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Bart De Moor

Bart De Moor


Teaching and Research

  • Scientific discipline: numerical linear algebra, dynamical systems theory and modelling, advanced control theory, datamining and bioinformatics 
  •  Courses: Computer Aided Control System Design and Dynamical Systems 
  •  Research group: currently promoter of ten PhD students and six postdocs
  • Past thesis advisor of seventy PhD students, all worldwide active in academia, industry, government agencies 
  • Co-published more than 400 scientific papers and contributed to ten books
  • Coordinator of research projects, financed by regional, Belgian and European funding agencies, many of them with colleagues from other disciplines (micro-climate simulations, riverbasin control, industrial process control, bioinformatics, genomics, proteomics, oncology, gynaecology, intensive care (see for publications))
  • Regularly member of PhD jury’s in Belgium and abroad and invited speaker at international congresses
  • Scientific director of the Future Health Department of the Flanders Strategic Research Institute iMinds (software for genomics applications and clinical decision support systems)
  • Co-founder of KU Leuven SCORES and BioSCENTer
  • Co-founder of 6 ‘spin-off’ companies, 4 of which still active: IPCOS (industrial process control), TML (traffic modelling and consulting), D-square (datamining in the process industry), Cartagenia (genomics data analysis)
  • Co-holder of several patents

Current research team

Laura Alonso Padula, Alexandre Arnould, Lola Botman, Yamini Chitale, Marc Claesen, Fernando Crema Garcia, Sarthak De, Femke De Backere, Jaldert François, Bram Geelen, Axel Geysels, Sibren Lagauw, Oliver Lauwers, Benoit Legat, Bart Motmans, Giulia Rinaldi, Zahrasadat Sajjadifar, Vincent Scheltjens, Konstantinos Theodorakos, Yoeri Uyttendaele, Hans Van Rooij, Thomas Vanhemel, Lukas Vanpoucke, Nico Verbeeck, Christof Vermeersch, Sem Viroux, Lyse Naomi Wamba Momo, Wanqiu Zhang



Fellowships, Awards, Honors

Research Activities

Scientific Disciplines:

  • Numerical (multi-) linear algebra and algebraic geometry (generalized singular value decompositions, multi-dimensional SVD, generalized linear complementarity problems, quantum information theory, numerical linear algebra approach to rooting sets of polynomial equations)
  • Dynamical System Theory and Identification, data science, machine learning (subspace identification, support vector machines)
  • Advanced Control Theory (observers, computer aided control system design)

Application Areas:

  • Industry 4.0: Subspace system identification and control of the synthesis section of a Urea plant, of the dipping section of a capsule manufacturing process,  data driven identification of several Belgian river basins (flood avoidance), forecasting models for indoor CO2 concentration, modelling (prevention of) flutter for airplane wings, model-based data assimilation for microclimate air-quality forecasting, smart grid Belgian electrical load forecasting (3000 transformers, sampled every 15 min during 5 years)
  • Medical decision support systems (DSS): Belgian health insurance prescription records analysis, automation of intensive care DSS, algorithms for automated PCR analysis, hospital prediction of duration stay software

Publications: Books, papers, other



  • 1991-now: Promotor of 82 PhD theses (see Mathematical Genealogy), all worldwide active in academia (30%), industry (60%), government agencies (10%)
  • 1991-now: Host to 46 postdoctoral researchers and visiting professors
  • 1991-now: Promotor of 200+ master theses in masters mathematical engineering, statistics, artificial intelligence, bioengineering, electrical engineering

Coordinator of and contributor to numerous research projects, funded by regional, Belgian and European funding agencies and third parties (full list


  • Regular reviewer for journals of IEEE, SIAM, IFAC and their major conferences, regular proposal reviewer for Belgian and European Funding Agencies and jury member

Science Outreach

Organisation of Scientific meetings

  • 1997: Program Chairman of European Control Conference, Brussels, 750 attendees, 2004
  • 2004: Chair of the Conference of Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Leuven, 600 attendees
  • 2019: Organizer of the Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Houthalen, 150 attendees,
  • At numerous occasions: Member of the organizing/program committees of the Conference on System Identification (SYSID), European Control Conference (ECC), Benelux meeting on Systems and Control, …

Technology Transfer

My contribution to our university KU Leuven being ranked 7th in the Thomson-Reuters ranking of most innovative universities in the world (1st in Europe), has been the creation of 10 spinoff/start-up companies:

Patents: Co-holder of several patents

Member of the Advisory Committee of the Capricorn Health-tech Investment Fund

Institutional Responsibilities

Commission of Trust


  • 2021: Member of the assessment committee of KTH, Stockholm
  • 2020-2021: Chairman of the assessment committee of the Electrical Engineering Institute Nicola Tesla
  • 2015-2019: Chairman University Research Policy Assessment Committee, Finish Academy of Sciences
  • 2016-2019: Member committee of the Villum Young Investigator Grants of the Velux Foundation, Denmark
  • 2015-present: Member of committees in the Swedish, Norwegian, Irish and Luxembourg Science/Research Councils
  • 2013-2020: Member Panel Starters Grant Computer Sciences European Research Council
  • 2013-2014: Member National Tenure Track Commission for Control and Automation in Italy
  • 2010-2012: Chairman of the Education Assessment Panel (for NVAO) as well as the Research Assessment Panel of Electrical Engineering University Departments in The Netherlands
  • 2006-2008: Selection Committees member for Linnaeus Centers of Excellence (Sweden) and UNIK (Denmark)

Memberships of Societies

Active projects

Finished projects






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