Ph.D. studenten en postdocs

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Ph.D.Students en postdocs

  • Former Ph.D. students (chronologically)
    • Jan Van Impe
      • Ph.D. 1993
      • Modeling and optimal adaptive control of biotechnological processes
      • Current position : Professor at Katholieke Universiteit Levuen, Chemical Engineering
    • Johan David
      • Ph.D. 1994
      • Funding : FWO Ph.D. grant
      • Algorithms for Analysis and Design of Robust Controllers
      • Current Position : R&D engineer at NXP semiconductors, Leuven
    • Jianbin Hao
      • Ph.D. 1994
      • Funding Ph.D. grant Research council K.U.Leuven
      • Design of Neural Networks with Applications to Associative Memories, Identification and Control
      • Current position :  Vice-President Engineering & Chief Architect, Analogix Semiconduction Inc.
    • Dirk Thierens
      • Ph.D. 1995
      • Analysis and Design of Genetic Algorithms
      • Current position : Research Fellow, University of Utrecht, Genetische Algoritmen, The Netherlands
    • Johan Suykens
      • Ph.D. 1995
      • Artificial Neural Networks for Modeling and Control of Nonlinear Systems
      • Current position : Professor at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, ESAT
    • Peter Van Overschee
    • Yi Cheng
      • Ph.D. 1995
      • Funding Ph.D. grant Research Council K.U.Leuven
      • Robustness Analysis and Controller Design for Systems with Structured Uncertainties
      • Current position : Dynamic Control Systems, inc., Delta, Canada
    • Geert Schelfhout
      • Ph.D. 1996
      • Funding : FWO Ph.D. Grant
      • Model Reduction for Control Design
        Full Text - Abstract 
      • Current Position : R&D engineer with Arcelor-Mittal, Gent
    • Bart De Schutter
      • Ph.D. 1996
      • Funding FWO Ph.D. grant
      • Max-algebraic system theory for discrete event systems
        Full Text - Abstract
      • Current position : Professor at T.U.Delft, The Netherlands
    • Paul Vanvuchelen
      • Ph.D. 1997
      • Funding: IWT research project
      • Virtual engineering for design and control of continuously variable transmissions
      • Current position : Chief Research Officer at Arcelor-Mittal, Genk
    • Lieven De Lathauwer
      • Ph.D. 1997
      • Funding IWT Ph.D. Grant
      • Signal Processing based on Multilinear Algebra
        Full Text - Abstract
      • Current position : Professor at K.U.Leuven,  Campus Kortrijk
    • Vincent Ryckaert
      • Ph.D. 1998
      • Funding : IWT Ph.D. Grant
      • Model based optimisation and control of Bioprocesses
    • Philippe Lemmerling
      • Ph.D. 1999
      • Funding IWT Ph.D. Grant
      • Structured Total Least Squares : analysis, algorithms and applications
        Full Text - Abstract
      • Current position : consultant
    • Wouter Favoreel
      • Ph.D. 1999
      • Funding IWT Ph.D. Grant
      • Subspace methods for identification and control of linear and bilinear systems
        Full Text - Abstract
      • Current position : R&D engineering at Trafficon NV
    • Jairo Espinosa
      • Ph.D. 2001
      • Fuzzy modelling and control
      • Current position : Ass. Prof. at Univ. Nactional de Colombia, Fac. de Minas
    • Tony Van Gestel
      • Ph.D. 2002
      • Funding FWO Ph.D.Grant
      • From linear to kernel based methods in classification, modelling and prediction
      • Current position: Research and Development Engineer at Dexia
    • Katrien De Cock
      • Ph.D.2002
      • Funding IWT PhD Grant
      • Principal angles in system theory, information theory and signal processing
        Full text - Abstract
    • Frank Verstraete
    • Axel Nackaerts
      • PhD May 2003
      • Funding: IWT PhD Grant
      • Sound synthesis by simulation of physical models of musical instruments
        Full Text - Abstract
      • Current position: IMEC, Program Manager Artificial Intelligence
    • Tom Bellemans
      • PhD May 2003
      • Funding: DWTC project
      • Traffic control on motorways
        Full Text - Abstract
      • Current position: University of Hasselt
    • Gert Thijs
      • PhD June 2003
      • Funding: IWT PhD grant
      • Probabilistic methods to search for regulatory elements in sets of coregulated genes
        Full Text - Abstract
      • Current position: R&D engineer at Silicos
    • Stein Aerts
      • PhD May 2004
      • Funding: IWT projects
      • Computational discovery of cis-regulatory modules in animal genomes
        Full Text - Abstract
      • Current position: Postdoc at Centrum Menselijke Erfelijkheid, U.Z. Gasthuisberg
    • Frank De Smet
      • PhD May 2004
      • Funding: FWO projects
      • Microarrays: Algorithms for Knowledge Discovery in Oncology and Molecular Biology
        Full Text - Abstract - Slides
      • Current position: Directorate Christelijke Mutualiteit
    • Bart Hamers
      • PhD June 2004
      • Funding: IWT PhD Grant
      • Kernel Models for Large Scale Applications
        Full Text - Abstract
      • Current position: Credit Risk Analyst at Dexia Group
    • Patrick Glenisson
      • PhD June 2004
      • Funding: FWO projects
      • Integrating Scientific Literature with large scale gene expression analysis
        Full Text - Abstract
      • Current position: Consultant at Accenture
    • Geert Fannes
      • PhD June 2004
      • Funding: FWO PhD Grant
      • Bayesian learning with expert knowledge: Transforming informative priors between Bayesian networks and multilayer perceptrons
        Full Text - Abstract
      • Current position: Ikan Consultung
    • Tijl De Bie
      • Ph.D. 2004
      • Semi-supervised learning based on kernel methods and graph cut algorithms
        Full Text - Abstract - Slides
      • Current position : Department of Engineering Mathematics, University of Bristol, UK
    • Kristiaan Pelckmans
      • Ph.D. 2005
      • Primal-dual Kernel Machines
        Full Text - Abstract
      • Current position : Research fellow at Uppsala University, Dept. Information Technology, Sweden
    • Kristof Engelen
      • Ph.D. 2005
      • Normalizing microarray data : estimating absolute expression levels
        Full Text - Abstract
      • Current position : postdoc at K.U.Leuven, CMPG
    • Maarten Van den Nest
      • Ph.D. 2005
      • Local equivalence of stabilizer states and codes
        Full Text - Abstract
      • Current position : Junior Scientist, Institut für Quantenoptik und Quanten Information, Inssbruck, Austria
    • Oscar Mendoza Barrero
      • Ph.D. 2005
      • Data Assimilation in magnetohydrodynamics systems using Kalman filtering
        Full Text - Abstract - Slides
      • Current position : Professor at University of Ibagué, Colombia
    • Ivan Markovsky
      • Ph.D. 2005
      • Exact and approximate modeling in the behavioral setting
        Published as book - Abstract - Slides
        (received the second Alston Househoulder Prize (Honorable Mention), 2008)
      • Current position : Professor at University of Southampton, Signal, Images, Systems, School of Electronics and Computer Science
    • Ivan Goethals
      • Ph.D. 2005
      • Subspace identification for linear, Hammerstein and Hammerstein-Wiener systems
        Full Text - Abstract - Slides
      • Current position : credit portfolio risk modeler with Fortis
    • Bert Pluymers
      • Ph.D. 2005
      • Robust model based predictive control - an invariant set approach
        Full Text - Abstract
      • Current position :  Research Engineer at IPCOS
    • Qizheng Sheng
      • Ph.D. 2005
      • Gibbs sampling on Bayesian models for biclustering microarray data
        Full Text - Abstract
      • Current position : Alltran, Paris
    • Joke Allemeersch
      • Ph.D. 2006
      • Statistical analysis of microarray data : Applications in platform comparison, compendium data and array CGH
        Full Text - Abstract
      • Current position : Senior Researcher, MAF, VIB
    • Bert Coessens
    • Steffen Durinck
      • Ph.D. 2006
      • Microarray compendia and their implications for bioinformatics software development
      • Current position : National Health Institute, USA
    • Marcelo Espinoza
      • Ph.D. 2006
      • Structured Kernel Based Modelling and its Applications to Electric Load Forecasting
        Full Text - Abstract - Slides
      • Current position: Senior Analyst, Risk Assessment and Liability Management, GDF Suez, Energy Europe and International
    • Sven Maerivoet
    • Pieter Monsieurs
      • Ph.D. 2006
      • Motif detection in prokaryotes based on comparative genomics
        Full Text - Abstract
      • Current position : Research engineer at Studiecentrum voor Kernenergie (SCK)
    • Nathalie Pochet
      • Ph.D. 2006
      • Microarray data analysis using support vector machines and kernel methods
        Full Text - Abstract
      • Current position : Postdoc at Univ. Gent, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
    • Ruth Van Hellemont
      • Ph.D. 2006
      • Motif detection in vertebrates based on comparative genomics
        Full Text - Abstract
    • Frizo Janssens
      • Ph.D. 2007
      • Clustering of scientific fields by integrating text mining and bibliometrics
        Full Text - Abstract
    • Steven Gillijns
      • Ph.D. 2007
      • Kalman filtering techniques for system inversion and data assimilation
        Full Text - Abstract - Slides
      • Current position : Research Flanders Mechatronics Center
    • Erik Hostens
    • Peter Antal
      • Ph.D. 2008
      • Integrative analysis of data, literature and expert knowledge by Bayesian networks
        Full Text - Abstract - Slides
      • Current position : Budapest Univ. Technology and Economics, Fac. Electrical Engineering & Informatics. Dept. Measurement and Information Systems
    • Tom Van Herpe
      • Ph.D. 2008
      • Blood glucose control in crictically ill patients : Design of assessment procedures and a control system
        Full Text - Abstract - Slides (part 1 - part 2)
      • Current position : Postdoc KULeuven, ESAT/SCD  and CME
      • Pers : Diabets Info : tête-a-tête, juli-augustus, 2012 - Reuters Health
    • Peter Van Loo
      • Ph.D. 2008
      • Systems biology : identification of regulatory regions and disease causing genes and mechanisms
        Full Text - Abstract - Slides
    • Bart Vanluyten
      • Ph.D. 2008
      • Realization, identification and filtering for hidden Markov models using matrix factorization
        Full Text - Abstract - Slides
    • Karen Lemmens
      • Ph.D. 2008
      • Reconstruction of regulatory modules based on heterogeneous data sources
      • Current position : Cropdesign NV, Zwijnaarde
    • Olivier Gevaert
      • Ph.D. 2008
      • A Bayesian network integration framework for modeling biomedical data
        Full text - Abstract - Slides
      • Current position : Assisstant Professor of Medicine, Stanford University
    • Tim Van den Bulcke
      • PhD. May 2009
      • Robust algorithms for inferring regulatory networks based on gene expression measurements and biological prior information
        Full Text - Abstract - Slides
      • Current position : Projectleider op de dienst i-ICT van het Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen
    • Steven Van Vooren
      • PhD Sept. 2009
      • Data Mining for molecular karyotyping : linked analysis of array-CCH data and biomedical text
        Full Text - Abstract - Slides
      • Current Position :Spin-off K.U.Leuven (Cartagenia)
    • Mauricio Agudelo
      • PhD November 2009
      • The application of proper orthogonal decomposition to the control of tubular reactors
        Full Text - Abstract - Slides
      • Current position : postdoc K.U.Leuven, SCD (SISTA)
    • Shi Yu
      • PhD November 2009
      • Kernel-based data fusion for machine learning : methods and applications in bioinformatics and text mining.
        Full Text - Abstract - Slides
      • Current position : Postdoctoral scholar at the Institute for Genomics and Systems Biology, Dept. Medicine, University of Chicago, Knapp Center for Biomedical Discovery, USA
    • Tom Coen
      • 2009
      • Model-based predictive control to increase the capacity of harvesting machinery in uncertain conditions
    • Hui Zhao
      • PhD March 2010
      •  Preprocessing and biclustering of high-throughput expression data
        Full Text - Abstract
    • Raf Van de Plas
      • PhD May 2010
      • Tissue Based Proteomics and Biomarker Discovery - Multivariate Data Mining Strategies for Mass Spectral Imaging
      • Full Text - Abstract - Slides
      • Current Position: Postdoc at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, USA
    • Anneleen Daemen
      • PhD May 2010
      • Design of clinical decision support systems for cancer based upon clinical and molecular data
        Full Text - Abstract - Slides
      • Current Position : postdoc researcher at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Life Sciences Division, Dept. of Cancer & DNA Damage Responses, USA
    • Toni Barjas Blanco
      • PhD September 2010
      • The river Demer controlled by MPC
        Full Text - Abstract - Slides
    • Riet De Smet
    • Valerie Storms
      • PhD Maart 2011
      • Detection of regulartory motifs based on coexpression and phylogenetic footprinting
        Full Text - Abstract - Slides
    • Kris De Brabanter
      • PhD April 2011
      • Least Squares Support Vector Regression with Applications to Large-Scale Data : A statistical Approach
        Full Text - Abstract - Slides
      • Current position: Postdoc at K.U.Leuven, SCD (SISTA)
    • Léon-Charles Tranchevent
      • PhD May 2011
      • Gene prioritization through genomic data fusion.  Methods and applications in human genetics
        Full Text - Abstract - Slides
    • Fabian Ojeda
      • PhD May 2011
      • Kernel based methods for microarray and mass spectrometry data analysis
        Full Text - Abstract - Slides
      • Current position : KBC bank
    • Julian Bonilla
      • PhD May 2011
      • Structure and convexity exploitation of nonlinear chemical process modeling and estimation
        Full Text - Abstract
    • Hong Sun
      • PhD Jul. 2011
      • Computational discovery of cis-regulatory modules based on itemset mining
        Full Text - Abstract - Slides
    • Niels Haverbeke
    • Xinhai Liu
      • PhD Sept. 2011
      • Learning for multi-view data : clustering algorithm and text-mining application
        Full Text - Abstract  - Slides
    • Peyman Zarrineh
    • Toon Van Gorp
      • 2012
      • The evalution of new biomarkers in gynaecological tumours.  The emerging role of proteomics.
    • Tillmann Falck
      • April 2013
      • Nonlinear system identification using structured kernel based modeling
        Full Text - Abstract
    • Maarten Breckpot
      • July 2013
      • Flood control of river systems with Model Predictive Control
        Full Text - Abstract - Slides
      • winnaar EOS-prijs en agoria-prijs met zijn scriptie "Overstromingsbeheersing van de Demer met Model Predictieve Controle”
        Foto's prijsuitreiking - Filmpje 5 laureaten
        meer info hier
    • Kim Batselier
    • Philippe Dreesen
    • Bart Huyck
      • September 2013
      • Model preditieve regeling in de chemische procesindustrie op industriële regelaars
        Full Text - Abstract - Slides
    • Arnaud Installé
    • Dusan Popovic
      • October 2014
      • A computational framework for prioritization of disease-causing mutations
        Full Text - Abstract - Slides
    • Nico Verbeeck
      • December 2014
      • Datamining of Imaging Mass Spectrometry Data for Biomedical Tissue Exploration
        Full TextAbstract
    • Marc Claesen
    • Minta Thomas
      • April 2017
      • Deeping the methodology behind data integration and dimensionality reduction.  Applications in life sciences
      • Full Text - Abstract - Slides
      • Current position : Post-doc research fellow at Fredhutch Cancer Research Center
    • Oliver Lauwers
      • January 2021
      • Time Series Clustering
    • Tina Smets
      • October 2021
      • Manifold learning for visualization, prioritization, and data fusion of Mass Spectrometry Imaging data
    • Xi Shi
      • December 2021
      • An automated clinical decision support system with better interpretability
    • Thibaut Vaulet
      • February 2022
      • Data-driven Diagnostic Decision Support Systems: a Secondary Use for Early Pregnancy and Kidney Transplant Databases
      • Algorithm for classification of kidney transplant pathology, with automatic calculation of an "activity index" and "chronicity index".

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Postdocs and Visiting Guest Professors

  • Dr. José Ramos
    • 1993-1995
    • Funding : Research Council, K.U.Leuven
    • Current : professor, Purdue, USA
    • Keywords : System identification
  • Dr. Soren Jensen
    • 1995-1996
    • Funding : Postdoc EU Human Capital and Mobility
    • Current :  Professor, Denmark
    • Keywords : Signal processing
  • Dr. Li Baibing
    • 1997-1999
    • Funding : Postdoc research fellow Research Council, K.U.Leuven
    • Current : Professor University of Newcastle, U.K.
    • Keywords : Traffic modelling and control
  • Dr. Delin Chu
    • 1999-2000
    • Funding postdoc research council K.U.Leuven
    • Current : Professor at National University of Singapore
    • Keywords : Generalized SVD
  • Dr. Remco Devries
    • 1996-1998
    • Funding : Postdoc TMR Alapedes
    • Current : Teacher, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    • Keywords : Traffic modelling and control
  • Dr. Santiago Egido
    • 1998-2000
    • Funding : Postdoc TMR Alapedes
    • Keywords : Traffic modelling and control
  • Dr. Nickolay Trandafilov
    • 1998-1999
    • Visitor
    • Keywords : Numerical linear algebra
  • Dr. Koenraad Audenaert
    • 1999-2002
    • Funding : Postdoc on projects
    • Quantum Information Theory
    • Current :  Professor University of London, Dept. Mathematics
  • Dr. Mik Staes
    • 2001-2002
    • Funding : Postdoc on projects
    • Current : Terumo Europe
    • Keywords : bioinformatics
  • Dr. Alexander Kukush
    • 2001-2002
    • Visitor
    • Keywords : Numerical linear algebra
  • Prof. Jan Willems
  • Prof. Hugo Woerdeman
    • 2001-2002
    • Guest Professor
    • Keywords : Systems and control
  • Prof. A.C. Antoulas
    • 2003
    • Guest Professor
    • Keywords : Systems and Control
  • Prof. Danny Sorensen
    • 2003
    • Guest Professor
    • Keywords : Numerical linear algebra
  • Prof. Michael Overton
    • 2008
    • Guest Professor
    • Keywords : Optimization
  • Prof. Erik Verriest
    • 2008
    • Guest Professor
    • Keywords : Systems and control
  • Dr. Bert Coessens
    • 2001-2008
    • Funding : Postdoc on Bioscope-IT
    • Keywords : Bioinformatics
  • Dr. Lieven Thorrez
    • 2007-2010
    • Funding : postdoc on SymBioSys
    • Keywords : Bioinformatics
  • Dr. Kristiaan Pelckmans
    • 2000-2010
    • Postdoc position at Upsalla, Sweden
    • Keywords : Support vector machines
  • Dr. Inge Thijs2017present
    • Research Manager
    • IBBT-K.U.Leuven Future Health Department
  • Dr. Steven Vandeput
    • 2010-2018
    • Research Manager
    • IBBT-K.U.Leuven Future Health Department

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ex-PhD students (zonder doctoraat)

Willem Minten (1991-1999) ; Christiaan Moons (1991-1995) ; Jan Briers (1993-1996) ; Wim Van Brempt (1994-1997); Peter De Gersem (1995-1997) ; Herman Verrelst (1996-2001) ; Stan De Schepper (1995-1997) ; Sam Raspoet (1998-2000) ; Ana Isabel Guttierez (1999-2002) ; Emil Muresan (2000-2006) ; Sven Vranckx (2001-2005) ; Wim Ermans (1999-2000) ; Tom Schouten (1998-2001) ; Johan Cambré (1996-2000) ; Steven Bex (2001-2004) ; Dries Van Dromme (2001-2006) ; Maarten Duhoux (1999-2002) ; Jelle Geerits (2000-2002) ; Bert Schiettecatte (2002-2003) ; Evelyne Dewitte (2002-2005) ; Xander Warnez (2006-2007) ; Thomas Dhollander (2004-2008) ; Kevin Bruggeman (2008), Jeroen Boets (2003-2008), Wouter Van Delm (2004-2008), Liesbeth Van Oeffelen (2006-2009), Michaël Peeters (2009), Peter Clerinx (2008-2010), Pieter Schuddinck (2008-2011), Adefioye Adeshola (2007-2012), Antoine Vandermeesch (2014-2015), Peter Roelants (2014-2015), Brecht Coghe (205-2016)

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Ph.D. Jury Member

  • K.U.Leuven
    • 1989 : Herman Van de Straete
    • 1990 : Marc Moonen
    • 1991 : Jan Vanderschoot, Johan Nuyts, Guido Tijskens
    • 1992 : Jan Swevers, Lieven Vandenberghe
    • 1993 : Colin Price, Marc Engels, Chwan-Hsen Chen
    • 1994 : Pieter Vandenabeele, Patrick Dejagere
    • 1995 : Dirk Torfs, Filiep Vanpoucke, Jeroen Dehaene, Johansson Tor-Björn,
    • 1996 : Karl Meerbergen
    • 1998 : Jean-Marie Vandeursen, Indrawanto, Karl Meerbergen, Yves Moreau, Gorik De Samblanckx, Stefaan Van Haute
    • 1999 : Piet Vandaele, Geert Uytterhoeve, Karl Janssens, Herman Van de Straete
    • 2000 : Geert Leus, Jan Anthonis, Bart Peeters
    • 2001 : Kathleen Van Acker, Jairo Espinosa, Bashir Nouri. Nicola Mastronardi
    • 2002 : Koen Eneman, Ilse Smets, Wim Michiels
    • 2003 : Geert Rombouts, Kris Verstreken, Steven Logghe, Piet Van Assche, Kurt Stockman, Vincent Lampaert , Serban Catalin Dragu
    • 2004 : Geert Ysebaert, Bram Demeulenaere, Wim Symens, Olivier Rousseaux
    • 2005 : Luc Hoegaerts, Patrick Van Gucht, Els Vanbleu, David Vaes, Konrad Purchala,
    • 2006 : M. Schuermans, Thong Vu Van, Diana Sima
    • 2007 : Yperman Isaak, Michiel Debruyne, Kris Smolders
    • 2008 : Filip Logist, Tom Coen (werktuigkunde, co-promotor)
    • 2009 : Joris Vertommen, Dirk Depril, Carlos Alzate (promotor J. Suykens), Tom Coen, Tillman Falck, Ernesto Iaccuci, Léon Tranchevent
    • 2010 : Abeer Fadda, Edwin Reynders
    • 2011 : Joris D'Hondt, Marco Signoretto (promotor J. Suykens), Daniela Nitsch (Promotor Y. Moreau)
    • 2012 : David Bekaert (Promotor : R. Belmans, G. Dekonick), Kris Van Hees (promotor : J. Engelen), Meng Sun (Promotor H. Van hamme)
    • 2013 : Ernesto Iacucci (Promotor Y. Moreau en C. Verfaillie), Jiqiu Cheng (Promotor : Y. Moreau)
    • 2014 : Marleen Claeys (Promotor K. Marchal), Roel Henckaerts (genomineerde Vlaamse Scriptieprijs)
  • andere universiteiten
    • 1992 : Hugo Van Hamme (VUB, Brussels)
    • 1993 : Liang Wang (Mons)
    • 1994 : Heinz Falkus (TU Eindhoven), Richard Hakvoort (TU Delft)
    • 1996 : Victor Sorin Grigorascu (Paris),
    • 1997 : Francky Debruyne (UCL), Thierry Bastogne (Nancy), Nelson Chui (Cambridge), Magnus Jansson (opponent, Stockholm)
    • 1999 : Maurice Heemels (TU Eindhoven)
    • 2000 : Benoit Codrons (UCL)
    • 2001 : Mehmet Kanat Camlibel (K.U. Brabant, The Netherlands), Thomas De Hoog (T.U. Delft, The Netherlands)
    • 2002 : Mario Balenovic (TU Eindhoven), Peter Verboven (VUB) , Karel J.G. Hinnen (T.U. Delft)
    • 2003 : Pierre-Antoine Absil (Liege)
    • 2004 : Bart Cauberghe (VUB), Hugo Cornelis (UA), A.A. Tyagunov (T.U. Eindhoven)
    • 2007 : Karl Hinten (TU Delft)
    • 2008 : K.J.G. Hinnen
    • 2015 : Alejandro Bahnsen
    • 2016 : Mihaly Varadi (VUB)

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Master theses @ K.U.Leuven

  • Promotor van meer dan 120 master thesissen in verschillende faculteiten (onderstaande lijst is niet volledig)
    • Ingenieurswetenschappen (WIT), Master of Artificial Intelligence, Bio-Ingenieurswetenschappen, Statistics, Electrical Engineering 

  • 2023-2024
    • Filing the gaps in time-series : Generative models applied to air-quality data imputation
      Barouyr Demirjian, Luis Caminal Diaz
    • Probabilistic electricity consumption and peak forecasting : is deep learning taking over?
      Valentin Duprez
    • Peak learning for denoising mass spectrometry imaging data
      Chris Butcher, Serkan Shentyurk
    • Deep learning for clinical outcome prediction using high-resolution waveform data
      Sounak Ghosh, Federico Soldati
    • Automatic image annotation for Decision Support System
      Ishika Jain, Axl Wynants
    • Investigating the role of AI in improving image quality for medical applications
      Siu Lam, Milan Ribel
    • Towards data-driven musicology : sequence-to-sequence error correction techniques for a complete transcription pipeline
      Ran Vautmans
    • Towards resilient energy models : detecting and adapting to concept drift in household electricity forecasting with AI
      Eline Michiels
    • Graph respresentation learning for medical vision
      Thibault Heintz

  • 2022-2023
    • Model accuracy estimation methods for residential electricity consumption forecasting
      Emil Vermeiren
    • Benchmarking GAN models for synthetic medical data generation
      Lore Van Santvliet
    • Data-enabled predictive control for artificial pancreas systems
      Wout Van Droogenbroeck
    • Using Kalman filtering techniques to obtain a better State of Charge-estimation of the battery pack of a Solar car
      Frederik Vanmaele
    • Active learning for Medical image segmentation
      Ran Huo, Bilige Wuyun
    • Machine learning approach towards optimal temperature prediction for enzymes
      Aralyn Jusupova
    • Apply machine learning in data quality assessment for medical time series
      Linhan Liu, Ytong Li
    • Representation learning in histopathological images via deep learning-based models
      Anja Denic, Juan Felipe Salcedo Escobar
    • Representation learning in histopathological images via Deep Learning based models
      David Thonnard
    • Synthetic data generation for privacy preserving lung disease classification
      Petros Tzanakakis

  • 2021-2022
    • Linear algebra view on nonlinear system identification
      Thibault Van bocxlaer
    • Short-term particulate matter forecasting using deep learning/support vector machines techniques
      Maurits Descamps
    • Design of an energy management system using model predictive control and AI techniques
      Stefaan Tysebaert
    • Subspace methods for the block Macaulay framework. Tackling large-scale multiparameter eigenvalue problems from PDEs and system identification
      De Sarthak
    • Wind Turbine Multivariate Time-Series Forecasting
      Erikas Svazas
    • Microscopy and mass spectrometry imaging towards a combination of imaging modalities
      Qiming Sun
    • Residential individual load forecasting using 1-D convolutional neural networks
      Seif Nasreldin Mohamed Ahmed Elgazar
    • Contrastive Learning Strategies for Ovarian Cancer Detection
      Steffi Van Hees
    • Day-ahead Time Series Forecasting of the Electricity Consumption in the Low Voltage Distribution Grid using External Variables and Custom Objective Function
      Maximillian Weil
    • Internship report: leveraging AI to improve the prediction regarding the replacement of spare parts. A data-driven approach in the context of TV repairs
      Louis Van Looy
    • Short-term electricity load forecasting of individual households using a Time Series Transformer
      Ward Habraken
    • Topological data analysis for mass spectrometry imaging
      Helena Derwae

  • 2020-2021
    • Peak Picking in MALDI MSI using spatial randomness
      Yamini Chitale
    • Automated data cleaning of electronic health records
      Charlotte Prins
    • Statistical measures for evaluating generative models with an application to fraud detection
      Blazej Herbert Makosa
    • Wind turbine multivariate time-series forecasting
      Francisco Javier Jara Avila
    • Evaluating different learned representations as preprocessing techniques on clinical data
      Xin Zheng
    • Stable feature selections to find risk factors of disease
      Hankun Ding
    • The application of ensemble models in intelligent decision support system
      Ruiman Zhong
    • Probabilistic classification of kidney transplant biopsies using mixtures approaches
      Manuel Borja Lopez Pelaez
    • A new globally optimal approach to solve multivariate polynomial optimization problems
      Sibren Lagauw
    • Safety in deep reinforcement learning - applied to autonomous highway driving
      Mathias Born
    • identificeren van realisatiemodellen door middel van multiparametereigenwaardeproblemen
      Toon Huyck
    • Diversity in generative adversarial networks
      Xugui Zhu
    • Short-term smart meter consumption forecasting, using deep learning/support vector machines techniques
      George-Alexandru Mateescu
    • Neural networks with polynomial activation functions are eigenvalue problems
      Shana Reynders
    • Particulate matter (PM) calibration and prediction in the city of Leuven
      Luis Garcia-Baquero
    • Get in the groove : symbolic music classification based on bass, drums and chords
      Hugo Enrique Montano Castillo
    • Multi-class prediction of tumor heterogeneity in mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) data
      Shabnam Ebrahimi
    • Representation learning in histopathological images via deep learning based models
      Pieter Dujardin
    • Biomedical data analysis : An in-depth study of potential of heat-diffusion for affinity-based trajectory embedding (PHATE) for mass spectrometry imaging data
      Karel De Smet
    • Short-term forecasting of individual household electrical consumption
      Stijn Staring
    • Application of Bayesian approach in decision support system
      Ben Ameur Tarak
    • Semantic segmentation of aerial images for construction year determination of buildings
      Thomas Decoster
    • Marchine learning for rapid classification of hyperspectral data
      Ellen Raeymaekers
  • 2019-2020
    • Longitudinal and functional analysis on early pregnancy data
      Yao Ku
    • Deep learning based software for automated diagnosis of ovarian cancer
      Pascal Leon Wiltschko
    • Optimal identification of ARMAX models via multiparameter eigenvalue problems
      Bruno Nicola Esposito Acosta
    • Development of a machine learning based prescriptive maintenance systems for oil wells
      Lotte Segers
    • Deep learning-based segmentation of ovarian lesions in ultrasound images
      Axel Geysels
    • Multivariate time series data by machine learning algorithms for survival prediction
      Alexander Damen
    • A quantum application for air traffic control
      Sofie Goethals
    • Train a digital twin within reinforcement learning and transfer it to the real world
      Gilles Janssens & Robbe Bresseleers
    • Analyzing early music : from manuscript to transcription
      Yoeri Uytendaele
    • Active noise control for ego-noise suppression in an unnamed aerial vehicle
      Shana Reynders
    • Full symbol detection of handwritten music scores using deep neural networks
      Joren Reynaert
  • 2018-2019
    • Hybride modelleringstechniek die descriptieve en datagedreven modelling combineert
      Joke Claeys
    • Multivariate polynomiale optimalisatieproblemen oplossen via numerieke lineaire algebra
      Ruben Coppens
    • Mining health records using machine learning methods
      Tingyu Qu
    • Joint latent class modelling to dynamically predict the risk for a miscarriage
      Helene Vermeulen
    • Software for automated diagnosis of ovarian cancer
      Jan Benisek
    • Missing musical note prediction
      Apoorva Radhakrishnan
    • Improved classification of partially labeled data in imaging mass spectrometry through integration of morphological information
      Wim Tiest
    • Prediction of cardiovascular disease in patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus
      Hyewon Koo
    • Mining regulatory elements from bacteriophages for the development of novel synthetic biology tools
      Lucas Coppens
  • 2017-2018
    • On the use of autoencoders for sound texture transformation
      Gregoria Nuevo Castro
    •  Transfer learning on mass spectrometry imaging data
      Wanqiu Zhang
    • Fuzzy semi-supervised machine learning with partially labelled data : application to PCR data
      Ivana Pejeva
    • The falling rule list algorithm : an examination through miscarriage risk stratification
      Olivier Heyndrickx
    • Privacy-preserving distributed learning of imaging mass spectrometry data
      Genghua Dong
    • A duality between time series and complex networks
      Danai Kafetzaki
    • Multidimensionale uitbreiding van een cepstrale afstandsmaat voor clustering van ingangs-/uitgangssystemen
    • Clusteren van tijdreeksen, een nieuw agoritme herbekeken
      Maarten Sprengers
    • Multidimensional system theory and its challenges
      Thomas Michiels
    • Using a deep learning model for optical music recognition on early music manuscripts
      Peter De Clercq
    • Fixed-size multi-output LSSVM for nonlinear system identification
      Denis Dumoulin
    • Classification of partially labelled data in imaging mass spectrometry
      Jonas Dehairs
  •  2016-2017
    • Enhanced analysis of non-small cell lung cancer via deep learning with medical images and genomic data
      Hannes Demeulemeester
    • Evaluating the effect of pre-processing mass spectrometry imaging data on the performance of the t-SNE algorithm
      Tina Smets
    • Simultaneous segmentation and detection of metatases in lymph node sections using deep convolutional neural networks
      Bram Geelen
    • An effective tool for databases of curated protein sequences and experimentally-validated molecular weights
      Mohamed Hakim Elakhrass
    • Imaging mass spectrometry data analysis using deep learnng : network optimisation, behaviour and effects of sampling
      Karel De Gendt
    • Feature selection in neural networks
      Sofie Van Goidsenhoven
    • Representing and generating multi-layered music
      Graham Spinks
    • Exploration of the semantic web through DBpedia
      Fernando Lovera
    • Using machine-learning to improve endometrial cancer diagnosis
      Diego Nieves Avendano
    • Detection of differential expression in time series gene expression data
      Yang Hong
    • Mining public health data records using various machine learning methods
      Xi Shi
    • Predictive Modeling under severe data missingness : The use-case of pregnancy complications prediction
      John Wright
    • Revealing intact biochemical features via extracting latent signals from imaging mass spectrometry data.
      Annelies Agten
    • Tijdreeksen en complexe netwerken : een duaal probleem ?
      Joni Allaert
    • Modeling user engagement in digital newspapers
      Lien Michiels
    • FIGARO : A fast and interpopulational genetic algorithm for receptor optimization
      Pieter Noyens
  • 2015-2016
    • A fully automated pipeline for computer vision tasks
      Kumiko Suzuki
    • Identificeren van multivariabele lineaire parameter variërende modellen toegepast op fluttermetingen
      Bob Vergauwen
    • Evolution of the Kidney Function with Blood Pressure
      Evgeniya Korneva
    • Semi-supervised machine learning with partially labelled data : Application to PCR data
      Duowei Tang
    • Clustering time series : a comparative survey
      Jen-Yin Keung
    • Long-term outcome prognostic modelling of MS patients based on large datasets of short term MRI biomarker data.
      Romanillos Botella Adrian
    • Kernel data fusion for miscarriage predictions
      Thibault Vaulet
    • Early warnings for anomalies in industrial processes
      David Clijsters
    • Time Series clustering based on system dynamics
      Thomas Devenyns
    • Gaining insights of DB/DB diabetic mouse model by functional analysis on mass spectrometry imaging data
      Ellen Borms
    • Drug target voorspelling met neveneffecten
      Vereno Adriano
    • Mapping time series to graphs : Identifying periodicity
      Lisa Van Gorp
  • 2014-2015
    • Reducing Redundancy in deep convolutional neural networks
      Pau Rodriguez Lopez
    • Effects of Refractoriness and adaptation on the dynamics of neuronal populations
      Tomas Van Pottelbergh
    • Deep learning with labeled and unlabeled data : application on imaging mass spectroscopy
      Brecht Coghe
  • 2013-2014
    • System identification based on deconvolution approaches
      Yuanyuan  Wang
    • Modeling, predicting and controlling epileptic seizures
      Roel Henckaerts
      Genomineerde Vlaamse Scriptieprijs
    • Classification of partially labeled data in imaging mass spectrometry
      Zhenkai Yang
    • Improving endometrial cancer diagnosis through machine-learning
      Lucas Denys
    • MSIdea : A tool for analysis and exploration of Mass Spectrometry Imaging data
      Xian Mao
  • 2012-2013
    • Application of LS-SVM to PM10 forecasting in Belgium
      Charikleia Gklava
    • Application to LS-SVMs to Ozone Forecasting in Belgium
      Johanna Orellana Alvear (AI)
    • Data Assimilation toolbox for Matlab
      Wannes Van den Bossche (WIT)
    • Exploration of Tensor Decomposition for pattern analysis in imaging mass spectrometry
      Antoine Vandermeersch (Bio-informatics)
    • Anatomical Atlas-based segmentation of mass spectral imaging data
      Anastasia Karachalia-Sandri (Statistics)
  •  2009-2010
    • A benchmark on microarray analysis with support vector machines for the prediction of cancer outcome
      Dusan Popovic
    • Modellering van glucosedynamica bij kritiek zieke patiënten
      Dries Telen, jan Bouckaert
  • 2008-2009
    • Geautomatiseerde kennisextractie uit industriële processing : raamwerk voor rule mining analyse van alarm- en operator actiedata
      Nick Van Damme
    • Regeling van de Demer met een model predictieve regelaar
      Maarten Breckpot
    • Niet-Lineaire dynamica in vermogenelektronische omvormers
      Jeroen Tant (WIT)
    • Development of a real-time ridematching algorithm for dynamic carpooling
      Tim Van Hoeck
    • Learning cancer biology : the combination of Bayesian networks and prior information
      Nico Verbeeck
    • Chemoinformatics methods for aiding drug discovery
      Marja Driesen (Master Bioinformatics)
    • Detection of novel 3' UTR extensions with microarrays
      Hui-Ju Chang
    • Modelling the genome of ovarian cancer patients
      Masoud Zamani Esteiki
  • 2007-2008
    • Modale Analyse van vliegtuigen : Systeemidentificatie en onafhankelijke-componenten-analyse
      Jelle Peeters
    • Interactieve visualisatie van overlappende genmodules
      Tim Bottelbergs
  • 2006-2007
    • Analyse en ontwikkeling van methoden voor modelvrij regelaarontwerp
      Kris De Brabanter en Philippe Dreesen
    • Control of non-isothermal tubular reactor by means of proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) and state-space feedback techniques
      Brecht Schoors
    • Het infereren van genetische netwerken aan de hand van moleculair-biologische data
      Robert Emerencia
    • Recursive set-Membership state estimation : design and assessment
      Radoslaw Kloska
    • Internship : Layout and visualization of gene module networks
      Jan Bollen
    • Datamining in de ziekteverzekering een onderzoek naar het voorschrijfgedrag van huisartsen
      Joachim Jacobs
    • De transductieve zoektocht, met datafusie, naar hartspierspecifieke cis-regulatorische modules
      Marijn Spillebeen
    • Modeling of protein and peptide fragmentation pathways for mass spectrometry
      Geert Vandeweyer
    • Generation of heterogeneous 'omics' data using synthetic biological networks
      Chen Shang
    • Predictive genes with text mining and one class support vector machine
      Nan Li
    • Mogelijkheden en beperkingen van fysiologische modellen voor het glucoregulatorisch systeem van patiënten op intensieve zorgen
      Anneleen Daemen
  • 2005-2006
    • De detectie van cis-regulatorische modules in DNA met behulp van verborgen Markov modellen en parametrische inferentie
      Peter Loomans
    • Modelleren van ovariumtumoren met Bayesiaanse netwerken
      Xavier Woot de Trixhe
    • Mogelijkheden en beperkingen van fysiologische modellen voor het glucoregulatorisch systeem van patiënten op intensieve zorgen
      An Elen en Anneleen Daemen
    • Onderzoek naar een intelligente MPC-regelaar ter normalisatie van de glycemie bij patiënten op intensieve zorgen
      Anne Delanote & Filip Dammekens
    • Model Predictive control met binaire beperkingen
      Koen Timmermans en Ann Sniekers
    • Modelpredictieve controle met LS-SVM gebaseerde eindkost voor niet-lineaire systemen
      Niels Haverbeke
    • Modularized learning of genetic networks
      Paola Pilozzi
    • Machine learning in bioinformatics : implicit DNA-feature extraction with SVMs for detection of transcription factor binding sites (TFBSs)
      Qi Chen en Xu Zhang
    • Classification and clustering of integrated textual and bibliometric information
      Tran Quoc Viet
    •  Moving object tracking from videos using a statistical based method
      Kristof Op De Beeck
    • Using probabilistic relational models to identify cellular processes from gene expression data
      Xiaolong Lai
  • 2004-2005
    • Ontwikkeling van een regelaar ter normalisatie van de glycemie bij patiënten op Intensieve Zorgen
      Dominique De Caluwé & Tom Vanderwegen
    • Gebruik van datamining voor de identificatie van genetische netwerken
      Mieke Robijns en Els Raskin
    • Modelpredictieve controle met LS-SVM gebaseerde eindkost voor niet-lineaire systemen
      Niels Haverbeke
    • Een vergelijking tussen lineaire en niet-lineaire identificatie technieken in aanwezigheid van seizoensgedrag
      Jeroen Coppens
    • Ontwikkeling van een language user interface voor de softwaretoepassing videoCoach
    • Normalizing microarray data : estimating absolute expression levels
      Kristof Engelen
    • Least squares support vector machine for short-term load forecasting
      Zhi Li
  • 2003-2004
    • Modelleren van het verband tussen menselijke waarneming en Sound Quality parameters gebruik makende van LSSVMs
      Noël Jans en Tom  Coen
    • Development of an MZXML composer
      Robrecht Van Zandweghe
    • Gene hunting for human brain diseases by using multiple gene data sources and artificial neural networks
      Ying Zhang
    • Een simulator voor dynamica in gen-regulatienetwerken
      Thomas D'Hollander, Dirk Valkenborg
    • Online system identification during test flights
      Jun Mai
    • Zangstem analyse en synthese met behulp van formant functies
      Tom Francaert
    • Improving the Gibbs biclustering algorithm by use of supervized discretization
      Michael Boehlen
    • Microarray data analysis using transductive kernel methods
      Tijl De Bie
    • Overdracht van real-time 3D data
      Koen Muylkens
  • 2002-2003
    • Link analysis in bioinformatics co-authorship in scientific literature
      Dong Yanju
    • All for text mining
      Xiaodong Lu
    • Text Mining & Bio-informatics : A profiling of gene clusters by automated literature analysis
      Steven Van Vooren
    • Acronym and abbreviation normalization in medical texts by maximum entropy modelling
      Hannelore Houzet
  • 2001-2002
    • Bio-Informatica : gebruik van Bayesiaanse netwerking voor genetische netwerkinferentie
      Wouter Van Delm
    • Lineaire en niet-lineaire modellering van markgebaseerde liquiditeitsrisico
      Roel Derom
    • Ontwerp en implementatie van een intelligente LUI voor VideoCoach
      Bram Vercammen
    • Hard- en software implementaties van positie-extractiealgoritmes herberekenen
      Pieter Hermans
    • Technical term Detection
      Steven De Bruyn
    • Design of an intelligent interface : interfacing a bibliographic database
      Frizo Janssens, Thomas Spiessens
  • 2000-2001
    • Ontwerp, implementatie en performantie-analyse van aanbevelingssystemen
      Bart De Ceulaer, Joris De Kelver
    • Grafisch modelleren van verkeer op snelwegen
      Kristof Stroobants
    • Support Vector Machines for Advanced Clustering in Bio-Informatics
      Bjorn Houtmeyers
    • Clustering van microrooster data : evaluatie van de Gene Shaving Methode
      Erik Van den Enden
    • An iterative motif-finding method based on collapsed Gibbs sampler
      Qizheng Sheng
    • Studie van entanglement van quantumsystemen
      Peter Thury
    • Gemengd geheeltalige programmatie voor optimale botsingsvrije padplanning van autonome voertuigen
      Tom Schouwenaars
    • Gebruik van lineaire matrixongelijkheden in robuuste identificatie en regelingen
      Simon Vandemoortele
    • Autonomous cleaning using an AGV
      Jeroen De Winter
    • Een intelligente tracker voor sinusoidale analyse van audio mbv HSVD
      Johan Laneau
  • 1999-2000
    • Predictie van financiële tijdreeksen met Bayesiaanse Least Squares Support Vector Machines
      Gert Lanckriet, Annemie Lambrechts
    • Support Vector Machines for large data sets.  The sequential miminal optimization algorithm
      Maciek Kusy
    • Ontwerp van een Kalmanschatter voor de baan- en positiebepaling van een satelliet op basis van magnetometer-sensoren
      Lies Dries, Jo Mostes
    • Optimalisatie van een warmtekrachtkoppelingsinstallatie met model gebaseerde technieken
      Frank Alaerts
    • Predictie van economische tijdreeksen
      Bruno Vandaele
    • De kwantummechanische interpretatie van informatie
      Pieter Abbeel, Tijl De Bie
    • Toepassing van geavanceerde controle op een batch reactor
      Tim Wouters, Tom Marivoet
    • Studie van de benaderde kwantum-Fouriertransformatie in kwantumcomputers
      Stefaan Seys, Johan Theunis
  • 1998-1999
    • Detecteren van G-box in DNA met behulp van een ensemble van neurale netwerken
      Bart Goeminne
    • Het technologiebeleid van de vlaamse regering en vlaamse verankering
      Frederik Pieters (TEW)
    • Linear optimal control using semidefinite programming
      Oscar Barrero
    • Support Vector Machines
      Maarten Duhoux
  • 1997-1998
    • Support Vector Machines vs. Neural Networks
      Yu Wang & Yumin Wei
  • 1996-1997
    • De kabeltoekomst : de nieuwe ontwikkelingen in de telecommunicatiesector en de reactie van de kabelmaatschappijen
      Dieter Mattelin (TEW)

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