


  • J.C. Willems
    Almost A(mod B)-invariant subspaces
    Proceedings of a Workshop held in Bordeaux, France
    Astérisque, Analyse des Systèmes, Volume 75-76, pages 239-248, 1980

  • J.C. Willems
    System theoretic foundations for modelling physical systems
    Dynamical Systems and Microphysics
    Edited by A. Blaquière, F. Fer, and A. Marzollo
    Proceedings of a Symposium held in Udine, Italy
    Springer Verlag CISM Courses and Lectures Series, Volume 261, pages 279-289, 1980

  • J.C. Willems
    Some remarks on the concept of information state
    Analysis and Optimization of Stochastic Systems
    Edited by O.L.R. Jacobs, M.H.A. Davis, M.A.H. Dempster, C.J. Harris, and P.C. Parks
    Proceedings of a Conference held in Oxford, England Academic Press, pages 285-295, 1980

  • J.C. Willems and J.H. Van Schuppen
    Stochastic systems and the problem of state space realization
    Geometrical Methods for the Theory of Linear Systems
    Edited by C.I. Byrnes and C.F. Martin
    Proceedings of an Advanced Study Institute held in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Reidel, pages 283-313, 1980

  • J.C. Willems
    Almost noninteracting control design using dynamic state feedback
    Analysis and Optimization of Systems
    Edited by A. Bensoussan and J.L. Lions
    Proceedings of the 4th INRIA Conference, Versailles, France
    Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Volume 28, pages 555-561, 1980
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  • R.W. Brockett and J.C. Willems
    Stochastic control and the second law of thermodynamics
    Proceedings of the 18th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, California, pages 1007-1011, 1978

  • J.C. Willems
    Time reversibility in deterministic and stochastic dynamical systems
    Recent Developments in Variable Structure Systems, Economics, and Biology
    Edited by R.R. Mohler and A. Ruberti
    Proceedings of a Workshop held in Toarmina, Italy
    Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Volume 162, pages 318-326, 1978


  • J.C. Willems
    Stability of large scale interconnected systems
    Directions in Large Scale Systems - Many Person Optimization and Decentralized Control
    Edited by Y.C. Ho and S.K. Mitter
    Proceedings of a Symposium held in Wakefield, Massachusetts, Plenum Press, pages 401-410, 1976


  • J.C. Willems and W.H. Hesselink
    Generic properties of the pole placement problem
    Proceedings of the 7th IFAC World Congress, Helsinki, Finland, pages 1725-1729, 1975


  • K. Glover and J.C. Willems
    Parameter identifiability of linear dynamical systems
    Proceedings of the Symposium on Parameter Estimation Techniques and Applications in Aircraft Flight Testing, NASA Flight Research Center, Edwards, California, 1973

  • K. Glover and J.C. Willems
    On the identifiability of linear dynamical systems
    Proceedings of the 3rd IFAC Symposium on Identification and System Paramater Estimation, Den Haag, pages 867-870, 1973


  • J.C. Willems
    1. Dissipative dynamical systems: General theory;
    2. Dissipative dynamical systems: Linear systems with quadratic supply rates;
    3. Mechanism for the stability and instability in dynamical systems;
    4. Stability, instability, invertibility and causality.
    Séminaires IRIA, Analyse et Contrôle de Systèmes, IRIA, Rocquencourt, France, pages 197-202, 203-212, 213-219, 221-226, 1972

  • R.W. Brockett and J.C. Willems
    Average value criteria for stochastic stability
    The Stability of Stochastic Dynamical Systems
    Edited by R.F. Curtain
    Proceedings of an IUTAM Symposium held at the University of Warwick, England
    Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Mathematics, Volume 294, pages 252-272, 1972

  • J.C. Willems
    Minimal realization in state space form from input/output data
    Proceedings of the Summer School on Theory and Practice of System Modelling and Identification, Toulouse, France,
    Edited by M. Pelegrin
    pages 1-25, 1972
    Appeared also in Systeemleer
    Edited by H.F.J.M. Buffart and J.H.L. Oud
    Proceedings of a Summer Course held in Nijmegen, Stenfert Kroese, Leiden, pages 22-58, 1975

  • J.C. Willems and H. Vandevenne
    A theory of dissipative dynamical systems
    Network and Signal Theory
    Edited by K.J. Skwirzinski and J.O. Scanlan)
    Proceedings of an Advanced Study Institute held in Bournemouth, England, Peter Pelegrinus Publishing Co., pages 514-519, 1972

  • J.C. Willems
    Mechanisms for the stability and instability in interconnected systems
    Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, Louisiana, pages 118-121, 1972


  • J.C. Willems
    Stationary covariance generation via the algebraic Riccati equation
    Proceedings of the 4th UKAC Control Convention,Manchester, England, pages 1-6, 1971


  • J.C. Willems
    Basic concepts in decision theory
    Proceedings of the SRC Seminar on Mathematics for Control, Cambridge, England, pages 119-127, 1970


  • J.C. Willems
    A survey of stability of distributed parameter systems
    Control of Distributed Parameter Systems
    Edited by M. Athans
    Special Publication of the 1969 Joint Automatic Control Conference, Boulder, Colorado, pages 63-102, 1969

  • J.C. Willems
    The stability of distributed parameter systems
    Proceedings of the 1969 Joint Automatic Control Conference, Boulder, Colorado, pages 63-64, 1969


  • J.C. Willems
    Perturbation theory for the analysis of instability in nonlinear feedback systems
    Proceedings of the 4th Allerton Conference on Circuit and System Theory, Monticello, Illinois, pages 836-848, 1966
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Edited Books

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