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Endometriosis Test - Development of a Noninvasive Diagnostic Test for Endometriosis

From 01-07-2007 to 30-06-2009


The present research proposal aims to identify a panel of biomarkers that will significantly reduce the time from the onset of pain and/or subfertility symptoms to diagnosis of endometriosis. Earlier diagnosis and treatment will improve health related quality of life and prevent natural progression of endometriosis. In order to confirm the high sensitivity obtained in the preliminary study, the sample size will be increased to minimally 100 samples obtained during the secretory phase for each group (normal pelvis, minimal-mild endometriosis and moderate-severe endometriosis). Plasma concentrations of the six candidate markers will be determined in all additionally collected samples and will be analyzed using the same methods as in the preliminary study. Furthermore, two additional potential plasma markers -soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (sICAM-1) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) - will be added to the marker panel and will be measured in all samples. The results of these measurements will be analyzed together with the previous data by multiple logistic regression analysis in order to further increase sensitivity and specificity, especially in women with minimal to mild endometriosis. After completing the analysis of the data, the final diagnostic models will be developed and tested prospectively. For this purpose, prospectively collected secretory phase plasma samples will be analyzed using the diagnostic models in a blinded manner to evaluate their diagnostic power and accuracy, by comparing their results with the outcome of the laparoscopic surgeries and related histopathological findings. Subsequently, the necessary adjustment and fine-tuning of the diagnostic models will be carried out in view of the clinical findings. In the next phase plasma samples -complete with full clinical documentation- prospectively collected at LUFC and affiliated and/or collaborating fertility centers throughout Flanders will be tested en masse in a blinded manner for the selected biomarkers followed by analysis of the experimental results using the diagnostic models.



Funding: IWT - Agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie 

Program/Grant Type: IWT TBM - VLAIO TBM Projects Applied Biomedical Research with a Primary Social finality


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