Back to the roots

08/07/2022 @ Quadrivium

Pictures Taken by Geert Vanden Wijngaert
Pictures Taken by Willem Mestdagh
Pictures Taken by Bart, Hilde and others


  • 9.00 - 9.30 h: Welcome with coffee
  • 9.30 h - 12.30 h: Science
    • 9.30 - 10.50 h  "At the end of the day, all we understand is linear algebra"
      Former Phd students explain how they apply numerical linear algebra in data driven system identification, complementarity problems, tensors, quantum information theory and algebraic geometry
    • Prof, Dr, Lieven De Lathauwer,
      KU Leuven
      From two-dimensional matrices to multi-dimensional tensors slides
      Prof. dr. Frank Verstraete,
      From linear algebra to quantum computing and tensor networks slides
      Prof. dr. Lieven Vandenberghe,
      Linear algebra and complementarity problems slides

    • 10.50 h - 11.10 h : Coffee break
    • 11.10 h - 12.30 h "Twenty years of bioinformatics"
      How former PhD students contributed to bioinformatics from the start, and where we are now

    • Prof. dr. Yves Moreau,
      KU Leuven
       Twenty years of bioinformatics slides
      Prof. dr. Frank De Smet,
      Christelijke Mutualiteit (CM)
      An Atypical career path: from engineering and bioinformatics to social security physician in a health insurance fund slides
      Dr. Nico Verbeeck,
      Aspect Analytics NV
      Mass spectrometry imaging and biomedical tise exploration slides
      Prof. dr. Olivier Gevaert,
      Stanford University
       Biomedical multi-omics/-modal/-scale data fusion in oncology and cardiovascular diseases slides , recording

    • 12.30 h - 13.30 h : Fingerfood and coffee
    • 13.30 h - 14.10 h : Science and innovation policy

    • Prof. dr. Koenraad Debackere,
      Chairman Associatie KU Leuven
      Thirty years of science policy in Flanders slides , recording
      Paul Van Dun,
      CEO Leuven Research Development (LRD)
      Technology transfer at KU Leuven and the Industrial Research Fund slides, recording

    • 14.10 h - 15.30 h : ENTREPRENEURSHIP: from science to business
      How former PhD students evolved into CEO's of successfull start-ups and spinoffs

    • Dr. Marc Claesen,
      CEO Aspect Analytics NV
      Translating machine learning research to end user software in life sciences slides
      Prof. Griet De Ceuster,
      CEO Transport and Mobility Leuven
      Twenty years of research and entrepreneurship between university and governments slides
      Bert Baeck,
      CEO Timeseer.AI
      Data science in the process-industry recording
      Herman Verrelst,
      CEO Biocartis
      Data Science and medical diagnostics

    • 15.30 h - 15.50 h : Coffee Break
    • 15.50 h - 16.30 h : CULTURE, for mind and soul

    • Dr. Isabelle François,
      CEO Health House
      Health House: why technology in health care is key slides
      Bart Demuyt
      CEO Alamire Foundation
      Franco-Flemish Polyphony: excellence from 1400 till today slides

    • 16.30 h - 17.15 h : A kaleidoscope of twenty years

    • Prof. dr. Bart De Moor
      past and future, mentors and scientific geneacoloy slides

    • 17.15 h - 18.00 h : About the Leuven Chanssonier
      Concert by the Sollazzo Ensemble led by Anna Danilevskaya

      • Le corps s’en va et le cuer vous demeure, Antoine Busnoys († 1492)
      • instrumental: Ha cuer perdu et désolé, Anonyme
      • La despourveue et la bannye, Johannes Ockeghem (†1497)
      • L’omme bany, Barbingant (actif entre 1440 et 1460 environ)
      • Au travail suis que peu de gens me croiraient, Barbinguant (actif entre 1440 et 1460 environ)
      • Johannes Ockeghem (†1497)

      • De touz bien plaine est ma maitresse, Hayne van Ghizeghem (†après 1476)
      • instrumental: Comme femme desconfortée, Gilles Binchois (†1460)
      • N’araige jamais mieulx que j’ay, Robert Morton
      • Cent mille escus, Firminus Caron (actif entre 1460 et 1475 environ)/Antoine Busnoys († 1492)

      • Si vous voullez que je vous ame, Anonyme (unicum)
      • Vraiz amans, Anonyme (unicum)
      • Donnez laumosne chiere dame, Anonyme (unicum)

    • 18.00 h - 20.00 h : Reception in the entrance hall of the quadrivium