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2024 IEEE CIS Neural Networks Pioneer Award

Johan Suykens

Johan Suykens has been awarded the prestigious 2024 IEEE CIS Neural Networks Pioneer Award, for contributions to least squares support vector machines.

This award recognizes significant contributions to early concepts and sustained developments in the field of Neural Networks

Past Recipients are listed here and include e.g. Bernard Widrow (1991), Shun-Ichi Amari (1992), Geoffrey Hinton (1998), Leon Chua (2000), Vladimir Vapnik (2010), Yann LeCun (2014), Juergen Schmidhuber (2016), Yoshua Bengio (2019) and others.


The 2024 IEEE CIS Neural Networks Pioneer Award

Johan Suykens

For contributions to least squares support vector machines


Best Paper Award at the IEEE International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Health - 2023

Lyse Naomi Wamba Momo

Best Paper Award at the IEEE International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Health - 2023

Vincent Scheltjens

Best Paper Award at the IEEE International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Health - 2023

Bart De Moor

Best Conference Paper Award at the IEEE MetroXRAINE 2023 Conference

Angeliki-Ilektra Karaiskou

EURASIP Early Career Award

Alexander Bertrand

For contributions to signal processing for EEG, neuro-steered hearing prostheses, and neural implants

EURASIP Group Technical Achievement Award

Sabine Van Huffel

For establishing one of the leading European research groups in biomedical signal processing


2022 IEEE SPS Donald G. Fink Overview Paper Award

Lieven De Lathauwer

2022 IEEE SPS Donald G. Fink Overview Paper Award

Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos, Lieven De Lathauwer, Xiao Fu, Kejun Huang, Evangelos E. Papalexakis, and Christos Faloutsos

 "Tensor Decomposition for Signal Processing and Machine Learning"
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, July 2017


IFAC Fellow Award

Bart De Moor

For contributions to numerical multi-linear algebra, systems theory and systems identification, with applications in process control and bioinformatics

SITB2022 Best Presentation Award

Nicolas Heintz

2022 IEEE Gustav Robert Kirchhoff Award for Joos Vandewalle

Joos Vandewalle


Best Student Paper Award at EUSIPCO 2021

Charles Hovine

Best Presentation Award

Nicolas Heintz

Best Presentation Award WIC/IEEE Symposium on Information Theory and Signal Processing in the Benelux (SITB 2021).

2020 Annual National Award of the Cuban Academy of Sciences

Sabine Van Huffel


Sabine Van Huffel

2020 annual provincial "CITMA Award" of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment" for same joint work, issued by province of Santiago de Cuba


IJCTA Best Paper Award 2020

Panagiotis Patrinos


Senior author of the Best paper award of the Neureka-challenge

Sabine Van Huffel

Senior author of the Best paper award of the Neureka-challenge winning paper presented at the 10th annual IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium (SPMB), December 5, 2020, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA: Chatzichristos C., Dan J., Narayanan A. M., Seeuws N., Vandecasteele K., De Vos M., Bertrand A., Van Huffel S., "Epileptic Seizure Detection in EEG via Fusion of Multi-View Attention-Gated U-net Deep Neural Networks", Proceedings IEEE SPMB 2020, accepted, see

Johan Suykens has been elected ELLIS Fellow

Johan Suykens

Johan Suykens has been elected ELLIS Fellow in the ELLIS (European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems) unit Leuven.

First prize winner of the Neureka 2020 Epilepsy Challenge

Sabine Van Huffel


2019 Entropy Best Paper Award

Johan Suykens

Johan Suykens together with Zahra Karevan have received a 2019 Entropy Best Paper Award for the paper "Transductive Feature Selection Using Clustering-Based Sample Entropy for Temperature Prediction in Weather Forecasting" (Entropy 2018, 20(4), 264;

2019 Entropy Best Paper Award

Zahra Karevan

Johan Suykens together with Zahra Karevan have received a 2019 Entropy Best Paper Award for the paper "Transductive Feature Selection Using Clustering-Based Sample Entropy for Temperature Prediction in Weather Forecasting" (Entropy 2018, 20(4), 264;

EURASIP Meritorious Service Award

Marc Moonen


"Gouden krijtje" award "Best Prof" in Mathematical Engineering 2018-2019

Johan Suykens

"Gouden krijtje" award "Proffencrush" in Biomedical Engineering 2018-2019

Sabine Van Huffel

Outstanding Reviewer Award 2018: Best reviewer in 2018 for the Journal Physiological Measurement

Sabine Van Huffel

Click here for more info.


Lieven De Lathauwer

Lieven has been elected as a Fellow of the European Association of Signal Processing (EURASIP) “for contributions to tensor-based signal processing”.

ERC Starting Grant

Alexander Bertrand

Nokia Bell Scientific Award 2019

Nico Vervliet

Best Paper Award WIC-IEEE Symposium 2019

Simon Geirnaert

IBM Innovation Award 2019

Nico Vervliet


2018 IEEE SPS Signal Processing Magazine Best Paper Award

Lieven De Lathauwer

Cichocki A., Mandic D., Phan A.-H., Caiafa C., Zhou G., Zhao Q., De Lathauwer L., "Tensor Decompositions for Signal Processing Applications. From Two-way to Multiway Component Analysis", IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 32, no. 2, Mar. 2015, pp. 145-163.

Click here for more info.

ERC Advanced Grant 2017 E-DUALITY

Johan Suykens

"Gouden krijtje" award "Beste Prof" in Biomedical Engineering 2017-2018

Sabine Van Huffel

ERC Consolidator Grant SONORA (2017), European Research Council (ERC)

Toon van Waterschoot

At the end of November, the European Research Council (ERC) has awarded a Consolidator Grant to prof. Toon van Waterschoot, who is currently a tenure-track assistant professor at the Faculty of Engineering Technology, Campus Group T. The €2 million grant will allow him to further expand his research activities on acoustic signal processing over the next five years. The ERC Grants are amongst the most prestigious international research grants, being awarded to European top researchers allowing them to carry out fundamental research at the frontiers of knowledge. More specifically the ERC Consolidator Grants are intended for mid-career researchers having obtained their PhD degree 7 to 12 years ago. Prof. Toon van Waterschoot is the first engineer at KU Leuven obtaining an ERC Consolidator Grant since this grant category was established in 2013.


The research grant is related to a research project that will be executed by prof. van Waterschoot and his team over the next five years. The project “The Spatial Dynamics of Room Acoustics (SONORA)” departs from the question how sound propagation in rooms can be modelled in case sound sources and observers are moving. Even if we are faced with such dynamic acoustic scenarios in everyday life, the current scientific understanding of the spatial dynamics of room acoustics is limited. The primary objectives of the SONORA project are therefore to develop efficient models for spatially dynamic room acoustics, and subsequently use these models to design novel measurement protocols and signal processing algorithms that can be employed in dynamic acoustic scenarios. In the long term, these fundamentally new results will facilitate a broad variety of applications in hearing technology, virtual reality, human-machine interaction, musicology, and acoustic monitoring.


Prof. van Waterschoot will carry out his research at the e-Media Research Lab of the Campus Group T and the Stadius Centre for Dynamical Systems, Signal Processing, and Data Analytics, which are both part of the Department of Electrical Engineering (ESAT).



2018 ISCB Fellow

Yves Moreau

1998 elected IEE Fellow 

EURASIP Fellow 2018

Marc Moonen


Woody scientific Sleep award at the BASS

Ofelie De Wel

Margot Deviaene, PhD candidate from the group of Sabine Van Huffel, won the Woody scientific Sleep award at the BASS (Belgian Association for Sleep research and Sleep medicine) meeting on November 17th in Namur for her contribution:

"Assessment of cardiovascular comorbidities in obstructive sleep apnea using SpO" 
M. Deviaene, D. Testelmans, P. Borzée, B. Buyse, S. Van Huffel, C. Varon


3rd award for best poster during the 16th National Day on Biomedical Engineering

Margot Deviaene

Co-author of Best poster award 3rd Prize, 16th National Day on Biomedical Engineering, Royal Academies for Science and The Arts of Belgium, Brussels, December 1 2017

Sabine Van Huffel


PhD Award

Simon Van Eyndhoven

Simon Van Eindhoven won the PhD award during the DSP Valley event ‘Smart Systems Industry Summit’ on 17th October 2017.

To read more about the DSP Valley event click here.

Co-author of the Brain Products MoBI Award 1st Prize, Annual symposium of SPR (Society for Psychophysiological Research), Vienna, October 11-15, 2017

Sabine Van Huffel

Co-author of the Brain Products MoBI Award 1st Prize, Annual symposium of SPR (Society for Psychophysiological Research), Vienna, October 11-15, 2017, see meeting/

MoBI award

Rob Zink

Rob Zink was awarded first prize for the MoBI award.

The Brain Products MoBI Award is an annual award recognizing excellence in the field of Mobile Brain/Body Imaging research.

Check their website for more info.

Member of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Sciences and the Arts since October 2017

Sabine Van Huffel

Best Poster Award

Ofelie De Wel

On 7th October 2017 Ofelie De Wel won the silver award for best poster during the “Brain monitoring and neuroprotection in the newborn” congress in Killarney, Ireland.

Click here to read more about the congress.

Co-author of Best poster award 2nd Prize, 10th International Conference on Brain Monitoring and Neuroprotection in the Newborn, Killarney, Ireland, Oct. 5-7, 2017

Sabine Van Huffel


Co-author of Best Oral Presentation award 3rd Prize, 10th International Conference on Brain Monitoring and Neuroprotection in the Newborn, Killarney, Ireland, Oct. 5-7, 2017

Sabine Van Huffel


Board of Governors Award (2017), Audio Engineering Society (AES)

Toon van Waterschoot

"Gouden krijtje" award "Beste Prof" in Biomedical Engineering 2016-2017

Sabine Van Huffel

Fellow SIAM (2017)

Lieven De Lathauwer

Fellow SIAM (2017)

Bart De Moor

2017 EURASIP the Group Technical Achievement Society Award

Joos Vandewalle

EURASIP Group Technical Achievement Award

The group technical achievement award is given on demand, annually, to leaders of research groups that have made relevant contributions in the field of signal, speech, or image processing. The award-candidate and his/her research group should:

•  be actively involved with the international signal processing community, having a recognised leadership in their field of action and a significant impact on the European research activities;
•   have a significant list of achievements, namely in terms of relevant publications, original contributions, or inventive value (patents),
•  publish regularly in EURASIP journals;
•  participate regularly in conferences sponsored by EURASIP, and in particular in EUSIPCO conferences. These awards, in the form of a plaque, crafted according to the current standard layout, presented to the leader of the selected research group, are given by the EURASIP BoD at the annual EUSIPCO conference.

Short acceptance speech by Joos Vandewalle on Tuesday August 29 at the EUSIPCO awards ceremony in Kos, Greece.

I am grateful to the EURASIP Board of Directors for granting us the 2017 Group Technical Achievement Award with the citation “For Sustained Pioneering Contributions to Theory and Applications in Signal Processing and Machine Learning”. 
I would like to briefly highlight two essential ingredients for these achievements : the people and the research topics.
Over a period of about 35 years I have supervised 43 PhD students. Many of them are now professors and have now their own PhD students and have built successful teams. In total there are at least 262 PhD descendents that are listed in the mathematics genealogy And that list is only partial.
Second the research topics typically cover a creative trajectory between theory and application. Some are starting from the application towards the mathematics and some do it the other way round. Mathematics has proven to be an immensely rich source of inspiration for new algorithms and designs. Initially this was mainly the use of singular value decomposition but has since branched out to many more mathematical concepts like optimization, cryptography, support vector machines and tensors, that is the topic of the plenary talk of Sabine Van Huffel later in the conference. Real world applications have also been an important element to attract and motivate PhDs. The many challenges for our society like health care,  care or elderly, communication, cybersecurity provide interesting opportunities. These arguments have often been the key elements to select and guide the PhD works. So the award is really recognizing these achievements. Sometimes young people think that all important research is already done. I can assure you that in deeper layers of mathematics and the evolving societal challenges there are enough interesting opportunities to develop a research career and later stand here for such an award.

AES Board of Governors Award 2017

Toon van Waterschoot


EUSIPCO Best Paper Award

Toon van Waterschoot

EUSIPCO Best Paper Award (2016), 24th European Signal Process. Conf. (EUSIPCO ’16), Budapest, Hungary, Aug. 2016 (with M. Mounir and P. Karsmakers)


EUSIPCO Best Paper Award

Mina Mounir Abdelmessih Shehata

EUSIPCO Best Paper Award (2016), 24th European Signal Process. Conf. (EUSIPCO ’16), Budapest, Hungary, Aug. 2016 (with T. van Waterschoot and P. Karsmakers)

Nominated for the 2016 Inspirational Women Engineers award

Sabine Van Huffel

Nominated for the 2016 Inspirational Women Engineers award at the Department of Engineering in Cambridge, UK, see

Nominated for the 2016 Inspirational Women Engineers award at the Department of Engineering in Cambridge, UK

Sabine Van Huffel

Nominated for the 2016 Inspirational Women Engineers award at the Department of Engineering in Cambridge, UK, see

2016 IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Charles A. Desoer Technical Achievement Award

Joos Vandewalle

The Charles A. Desoer Technical Achievement Award honors the individual whose exceptional technical contributions to a field within the scope of the CAS Society have been consistently evident over a period of years. Contributions are documented by publications (including but not limited to patents) and based on originality and continuity of effort.

Joos Vandewalle receives the Charles A. Desoer Technical Achievement Award

SIAM Fellow since Jan. 2016.

Sabine Van Huffel

Sabine has been selected as a Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics for bridging the gap between advanced numerical linear algebra techniques and biomedical signal processing.

More information


The Melvin H. Knisely Award from the ISOTT Society

Alexander Caicedo Dorado

Won at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue (ISOTT) in Wuhan, China on July 11-16, 2015.

Some info about The Melvin H. Knisely Award

It was established in 1983 to honor Dr. Knisely’s accomplishments in the field of the transport of oxygen and other metabolites and anabolites in the human body. Over the years, he has inspired many young investigators and this award is to honor his enthusiasm for assisting and encouraging young scientists and engineers in various disciplines. The award is to acknowledge outstanding young investigators. This award was first presented during the banquet of the 1983 annual conference of ISOTT in Ruston, Louisiana. The award includes a Melvin H. Knisely plaque and a cash prize.


  • A candidate must have a PhD, MD or equivalent.
  • A candidate must not pass his/her 36th birthday before the date of presentation of the award.
  • The candidate must provide evidence of sustained activity in research related to oxygen transport to tissue.
  • The candidate must be a member of ISOTT, or be eligible for the membership.
  • The candidate must submit one (or more) abstract(s) as a lead author, make a presentation of his/her work during the annual ISOTT conference in the year when he/she is nominated, and submit a full manuscript.
  • A candidate who is unsuccessful any given year can be re-nominated in a subsequent year if he/she meets the award criteria in the year of nomination.

Best Presentation Award at the Student Council Meeting of ISMB

Griet Laenen

Website Student Council Symposium 2015

Directly preceding ISMB/ECCB 2015, 10 July 2015 at The Convention Center Dublin, Ireland

Best Presentation Award at 15th Annual BeSHG Meeting

Amin Ardeshirdavani

For his presentation "NGS-logistics: Federated analysis of NGS sequence variants"

Fellow IEEE (2015)

Johan Suykens

Fellow IEEE (2015)

Lieven De Lathauwer


'2014 Lusted Student Prize' at SMDM in Miami, FL, USA

Laure Wynants

Laure Wynants (group of prof. S. Van Huffel)  was awarded the 2014 Lusted Student Prize in Quantitative Methods and Theoretical Developments during the Society for Medical Decision Making 36th Annual Meeting in Miami, FL, USA.

Winner of phase II and 3rd place in phase III of the Physionet-Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2014

Sabine Van Huffel

Winner of phase II and 3rd place in phase III of the Physionet/Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2014: issued on September 10, 2014. Title: "Robust detection of heart beats in multimodal data".

Ryo Sakai, awardwinner of Data visualization challenge at ISMB/biovis

Ryo Sakai

Ryo Sakai, awardwinner of Data visualization challenge at ISMB/biovis, 4th Symposium on Biological Data Visualization, 11-12 July, Boston, MA, USA

With acknowledgements to other team members of STADIUS-iMinds Med IT, Nico Verbeeck and Jaak Simm and special thanks Dusan Popovic, Marc Claesen, and Borbala Hunyadi for discussion in data analysis.

Prof. dr. ir. Sabine Van Huffel has been granted an ERC Advanced Grant

Sabine Van Huffel

Prof. dr. ir. Sabine Van Huffel has been granted  an  ERC Advanced Grant entitled:

"BIOTENSORS: Biomedical Data Fusion using Tensor based Blind Source Separation"

Prof. Van Huffel  is the Principal Investigator for this large project that aims at high risk and high gains, and involves cooperation with several researchers within and outside STADIUS , and more particularly Lieven De Lathauwer who is the main collaborator of it. The project is for 5 years with a total budget of 2,5 million Euro.

Read summary

DISC PhD Thesis Award

Marko Seslija

Marko Seslija received the DISC PhD Thesis Awardfor his thesis entitled "Discrete geometry approach tostructure-preserving discretization of port-Hamiltoniansystems" (PhD thesis, RuG, 2013)

Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control

Siamak Mehrkanoon was among the nominees for the best presentation award

Siamak Mehrkanoon

Siamak Mehrkanoon was among the nominees for thebest presentation award for his talk on "LS-SVM approximatesolutions to PDEs".

Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control

Best Master Thesis Prize (2014)

Toon van Waterschoot

Best Master Thesis Prize (2014), Swissengineering Ticino, Switzerland (Mina Shehata, “Note Onset Detection Using Sparse Over-Complete Representation of Musical Signals”, supervised by Prof. Miroslaw Malek (University of Lugano, Switzerland) and Prof. Toon van Waterschoot (KU Leuven, Belgium))


Best Reviewer 2014 award of IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics

Sabine Van Huffel


Best Poster Award during summerschool on Neural Engineering (Shanghai, China) July 7-14, 2013

Rob Zink

Title Presentation:  Single-Trial Coupling during Face and House processing in simultaneous EEG/fMR

Website summerschool:

Borbála Hunyadi has been awarded one of the 3 student travel awards (700 USD) during the PRNI 2013 meeting in Philadelphia, US, June 2013

Borbála Hunyadi

based on the merit of her paper entitled:

Classification of structured EEG tensors using nuclear norm regularization : improving P300 classification. Proc. of the international workshop on pattern recognition in neuroimaging. Hunyadi, B., Signoretto, M., Debener, S., Van Huffel, S., De Vos, M. (2013).

Best Paper Award at the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2013

Rodrigo Moraes

Rodrigo B. Moraes, Paschalis Tsiaflakis and Marc Moonen received the Best Paper Award for their paper on "Reduced Complexity Dynamic Spectrum Management Based on a Polar Coordinates Formulation", at the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2013, Budapest, Hungary (Selected Areas in Communications Symposium).

Devy Widjaja (group ESAT -STADIUS-iMinds FH / group prof. Sabine Van Huffel ) was nominated as one of the finalists for the EMBS Student Paper Award Competition

Devy Widjaja

Devy Widjaja (group ESAT -STADIUS-iMinds FH / group prof. Sabine Van Huffel ) was nominated as one of the finalists for the EMBS Student Paper Award Competition co-sponsored by the National Science Foundation, July Osaka, Japan during the 35th Annual International IEEE EMBS (engineering in biology and Medicine Society) Conference.

(Devy Widjaja*, Elke Vlemincx, Sabine Van Huffel, Stress Classification by Separation of Respiratory Modulations in Heart Rate Variability using Orthogonal Subspace Project)

Griet Laenen won one of 5 best poster awards at ISMB/ECCB 2013

Griet Laenen

Griet Laenen won one of 5 best poster awards at 21st Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology 12th European Conference on Computational Biology

(2013 ISMB ECCB) - July 21-23 - Berlin

Website ISM/ECCB 2013

Best Paper Award at IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2013, Communication Software and Services Symposium

Paschalis Tsiaflakis

Linglong Dai, Jintao Wang, Zhaocheng Wang, Paschalis Tsiaflakis and Marc Moonen received the Best Paper Award for their paper on "Time Domain Synchronous OFDM Based on Simultaneous Multi-Channel Reconstruction", at the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2013, Budapest, Hungary (Communication Software and Services Symposium).

Best Paper Award at IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2013, Selected Areas in Communications Symposium

Paschalis Tsiaflakis

Rodrigo B. Moraes, Paschalis Tsiaflakis and Marc Moonen received the Best Paper Award for their paper on "Reduced Complexity Dynamic Spectrum Management Based on a Polar Coordinates Formulation", at the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2013, Budapest, Hungary (Selected Areas in Communications Symposium).

KU Leuven Research Council Award (Science & Technology)

Alexander Bertrand

Recipient of an honorary doctorate from Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, on 25 April 2013

Sabine Van Huffel

Honorary doctorate for authority on biomedical signal processing at KU Leuven

Award for outstanding self-financed Chinese students abroad

Jiqiu Cheng

Jiqiu Cheng ( iMinds future health SISTA BIOI  )  received the "Award for outstanding self-financed Chinese students abroad"

This prize is given by the Chinese government to encourage Chinese doctoral students   abroadfor their outstanding research work.

Nominated as fellow of the American Mathematical Society for 2013

Jan Willems

The Fellows of the American Mathematical Society program recognizes members who have made outstanding contributions to the creation, exposition, advancement, communication, and utilization of mathematics.


BBC2012 Best Presentation

Griet Laenen

Title:"Integrating gene expression with protein interactions for drug target prioritization".

During the Benelux Bioinformatics Conference 2012 ( BBC12) December 10-11 Nijmegen , The Netherlands

View the abstractbook

BBC2012 Best Flash presentation

Alejandro Sifrim

Title: "Annotate-it: a Swiss-knife approach to annotation, analysis and interpretation of single nucleotide variation in human disease"

During the Benelux Bioinformatics Conference 2012 ( BBC12) December 10-11 Nijmegen , The Netherlands

View the abstractbook

Best poster prize in the category "Translational Research" during the Scientific Meeting

Nico Verbeeck

Best poster prize  in the category “Translational  Research” awarded by External Strategic Advisory Board , a panel of 6 external international jurymembers,  during the Scientific Meeting on December 4th 2012,  KU Leuven , Dept of Development and Regeneration.

Fassbender A, Waelkens E, Verbeeck N,  Kyama CM,  Bokor A, Vodolazkaia A, Van de Plas R, Meuleman C, Peeraer K, Tomassetti C,  Gevaert O, Ojeda F,  De Moor B,  D’Hooghe ™.
"Proteomics analysis of plasma for early diagnosis of endometriosis".


Alexander Bertrand

Het FWO kent de prijs toe aan Alexander Bertrand voor zijn werk: "Distributed signal processing algorithms for wireless acoustic sensor networks".

De prijsuitreiking gaat door op 16 november 2012.

Uitnodiging prijsuitreiking

Masterproefprijzen 2011-2012: de laureaten

Rien Quirynen

Uitreiking door:
Herman Van der Auweraer, corporate director research and technology development voor 'Automatic code generation of implicit Runge-Kutta integrators with continuous output for fast embedded optimization'

Rien Quirynen
Promotor: Moritz Diehl

Zie ook:

VUB Leerstoel for the academic year 2012-2013 granted to Prof. Johan Suykens (KU Leuven, ESAT-SCD-SISTA-SMC/IBBT Future Health Department)

Johan Suykens

Topic: “Data-driven modelling: an integrative approach”
Registration: email to before Wednesday 26th September 2012
Venue: VUB Etterbeek
Date: October- First inaugural lecture on Wednesday 3rd October 2012, from 16:00 to 17:00 in the Promotiezaal “Aloïs Gerlo” of the VUB-Etterbeek (building D – D.2.01)
Program: See PDF

L(euvense) da Vinci Prijs - Prijs voor de creatie en het verzilveren van valoriseerbaar onderzoek

Tom Van Herpe

Meer informatie ...
Bekijk de presentatie van 25 mei 2012

Andere links:

Best poster award during NVMS - BSMS International Congress on Mass Spectrometry Rolduc, March 28-30, 2012

Nico Verbeeck

Download the poster in PDF

EAMBES Fellow, European Alliance for Medical and Biological Engineering And Science, since Jan. 2012

Sabine Van Huffel

Tijdens een symposium van EAMBES, the European Alliance for Medical and Biological Engineering and Science, te Brussel op 13 en 14 maart 2012 werden de Professoren Jos Vander Sloten en Sabine Van Huffel bevestigd als Founding Fellow van deze alliantie.

Zij werden verkozen tot lid van deze selecte groep van 35 Europese wetenschappers vanwege hun bijdrage tot de ontwikkeling van de biomedische ingenieurswetenschappen in Europa en wereldwijd.

Lees meer...

SmartCare interdisciplinary project - BIR&D award

Maarten De Vos

SmartCare interdisciplinary teamwork project (ESAT/SCD/ SISTA/BIOMED prof. S. Van Huffel and Professor Annie Cuyt (UA)) awarded during BIR&D ceremony: Making Belgium the better place for industrial R&D (Friday 3rd of February 2012 at UCB in Brussels)

Read more ... or download in pdf.
See also the press release

SmartCare interdisciplinary project - BIR&D award

Sabine Van Huffel

SmartCare interdisciplinary teamwork project (ESAT/SCD/ SISTA/BIOMED prof. S. Van Huffel and Professor Annie Cuyt (UA)) awarded during BIR&D ceremony: Making Belgium the better place for industrial R&D (Friday 3rd of February 2012 at UCB in Brussels)

Read more ... or download in pdf.
See also the press release

Best presentation award @ Belgian Sociey of Human Genetics

Alejandro Sifrim

ESAT/SCD/SISTA-BIOI group; IBBT Future Health Department, KU Leuven
Title: Computational annotation and interpretation of single nucleotide variation to identify disease-causing variants by next-generation sequencing
Website: Belgian Society of Human Genetics
Read the abstract.
Nature Genetics Letter
See also
Read also the article from Artsenkrant (in Dutch)

ERC Advanced Grant 2011

Johan Suykens

IEEE Fellow as of January 2012

Geert Leus

Geert Leus elevated to IEEE Fellow as of January 2012 (alumni ESAT/SCD/SISTA/DSP group prof. M.Moonen - year 2000)  and currently  Associate Professor at TU Delft, The Netherlands

More information on Geert Leus ...


BBC11 Best Poster Award

Arnaud Installé

For the poster: Clinical Data Miner - an Electronic Data Capture software framework that improves interrater agreemen, Arnaud Installé*, Dirk Timmerman, Thierry Van den Bosch, Bart De Moor

BBC11 Best Poster Award

Georgios Pavlopoulos

For the poster: Using Hilbert curves to visualize structural variations with Meander, Georgios A. Pavlopoulos*, Alejandro Sifrim, Jan Aerts

December 2011 - Outstanding student branch counselor award for Joos Vandewalle

Joos Vandewalle

Professor Joos Vandewalle has been awarded the "2011 Outstanding IEEE Student Branch Counselor Award" and is the counselor of the KU Leuven branch

For more information on the Benelux Section and its activities, please have a look at

Biologists' favorite award

Ryo Sakai

Ryo Sakai (PhD student @ ESAT/SCD/SISTA/ BIOI -prof. J. Aerts)  has won the "Biologists' favorite" award: His visualization was most helpful for the biologists in directing further experiments during the new biovis conference (aka IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization) in Providence (RI) and contest in visualization of eQTL data.

Best free communication award at ISUOG in 2011

Ben Van Calster

Best free communication in the domain of ovarian pathology:

Van Calster B, Bourne T, Husicka R, Valentin L, Testa A, Van Holsbeke C, Vergote I, Van Huffel S, Timmerman D. Selection of women with an ovarian tumor for surgery in specialist centers: a comparison of two triaging protocols. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2011, 38(Suppl. 1):39.

the Britton Chance award from the International Society of Oxygen Transport in Tissue (ISOTT)

Alexander Caicedo Dorado

Sabine Van Huffel has been nominated president of ISOTT as of July 27 2011 until August 24 2012

Sabine Van Huffel

PDM KULeuven grant

Anca Croitor Sava

Nominated President (2011-2012) of the BoD of EURASIP

Marc Moonen


Best poster award (december 2010)

Nico Verbeeck

Title: Proteomics and the world of tomorrow
Koninklijke Vlaamse Chemische Vereniging - Proteomics conferentie

Honorary Degree from Université de Liège

Jan Willems

Top-12 finalist European ERCIM Cor Baayen Award 2010

Paschalis Tsiaflakis

The Cor Baayen award is awarded each year to a promising young researcher in computer science and applied mathematics. The award was created in 1995 to honour Cor Baayen, the first president of ERCIM and the ERCIM 'president d'honneur'.

Postdoctoral BAEF fellowship 2010-2011

Anneleen Daemen

Belgian American Educational Foundation

the Dietrich W. Lubbers award from the International Society of Oxygen Transport in Tissue (ISOTT)

Alexander Caicedo Dorado

Excellentieprijs FWO

Bart De Moor


Postdoctoral Fulbright scholarship 2010-2011

Raf Van de Plas

Fulbright scholarship (commission for educational exchange between the United States, Belgium and Luxembourg.
Have a glance here

Paschalis Tsiaflakis won the BELGIUM YOUNG ICT PERSONALITY 2010 AWARD

Paschalis Tsiaflakis

with his research work on Green DSL in the context of the theme "Internet Past & Future". The price is awarded by, the forum for European ICT professionals.

Outstanding Self-financed Students Studying Abroad

Shi Yu

China Scholarship Council, Ministry of Education, China

BAEF fellowship

Olivier Gevaert

Henri Benedictus Fellow of the King Boudauin Foundation and the Belgian American Educational Fund

Fulbright fellowship

Olivier Gevaert

Honorary Fulbright Scholar of the Commission for Educational Exchange between the United States of America, Belgium and Luxembourg

Martin Black award 2010 for best article published in Physiological Measurement

Sabine Van Huffel

Paper entitled: 'Automatic screening of obstructive sleep apnea from the ECG based on empirical mode decomposition and wavelet analysis' by Martin Mendez, Jeroen Corthout, Sabine Van Huffel, Matteo Matteucci, Thomas Penzel, Sergio Cerutti and Anna Maria Bianchi.

Paper - PDF


Maarten Breckpot won the EOS AWARD 2009 and the AGORIA AWARD 2009

Maarten Breckpot

for his master thesis "Overstromingsbeheersing van de Demer met Model Predictieve Controle".

Maarten Breckpot was nominated for the VLAAMSE SCRIPTIEPRIJS 2009

Maarten Breckpot

He belonged to the short list of five students who graduated in 2009.

Top 5 Abstract Award at ISUOG in 2009

Ben Van Calster

Top 5 Abstract Award at ISUOG2009 (Hamburg, Germany)

Van Calster B, Condous G, Kirk E, Van Huffel S, Bourne T, Timmerman D. What measurements are needed to classify pregnancies of unknown location? Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 34(Suppl.1):1, 2009.

Best free communication award at ISUOG in 2009

Ben Van Calster

Best presentation award at ISUOG2009 (Hamburg, Germany) in the category "ovarian pathology"

De Clercq L, Van Calster B (presenting author), Van Holsbeke C, Czekierdowski A, Guerriero S, Savelli L, Franchi D, Fischerova D, Jingzhang, Epstein E, Valentin L, Testa AC, Van Huffel S, Timmerman D. Adjusting prediction models for ovarian tumor classification to new clinical settings. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 34(Suppl.1): 49-50, 2009.

Top abstract award

Lieveke Ameye

T BOURNE, D. TIMMERMAN, JINGZHANG, L VALENTIN, D PALADINI, C VAN HOLSBEKE, AA LISSONI, L SAVELLI, J VELDMAN, AC TESTA, F AMANT, S VAN HUFFEL, L AMEYE. A practical approach to preoperatively assess ovarian pathology: combining pattern recognition and mathematical models. Abstracts 19th World Congress of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology organised by the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG), Hamburg, Germany, September 13-17, 2009. Abstract classified as top 5 abstract and also received the top abstract award.

Best Student Paper Award IJCBS 2009

Hong Sun

Best Student Paper Award at the 2009 International Joint Conferences on Bioinformatics, System Biology and Intelligent Computing IJCBS 2009 for the paper "Layout and Post-Processing of Transcriptional Modules".
(Sun H, Lemmens K, Van den Bulcke T, Engelen K, De Moor B, Marchal K.)

Maarten Breckpot won the BESIX AWARD

Maarten Breckpot

for the Best Master Thesis at the Promotion/Graduation session of Engineering 2009.

Click here to download the thesis entitled: "Overstromingsbeheersing van de Demer met Model Predictieve Controle (Praktische uitwerking met de INCA software van IPCOS).

IJCNN 2009 Best Student Paper Award

Carlos Andres Alzate Perez

Carlos Alzate has received the Best Student Paper Award at the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN 2009 (Atlanta US, June 2009) for his paper "A Regularized Formulation for Spectral Clustering with Pairwise Constraints"
(C. Alzate, J.A.K. Suykens).
Conference link:

ISMB 2009 travel fellowship

Anneleen Daemen

Travel fellowship to attend the 17th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2009) & the 8th European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB) in Stockholm, Sweden for the amount of 450EURO.

PSB 2009 travel fellowship

Anneleen Daemen

Travel fellowship to attend the 14th Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB 2009) in Big Island, Hawaii, USA for the amount of $1250USD.

IEEE Signal Processing Society 2008 Best Paper Award

Simon Doclo

for the paper: Jingdong Chen, Jacob Benesty, Yiteng (Arden) Huang, and Simon Doclo, "New Insights Into the Noise Reduction Wiener Filter", IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 1218-1234, Jul. 2006.

IEEE Fellow since Jan 2009

Sabine Van Huffel

"for contributions to total LS fitting & computational biosignal processing"


KES 2008 Best Student Paper Award

Anneleen Daemen

Best Student Research Paper Award at the 12th International Conference on Knowledge-Based & Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, Zagreb, Croatia, 3-5 September 2008, for the paper "Classification of Sporadic and BRCA1 Ovarian Cancer Based on a Genome-wide Study of Copy Number Variations".

Best Oral - Poster Presentation

Anca Croitor Sava

Young Scientists Award to Anca Croitor Sava for Best Oral-Poster Presentation of the work entitled Data Fusion of HR-MAS and in vivo information with application in brain tumor recognition.
Presented at the 6th European Symposium on Biomedical Engineering
Held at the Center for Mediterranean Architecture, Chania, Ellas
19-21 june 2008

Alston S Householder Award 2008

Ivan Markovsky

Best Dissertation in Numerical Linear Algebra

Awarded at the Householder XVII Symposium
held in Zeuthen, Germany, June 1-6, 2008

Selection Commitee: James Demmel (university of California), Howard Elman (University of Maryland), Volker Mehrmann (TU Berlin), Sabine Van Huffel (K.U. Leuven), Charles Van Loan (Cornell University) Committee Chair

IEEE Travel Grants

Rodrigo Moraes

Financial assistance for attending ICC 2008, in Beijing, China.

Celtic Excellence Award 2008

Marc Moonen

ESAT-SCD participated in the EU/Celtic project BANITS ('Broadband Access Networks Integrated Telecommunication System'), which received the 'Celtic Excellence Award 2008'. Six Celtic projects of Call 1 and Call 2 have been granted the 'Celtic Excellence Award' for their outstanding achievements.
The BANITS Project was led by Javier Hurtado and Luis Perez Roldan of Telefónica I+D (Madrid, Spain). Project Participants were Telefónica I+D (Spain), Alcatel-Lucent Bell (Belgium), Ericsson AB (Sweden), Inelcom (Spain), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), Optibase (Israel), RAD Data Communications (Israel), Fundacion Robotiker (Spain) and UpZide Labs (Sweden). The award was granted "because of a number of new products, patents, and standard contributions (generated by the project), which are expected to generate new income, new jobs, and to assure better competitiveness of the companies involved".

PSB 2008 travel fellowship

Anneleen Daemen

Travel fellowship to attend the 13th Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB 2008) in Big Island, Hawaii, USA for the amount of $1000USD.


Duane F. Bruley Award (ISOTT)

Dominique De Smet

The Duane F. Bruley Awards was established were first presented by ISOTT at the 2004 annual meeting in Bari, Italy. They were established to support travel funds for student researchers in all areas of oxygen transport to tissue. The Awards signify Dr. Bruley's interest in seeking young scientists and engineers to maintain the image and quality of research associated with the society. As a co-founder of ISOTT in 1973, Dr. Bruley emphasizes cross-disciplinary research among basic scientists, engineers, medical scientists, and clinicians. His pioneering work constructing mathematical models for oxygen and other anabolite/metabolite transport in the microcirculation, employing computer solutions, were the first to consider system non-linearities, time dependence, including multi-dimensional diffusion, convection, and reaction kinetics. It is hoped that receiving the Duane F. Bruley Award will inspire students to excel in their research and will assist in securing future leadership for ISOTT.

Oustanding Poster Award at ISMB/ECCB 2007 Conference.

Fabian Ojeda

A large scale spectral clustering algorithm with out of sample extension: application to gene expression data. F. Ojeda, C. Alzate, J. Suykens, B. De Moor. ISMB2007

ISMB 2007 travel fellowship

Anneleen Daemen

Travel fellowship to attend the 15th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2007) & the 6th European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB) in Vienna, Austria for the amount of 300EURO.

Nominated President (2007-2009) of the BoD of EURASIP

Marc Moonen

Fellow IEEE (2007)

Marc Moonen


Interactive paper prize

Bart Vanluyten

Rewarded to the paper "Matrix Factorization and Stochastic State Representations" by Bart Vanluyten, Jan C. Willems and Bart L.R. De Moor for outstanding technical quality, originality, importance and presentation at an interactive session at the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC2006).

ACNS Travel Fellowship Award

Anneleen Vergult

Travel fellowship award to attend the Annual Meeting of the American Clinical Neurophysiology Society (ACNS) in Chicago, Nov. 2006.

ASL travel fellowship

Olivier Gevaert

Travel fellowship from the Academische Stichting Leuven to attend the 14th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2006) conference in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil for the amount of 1000 euro

ISMB 2006 travel fellowship

Olivier Gevaert

Travel fellowship to attend the 14th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2006) conference in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil for the amount of $1000USD.

laureate KVIV engineering prices 2006

Maarten De Vos

TechArt 2005

Gert Thijs

Tech-Art 2005 award of the VIK for the Silicos' Virtual Screening Factory.


ASL-Prijs voor Exacte Wetenschappen

Frank Verstraete

Met de ASL-Prijs voor Exacte Wetenschappen bekroont de Academische Stichting Leuven een doctoraatsproefschrift dat zich situeert in het domein van de exacte wetenschappen en dat aan de K.U.Leuven behaald werd. Het bekroonde werk moet uitmunten door de originaliteit van het onderwerp, de wetenschappelijke uitwerking en/of de innoverende conclusies.

Diabetes Technology Peterson Student Research Bronze Prize

Tom Van Herpe

Diabetes Technology Peterson Student Research Bronze Prize at the Fifth Annual Diabetes Technology Meeting (2005).

Student Best Paper Award of the American Control Conference 2005

Bert Pluymers

The American Control Conference is a leading conference in the field of automatic control theory and is organized yearly. Based on the quality of the submitted manuscripts, 5 student papers are selected as finalists for the Student Best Paper Award. The final winner is selected based on the quality of the oral presentation.

Best Student Paper Award, International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2005), Philadelphia, PA, USA, March 2005

Ann Spriet

France Telecom R&D Thesis Distinction 2005

Vincent Le Nir


Alcatel Bell (Belgium) Award 2004 (with Raphael Cendrillon)

Marc Moonen

Promotor for an honorary degree awarded to Prof. Dr. Lennart Ljung

Bart De Moor

Mathematica Award

Ivan Markovsky

This award is given by Wolfram Research at the International Conference on Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT 2004) held in Prague, 22-27 August 2004, for the poster "Consistent estimation of an ellipsoid with known center" by I. Markovsky, A. Kukush, and S. Van Huffel.


Best Paper (Bioengineering).

Bart Vanrumste

Can ICA be used as a pre-processing step in EEG spike detection? At New Zealand Physics and Engineering in Medicine conference 2003, Dunedin, New Zealand, 11-13 November 2003.

Best Student Paper Award, International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC 2003), Kyoto, Japan, Sept. 2003

Ann Spriet

EURASIP Signal Processing Best Paper Award 2003

Simon Doclo

for the paper: S. Doclo and M. Moonen, "Design of far-field and near-field broadband beamformers using eigenfilters", Signal Processing, vol. 83, no. 12, pp. 2641-2673, Dec. 2003.

David Tuma Laboratory Project Award

Thomas Klasen

To the student team creating the most outstanding undergraduate laboratory project. Received by Thomas Klasen and Naseer Siddique for their project “Shoot the Moon.” Where a computer controlled and won the game “Shoot the Moon.”


FWO Siemens Prize

Yves Moreau

Moreau Y., Marchal K., Mathys J., Computational biomedicine : a multidisciplinary crossroads, Siemens Prize, FWO (Flanders, Belgium), 2002, 89 p.

Best Student Paper Competition Finalist

Ivan Markovsky

awarded from IEEE SMC for the paper Multi-model system parameter estimation by Ivan Markovsky, Sabine Van Huffel, and Bart De Moor, presented at the 2002 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Hammamet, Tunisia, 6-9 October 2002.

Second prize in the Young Investigators Poster Competition

Bart Vanrumste

“ A multigrid solver in EEG source analysis applying the finite difference method”, at the joint 29th International Congress on Electrocardiology and the 4th International Conference on Bioelectromagnetism, Montreal, Canada, 2-5 July 2002.

AAAI Student Award at ACM SIGKDD 2002 - coauthorship with Peter Antal

Patrick Glenisson

IEEE Signal Processing Society Young Author Best Paper Award 2002

Geert Leus

IEEE Signal Processing Society Young Author Best Paper Award 2002 for the paper: G. Leus, P. Vandaele, and M. Moonen, Deterministic Blind Modulation-Induced Source Separation for Digital Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 219-227, January 2001.

2001-2002 : Francqui Chair at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel on "Advanced data processing developments building upon linear algebraic and neural network concepts".

Joos Vandewalle


Best poster award.

Leentje Vanhamme

PRORISC, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, November 29- November 30 2001

Best Student Paper Award International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control, 2001

Simon Doclo

for the paper: S. Doclo and M. Moonen, "Combined frequency-domain dereverberation and noise reduction technique for multi-microphone speech enhancement"

Audio Engineering Society Educational Foundation

Bert Schiettecatt

A grant for supporting education in the field of audio and acoustics, and my education in the Master of Arts at Stanford University.

Best paper neural networks nomination at SCI 2001, Orlando, Florida (2001-08-21)

Tony Van Gestel

Fulbright grant

Yves Moreau

Lapperre Award 2001

Ann Spriet

Belgian American Educational Foundation Fellowship

Bert Schiettecatt

A fellowship for obtaining the degree 'Master of Arts in Music, Science and Technology' at the Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA), Stanford University, USA.

Outstanding teacher award for the year 2000 in Tel-Aviv university

Sharon Gannot


International Neural Networks Society INNS 2000 Young Investigator Award

Johan Suykens

Kanunnik J. Desmet

Ivan Goethals

Award for most distinguished physics student in the graduating year 2000

IEEE Signal Processing Society 1999 Best Paper Award (Senior award)

Johan Suykens

2000 : IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award (1999) (joint with Johan Suykens, Bart DeMoor)

Joos Vandewalle

Awarded at the 25th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, June 2000, Istanbul, Turkey for the paper: NLq theory: checking and imposing stability of recurrent neural networks for nonlinear modelling, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (special issue on neural networks for signal processing), Vol.45, No.11, pp. 2682-2691, Nov. 1997.


Young scientist award for the best oral presentation.

Bart Vanrumste

"The influence of the ventricular system in EEG dipole source analysis" at the 10th world congress of the international society for brain electromagnetic topography, Adelaide, Australia, 11- 13/10/99

IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award

Bart De Moor

IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award (1999) (joint with Johan Suykens, Joos Vandewalle), awarded at the 25th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, June 2000, Istanbul, Turkey for the paper: NLq theory: checking and imposing stability of recurrent neural networks for nonlinear modelling, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (special issue on neural networks for signal processing), Vol.45, No.11, pp. 2682-2691, Nov. 1997.

1999 : in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS) golden Jubilee Medal (IEEE Third Millennium Medal in recognition and appreciation of valued services and outstanding contributions).

Joos Vandewalle

1999 member of Academiae Europaea.

Joos Vandewalle


1st prize KVIV-Studentenprijzen 1997

Simon Doclo

for the MSc thesis "Enhancement of speech intelligibility in hearing aids by adaptive noise suppression in real time" (with Erik De Clippel)

1997-8 Intel-Dean award for excellency

Sharon Gannot

1998 elected IEE Fellow

Joos Vandewalle


Alcatel Bell (Belgium) Award 1997 (with Piet Vandaele)

Marc Moonen

EURASIP Student Paper Prize

Lieven De Lathauwer

Best Student Paper IEEE Signal Processing Society Workshop on Higher-Order Statistics, July 21-23, 1997, Banff, Alberta, Canada

Best Junior Presentation Award

Lieven De Lathauwer

Best Student Presentation 16th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, March 5-7, 1997, Houffalize, Belgium

Laureate of the Belgium Royal Academy of Science 1997

Marc Moonen


Tri-annual best paper award of Automatica

Bart De Moor

Tri-annual best paper award of Automatica (1996), a journal of the International Federation of Automatic Control (joint with Peter Van Overschee) for the paper: Subspace algorithms for the identification of combined deterministic-stochastic systems, Automatica 30 (1), pp.75-94, January 1994; The award citation reads: With deep insight, this paper develops a most useful and efficient method for multivariable system identification. The presentation covers numerical, statistical and implementation issues, and has had an immediate impact on best practice in identification applications. Published in Automatica


The IDF General Staff Head of Intelligence Branch Creativity award for 1995

Sharon Gannot

Student Award

Lieven De Lathauwer

Best Student Paper IEEE Signal Processing / ATHOS Workshop on Higher-Order Statistics, June 12-14, 1995, Girona, Spain


K.U. Leuven Research Council Award 1994

Marc Moonen

Bi-annual Siemens prize

Bart De Moor

Bi-annual Siemens prize (1994), joint with Peter Van Overschee, for the paper: Graphical User Interface Software for System Identification (Available as ESAT/SISTA TR 1994-06, Department of Electrical Engineering, Katholieke Universiteite Leuven, Belgium, awarded at a Prize Ceremony, October 17 1994, NFWO/FNRS, Brussels


Promotor for an honorary degree awarded to Prof. Dr. Gene Golub

Bart De Moor

Promotor for an honorary degree awarded to Prof. Dr. Gene Golub, Stanford University, at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, December 1992

Laureate of the Belgian Royal Academy of Sciences

Bart De Moor

Laureate of the Belgian Royal Academy of Sciences (1992), first prize, with the paper: Numerical Algorithms for State Space Subspace System Identification, Published in Academia Analecta, Klasse der Wetenschappen, Koninklijke Akademie voor Wetenschappen, Jaargang 55, nr.5, 1993

1991-1992 : Francqui Chair at the University of Liège on "Artificial Neural Networks".

Joos Vandewalle

1992 elected fellow of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) for contributions to nonlinear circuits and systems

Joos Vandewalle


Guillemin-Cauer Best Paper Award

Bart De Moor

Guillemin-Cauer Best Paper Award (1990) of the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, joint with Lieven Vandenberghe en Joos Vandewalle for the paper:The Generalized Linear Complementarity Problem Applied to the Complete Analysis of Resistive Piecewise Linear Circuits. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, November 1989, Volume 36, Number 11, pp.1382-1391

1990 : Guillemin Cauer Best paper award IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems 1989.(joint with L. Vandenberghe and B. De Moor).

Joos Vandewalle


The Leslie Fox Prize

Bart De Moor

The Leslie Fox Prize (1989), first prize, (17 international candidates, 7 finalists) for the paper presentation: The restricted singular value decomposition: Properties and applications. Cambridge University, England, September 5, 1989; Published as: De Moor B., Golub G.H. The restricted singular value decomposition: properties and applications. Siam Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, Vol.12, no.3, July 1991, pp.401-425.

1989 : Best paper award at the Design Automation Conference 1989, Las Vegas (joint with G. Goossens and H. De Man).

Joos Vandewalle


Leybold-Heraeus Prize

Bart De Moor

Leybold-Heraeus Prize (1986) for a report on the 1986 position of Belgium in comparison with Japan and the United States with respect to scientific research and technological innovation

1986 : Best paper award on computer aided design at the IEEE ICCD Conference, Port Chester New York (joint with L. Claesen, F. Catthoor, H. De Man, S. Note and K. Mertens).

Joos Vandewalle


President of the Technion annual award for excellency for 1985

Sharon Gannot

1985 : SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication S.C.) award (joint with R. Govaerts and Y. Desmedt).

Joos Vandewalle


President of the Technion annual award for excellency for 1984

Sharon Gannot


President of the Technion annual award for excellency for 1983

Sharon Gannot

1983 : Award of 100 Year Bell Telephone (BTMC) (joint with Y. Desmedt and R. Govaerts).

Joos Vandewalle


1977-78 : Rotary Foundation grant.

Joos Vandewalle


1976-77 : Fullbright/Hays travel grant. NATO Fellowship.

Joos Vandewalle


PhD defense - Martijn Oldenhof
Machine Learning for Advanced Chemical Analysis and Structure Recognition in Drug Discovery

Meet the Jury Igor Tetko on Advanced Machine Learning in Drug Discovery

Multimodal analysis of cell-free DNA for sensitive cancer detection in low-coverage and low-sample settings
Seminar by Antoine Passemiers

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STADIUS Alumni Herman Verrelst – new CEO of Biocartis

08 June 2017

Herman Verrelst, the founder of KU Leuven spin-off Cartagenia, who has been working in Silicon Valley, US for the last few years will be returning to Belgium to follow the steps of Rudi Pauwels as CEO of the Belgian diagnostic company, Biocartis.

Supporting healthcare policymaking via machine learning – batteries included!

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STADIUS takes the lead in the data analytics efforts in an ambitious European Project MIDAS.

Marc Claesen gives an interview about his PhD for the magazine of the Faculty of Engineering Sciences "Geniaal"

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Did you know that in Belgium approximately one third of type 2 diabetes patients are unaware of their condition?

Joos Vandewalle is nieuwe voorzitter KVAB

09 October 2016

Op 5 oktober 2016 heeft de Algemene Vergadering van de Academie KVAB Joos Vandewalle verkozen tot voorzitter van de KVAB.

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