
  • H0S14A : Systeemidentificatie en modellering/System identification and Modeling
  • H03E1B : System identification and Modeling
  • H0M85A : Case Studies : Mathematical Engineering
  • H03E5A : Gevallenstudies : wiskundige ingenieurstechnieken
  • H0M82A : Methods and Algorithms for Advanced Process Control
    • What if there was no feedback ?
      Video illustratng the importance of control systems.
      Submitted to the IEEE CSS video clip contest 2015
    • Long video
    • Short video
  • H03E8A : Computer gestuurde regeltechniek
  • H01M8A : Systeemtheorie en regeltechniek
  • H09P4A : Engineering and Entrepreneurship
  • H03G7A : Industriële stage : Wiskundige Ingenieurstechnieken/Industrial Internship : Mathematical Engineering
  • H02X6A : Bedrijfservaring : Wiskunidge Ingenieurstechnieken/Industrial Experience : Mathematical Engineering