Sibren Lagauw
17 July 2024
20th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID 2024), Boston, USA
Least Squares Projection Onto the Behavior for SISO LTI Models
Sibren Lagauw
28 June 2024
22nd European Control Conference (ECC24), Stockholm, Sweden
Exact Characterization of the Global Optima of Least Squares Realization of Autonomous LTI Models as a Multiparameter Eigenvalue Problem
Christof Vermeersch
14 May 2024
SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra (LA24)
Minisymposium “Numerical Linear Algebra Algorithms to Solve (Multivariate) Polynomial Systems
Sorbonne Université, Paris
Numerical Linear Algebra Algorithms to Solve (Multivariate) Polynomial Systems
Lukas Vanpoucke
14 May 2024
SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra (LA24)
Minisymposium “Numerical Linear Algebra Algorithms to Solve (Multivariate) Polynomial Systems
Sorbonne Université, Paris
Direct Numerical Computation of Polynomial Multiplication Maps
Sibren Lagauw and Christof Vermeersch
14 May 2024
SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra (LA24)
Minisymposium “Numerical Linear Algebra Algorithms to Solve (Multivariate) Polynomial Systems
Sorbonne Université, Paris
Solving Applications from Systems Theory Via Efficient Numerical Linear Algebra Root-Finding Algorithms
Bart De Moor
19 April 2024
Symposium “Four decades of data-driven modelling in systems and control – achievements and prospects”
Eindhoven University of Technology
Back to the roots: a spectrum of what was realized
Hans van Rooij
26 March 2024
43nd Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control
Blankenberge, Belgium
Using the Macaulay Matrix to find the Globally Optimal Critical Value of a Multivariate Polynomial Optimization Problem
Sarthak De
27 March 2024
43nd Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control
Blankenberge, Belgium
Globally Optimal Parameter Estimation for Autonomous Nonlinear Dynamical Models is an Eigenvalue Problem
Bart De Moor
30 January 2024
Farewell academic session of Prof. Dr. Björn Ottersten
Back to the roots: a spectrum of what was realized
Christof Vermeersch
13-15 December 2023
62nd Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Marina Bay Sands, Singapore
Multivariate Polynomial Optimization in Complex Variables Is a (Rectangular) Multiparameter Eigenvalue Problem
Sibren Lagauw
13-15 December 2023
62nd Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Marina Bay Sands, Singapore
Globally Optimal SISO H2-Norm Model Reduction Using Walsh’s Theorem
Christof Vermeersch
16 October 2023
Open Flanders AI Research Day, Mechelen, Belgium
Multivariate Polynomials (with MacaulayLab) for Beginners
Hans van Rooij and Katrien De Cock
24-27 September 2023
31st ERNSI Workshop in System Identification, Stockholm, Sweden
Exploring the Critical Values of Multivariate Polynomial Optimization Problems in System Identification Applications
Christof Vermeersch
24-27 September 2023
31st ERNSI Workshop in System Identification, Stockholm, Sweden
Using the (Block) Macaulay Matrix in the Chebyshev Polynomial Basis
Sarthak De
24-27 September 2023
31st ERNSI Workshop in System Identification, Stockholm, Sweden
Global Identifiability of parameterized nonlinear dynamical models
Lukas Vanpoucke
24-27 September 2023
31st ERNSI Workshop in System Identification, Stockholm, Sweden
Globally optimal misfit identification of multidimensional difference equations
Benoît Legat
27-29 July, 2023
JuMP-dev 2023, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Polynomial Optimization
Benoît Legat
25-29 July, 2023
JuliaCon 2023, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Polyhedral Computation
Christof Vermeersch
10-14 July 2023
6th Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry (SIAM AG), Eindhoven, The Netherlands
About the Fundamental Subspaces of the Macaulay Matrix
Bart De Moor, as chairman of the Flanders AI Academy
14 June 2023
Flemish Parliament, Brussels, Belgium
Rapid developments in AI make lifelong learning indispensable (in Dutch)
more information: EWI Vlaanderen
watch the hearing on YouTube (42’40” and 2.33′.45″)
Benoît Legat
31 May – 3 June 2023
SIAM Conference on Optimization (OP23), Seattle, Washington, USA
Low-Rank Nonconvex Solver for Sum-of-Squares
Benoît Legat
14-18 May 2023
SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems (DS23), Portland, Oregon, USA
Exploiting the Structure of a Polynomial Optimization Problem
Bart De Moor
20 April 2023
Workshop on Nonlinear System Identification
special session on the occasion of Johan Schoukens’ 65th birthday
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Prof. Dr. Ir. Joannes Schoukens: 65!
Sem Viroux
21-23 March 2023
42nd Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Elspeet, The Netherlands
Connection between DTLS as an MEVP and as a Riemannian SVD
Christof Vermeersch
21-23 March 2023
42nd Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Elspeet, The Netherlands
About (Rectangular) Multiparameter Eigenvalue Problems
Sarthak De
21-23 March 2023
42nd Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Elspeet, The Netherlands
Subspace Methods for the Block Macaulay Matrix Framework
Sibren Lagauw
21-23 March 2023
42nd Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Elspeet, The Netherlands
Globally optimal SISO H2-norm model reduction
Christof Vermeersch
5-9 December 2022
61st Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Cancun, Mexico
Two Double Recursive Block Macaulay Matrix Algorithms to Solve Multiparameter Eigenvalue Problems
Bart De Moor
6 December 2022
participant in a panel discussion about Innovation and Technology Transfer during the Belgian Economical Mission to Japan, led by princess Astrid.
Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
Bart De Moor
24 November 2022
Academy for Seniors, Antwerp, Belgium
AI and Music (in Dutch)
Bart De Moor
22 November 2022
Scientific Meeting of the Leuven Brain Institute, Leuven, Belgium
Christof Vermeersch
18-21 September 2022
ERNSI 2022, Leuven, Belgium
System Identification Problems as Multiparameter Eigenvalue Problems
Lukas Vanpoucke
18-21 September 2022
poster session at ERNSI 2022, Leuven, Belgium
Globally optimal least-squares misfit identification of multidimensional autonomous systems
Sibren Lagauw
18-21 September 2022
poster session at ERNSI 2022, Leuven, Belgium
Least squares optimal realisation of SISO LTI systems is an eigenvalue problem
Bart De Moor
6 September 2022
Federale OverheidsInstituut Sciensano, Belgium
Flanders AI Research Program
Lukas Vanpoucke
5-7 July 2022
41st Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control 2022, Brussels, Belgium
Misfit identification of autonomous multidimensional systems
Sibren Lagauw
5-7 July 2022
41st Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control 2022, Brussels, Belgium
Least-squares Globally Optimal Misfit Modelling for SISO Systems
Philippe Dreesen
20-24 June 2022
24th Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS 2022) Galway, Ireland
Solving (overdetermined) polynomial equations
Bart De Moor
12-17 June 2022
Householder Symposium XXI, Selva di Fasano, Italy
Multiparameter eigenvalue problems
Katrien De Cock
14 June 2022
Selma closing event, Leuven, Belgium
Computing the global minimum of least squares system identification and H2 model reduction problems
Lukas Vanpoucke
14 June 2022
poster session, Selma closing event, Leuven, Belgium
Globally optimal least-squares misfit identification of multidimensional autonomous systems
Sibren Lagauw
14 June 2022
poster session, Selma closing event, Leuven, Belgium
Globally optimal SISO H2-norm model reduction
Christof Vermeersch
14 June 2022
poster session, Selma closing event, Leuven, Belgium
Exploiting Shift-Invariant Subspaces
Bart De Moor
1 February 2022
Meeting of experts, Brussels, Belgium
Comments on the report “Opgave AI. De nieuwe systeemtechnologie” by the Dutch Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid and explanation of the Flemish initiative
Philippe Dreesen
28 January 2022
International Control e-seminar at TU Kaiserslautern (Dept MEC), Germany
Polynomial system solving and/by multidimensional realization theory
Bart De Moor
12 January 2022
WASP Winter Conference 2022, virtual, Sweden
Flanders AI Research Program
Bart De Moor
9 November 2021
Kekulé-cyclus XIX
chairman of session on Human Artificial Intelligence
University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
Bart De Moor
19-22 October 2021
IEEE Colombian Conference on Automatic Control, Ibague, Colombia (virtual)
Least Squares Optimal Realisation of Autonomous LTI Systems is an Eigenvalue Problem
Bart De Moor
20 October 2021 event “Infosession on real world data and evidence”
Artificial intelligence, machine learning and clinical data mining
Christof Vermeersch
20-21 September 2021
poster session of the ERNSI Workshop on System Identification, virtual, Rennes, France
A recursive algorithm to compute a numerical basis of the null space of the block Macaulay matrix
Bart De Moor
14 July 2021
IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil (virtual)
Least Squares Optimal Realization of Autonomous LTI Systems is an Eigenvalue Problem
Philippe Dreesen
13-16 July 2021
19th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, virtual, Padova, Italy
Parameter Estimation of Parallel Wiener-Hammerstein Systems by Decoupling their Volterra Representations
Katrien De Cock
26-27 April 2021
AI Flanders Research Days, virtual, Belgium
Introduction to time series
Bart De Moor
22 April 2021
Expert hearing session in the Flemish Parliament
Brussels, Belgium
Vlaams AI Impulsprogramma
Bart De Moor
22 April 2021
AND& festival
Leuven, Belgium
Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and clinical data mining
Bart De Moor
16 March 2021
Webinar GSK: AI in gynae-oncology – Revolutionizing patient care
Uncovering the potential of AI in health care
Bart De Moor
10 February 2021
Monthly bioinformatics and AI seminars
The Flanders AI program : 32 mio €/year. How is it spent and invested ?