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Ida Tassens


Tel.: 2 17 09
Fax: 2 19 70


Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, bus 2446
B-3001 Leuven

Route description

Address for route planners (GPS directing)

In route planners, the address 'Kasteelpark Arenberg 10' is often wrongly routed.
Therefore, for route planning use: Kantineplein, Heverlee.

Coming from Leuven

  • Go to the cross-roads 'Naamse Poort' on the ring around Leuven.
  • Turn southwards (at the Total service station).
  • The road immediately splits in two, go right.
  • That is the 'Kardinaal Mercierlaan', follow this lane lined with chestnutt trees for about one kilometer until reaching the 'Kantineplein', a cross-roads square.
  • Enter the park immediately to your right after the last chestnutt tree (watch out for bikers).


By car coming from Brussels or Liege

  • Take the highway E40 (Brussels - Liege).
  • Take the exit E314 / Leuven (no. 15).
  • Keep to the right and follow the sign "Leuven" (leave the E314).
  • Turn right at the fourth traffic lights (direction Campus Arenberg, this is the Celestijnenlaan).
  • Drive on for about 500 m, until the bridge over the river Dijle. Just past the bridge, on the left, you can drive into the Arenberg park.
  • Continue on the road parallel to the river until the last tree (with the Arenberg castle on your left). Turn right and drive over the cobble stones between hedges. Continue uphill and follow the cobble stone road which turns left; the building in front of you is the department of Electrical Engineering (shown on the map).

By car coming from Hasselt / Eindhoven / Aachen

  • Take the highway E314 (Aachen - Leuven).
  • Take the exit "Leuven" (no. 15). This is the last exit before the E40.
  • Follow the instructions on the left here from 'Turn right at the third traffic lights ...'.

Kaart omgeving ESAT

By train, taxi or bus

Please pay attention to the fact that you have to take first the train to Leuven and not to Louvain-la-neuve (Louvain-la-neuve is situated near Wavre and houses the French speaking equivalent of the Katholieke Universiteit).

In the station of Leuven you can board the local train which goes to Wavre and Louvain-la-Neuve. The first station is that of Heverlee. If you get out there it is a ten minute walk to ESAT.

At Leuven station, you can take a taxi (this will cost between 10 and 15 Euro and will take 5-10 minutes).
You can also take bus 2 "Heverlee Campus" in the direction "Kantien/Campus" (the bus stops on the Kantien square, 150m of our building).
Yet another alternative is to take the train from Leuven in the direction of Wavres/Louvain-la-Neuve!) till Heverlee train station (1 stop) and then walk to ESAT (see above).

At the "Kantien" you will see the park with the Arenberg Castle in front of you. Enter the park, the first building on your right hand side is the building of the Department of Electrical Engineering.

By plane

In the Brussels Airport (Zaventem), take the train to Leuven (about 16 minutes), not Louvain-la-Neuve! You'll find trains for Leuven by searching for: Leuven or Landen.

From Leuven station, proceed as mentioned in the adjoining column


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