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Joos Vandewalle

Joos Vandewalle


Algebraic and mathematical methods for Systems, circuits, signal processing, learning systems and cryptography


Academic activities:

Electrical engineering degree and a doctorate in applied sciences, both from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven , Belgium in 1971 and 1976 respectively.
From 1976 to 1978 Research Associate and from July 1978 to July 1979, Visiting Assistant Professor both at the University of California, Berkeley .
Since July 1979 he held several research and teaching positions at the Electrical Engineering Department of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.
Since 1986 Full Professor at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.
Since 1984 Academic Consultant at IMEC (Interuniversity Microelectronics Center), Leuven.
From August 1996 till August 1999 Chairman of the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.
From August 99 till August 2002 Vice-dean of Engineering at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.
From August 2003 till February 2005 he was Chairman of the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.
Since February 2005 he is a member of the Governing Board of the Exact Sciences (Groepsbestuur Exacte Wetenschappen) at the Katolieke Universiteit Leuven.
Teaching courses in linear algebra, linear and nonlinear system and circuit theory, signal processing and neural networks.

Cursus Wiskundeleraars:

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Papers, books and journals:

Authored or coauthored more than 200 scientific papers.
Co-author with S. Van Huffel of the book "The Total Least Squares Problem" (SIAM, 1991)
Co-editor with T. Roska of the book "Cellular Neural Networks" (J. Wiley, 1993)
Co-author with J. Suykens and B. De Moor of the book "Artificial neural networks for modeling and control of nonlinear systems" (Kluwer, 1995)
Co-editor with J. Suykens of the book "Nonlinear Modeling" (Kluwer, 1999)
Co-author with J. Suykens, T. Van Gestel, J. De Brabanter, B. De Moor, of the book "Least squares support vector machines" World Scientific, Singapore 2002.
Member of the editorial board of 4 scientific journals : the International Journal of Circuit Theory and its Applications, the Journal of Circuits Systems and Computers, Neurocomputing, and Neural Networks.
From 1989 till 1991, associate editor at the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems in the area of nonlinear and neural networks.

Conferences and councils :

Program Chair IEEE International Conference on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) Geneva, May 2000.
General Chairman IACR (Intl. Association for Cryptologic Research) Eurocrypt Conference, Brugge, May 2000.
Corresponding member of the Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België (October 1996 - 2003) and since 2003 regular member.
Member of the Royal Belgian Academy Council of Applied Sciences (BACAS).
Member of 2 committees of the Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Vlaanderen (Belgium).
From 1 January 2002 till 31 December 2003 deputy editor of the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems.
Program Chairman of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IEEE + Int. Neural Network Society) in Budapest July 2004 with 600 papers.

Promotor of the doctoral research program for (alumni)

… J. Staar : "Concepts for reliable modelling of linear systems with applications to on-line identification of multivariable state space descriptions", June 22, 1982.
… J. Rabaey : "A unified computer aided design technique for switched capacitor networks in the time and frequency domain", April 28, 1983 (co-promotor with Prof. H. De Man).
… L. Claesen : "Computer aided design of integrated systems for digital and analog signal processing", March 28, 1984 (co-promotor with Prof. H. De Man).
… R. Jain : "Computer-aided discrete coefficient optimization of custom integrated digital filters", 1985, (promotor with Prof. H. De Man).
… H. Franken : "Analyse van twee technieken ter identificatie van respiratoire impedantie", July 27, 1985, promotor with Prof. K. Van de Woestijne (Laboratorium voor Longfunctie, Faculteit Geneeskunde K.U.L.).
… M. Verhaegen, "A new class of algorithms in linear system theory with application to real-time aircraft model identification", November 5, 1985.
… F. Catthoor, "Architectural design strategies for compelx DSP systems in an automated synthesis environment", May 21, 1987 (co-promotor with Prof. H. De Man).
… S. Van Huffel, "Analysis of the Total Least Squares Problem and its use in parameter estimation", June 1987.
… S.H. Tan, "A unified approach to analysis and control of non-causal multivariable dynamical systems", October 21, 1987.
… B. De Moor, "Mathematical concepts and techniques for modelling of static and dynamic systems", June 3, 1988.
… J. Chen, "Adaptive filtering and its applications in echo cancellation and biomedical signal processing", April 25, 1989.
… G. Goossens, "Optimization techniques for automated synthesis of application specific signal processing architectures", (co-promotor with Prof. H. De Man).
… D. Callaerts, "Signal separation based on singular value decomposition and their applicaiton to the real-time extraction of the fetal electrocardiogram from cutaneous recordings", December 1989
… M. Moonen,"Jacobi-type updating algorithms for signal processing, systems identification and control", November 22, 1990
… J. Vanderschoot,"Analysis of biomedical vector signals by numerically reliable techniques", April 29, 1991.
… G. Tijskens, "Accurate on-line description of biological signals by spline functions as a basis for automated analysis", October 1991
… I. Verbauwhede, "VLSI Design Methodologies for Application-Specific Cryptographic and Algebraic Systems", 9 July, 1991
… L. Vandenberghe, "Variable Dimension Algorithms in the Analysis of Nonlinear Circuits and Neural Networks", April 2, 1992
… J. Van Impe, "Modeling and optimal adaptive control of biotechnological processes", January 1993
… B. Preneel, "Analysis and design of cryptographic hash functions", January 1993
… J. David, "Algorithms for analysis and design of robust controllers", March 1994
… V. Beiu, "Neural networks using threshold gates : a complexity analysis of their area and time efficient VLSI implementations", May 1994
… J. Hao, "Design of neural networks with applications to associative memories, identification and control", September 1994
… J. Daemen, "Cipher and hash function design. Strategies based on linear and differential cryptanalysis", March 1995
… F. Vanpoucke, "Algorithms and architectures for adaptive array signal processing", February 1995
… D. Thierens, "Analysis and design of genetic algorithms", May 1995
… J. Suykens, "Artificial neural networks for modelling and control of nonlinear systems", May 1995
… J. Dehaene, "Continuous-time matrix algorithms systolic algorithms and adaptive neural networks", October 1995
… G. Schelfhout, "Model reduction for control design", January 1996
… H. Chen, "Subspace-based parameter estimation of exponentially damped sinusoids with application to nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy data", May 1996
… Lieven De Lathauwer : "Signal Processing with multilinear algebra", September 1997
… Cristian Radu, ``Analysis and design of off-line electronic payment systems,'' October 1997.
… Vincent Rijmen, ``Cryptanalysis and design of iterated block ciphers,'' October 1997.
… Moreau Y., Dynamical Neural Networks and Composition Networks for System Modeling, May 1998, 247 p.
… M. Vandenwauver, ``Practical network security aspects,'' May 1998.
… Liang Jie, Recording, processing and analysis of gastric myoelectrical, Sept. 2000.
… Espinosa J., Fuzzy modeling and control, April 2001, 261 p.
… J. Borst, Block Ciphers: Design, Analysis and Side-Channel Analysis, September 2001.

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