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STADIUS is continuously seeking to recruit phd and postdoctoral researchers - even at times when there are not any vacancies explicitly announced on this page.

If you are an outstanding candidate and have a strong interest in one of the STADIUS research domains, please do not hesitate to apply by sending your CV, a copy of your transcripts, and possibly also GRE & TOEFL results and reference letters either to or directly to a STADIUS member:

  • If you are interested in visual analytics (combining visual and interaction design with data mining) and helping the expert user gain deep insight in large/complex datasets, please contact Jan Aerts (visit his page)
  • If you are interested in biomedical signal processing, brain-computer interfaces, body area networks, or signal processing in high-density sensor arrays, please send an e-mail to Alexander Bertrand (visit his page)
  • If you are interested in tensor decompositions, their algebraic properties, numerical computation and applications in signal processing, data analysis and system identification, please write to Lieven De Lathauwer (visit his page)
  • If you are interested in numerical linear algebra, dynamical systems theory and modelling, advanced control theory, data mining and bioinformatics, digital health and clinical genomic please write to Bart De Moor (visit his page)
  • If you are interested in signal processing, speech & audio signal processing, digital wireless/wireline communications, please write to Marc Moonen (visit his page)
  • If you are interested in bioinformatics, specifically machine learning, deep learning, and probabilistic graphical models for the integration of complex heterogeneous genomic and clinical data, with applications in clinical genomics, drug target discovery, and hit prediction, please contact Yves Moreau (visit his page).
  • If you are interested in optimization theory, large-scale, distributed and embedded numerical optimization algorithms and model predictive control please write to Panos Patrinos (visit his page)
  • If you are interested in Biomedical data processing, computer-aided diagnostics, smart patient monitoring and clinical decision support, please contact Sabine Van Huffel (visit her page)
  • If you are interested in audio engineering, please contact Toon van Waterschoot (visit his page)


PhD defense - Martijn Oldenhof
Machine Learning for Advanced Chemical Analysis and Structure Recognition in Drug Discovery

Meet the Jury Igor Tetko on Advanced Machine Learning in Drug Discovery

Multimodal analysis of cell-free DNA for sensitive cancer detection in low-coverage and low-sample settings
Seminar by Antoine Passemiers

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STADIUS Alumni Herman Verrelst – new CEO of Biocartis

08 June 2017

Herman Verrelst, the founder of KU Leuven spin-off Cartagenia, who has been working in Silicon Valley, US for the last few years will be returning to Belgium to follow the steps of Rudi Pauwels as CEO of the Belgian diagnostic company, Biocartis.

Supporting healthcare policymaking via machine learning – batteries included!

29 May 2017

STADIUS takes the lead in the data analytics efforts in an ambitious European Project MIDAS.

Marc Claesen gives an interview about his PhD for the magazine of the Faculty of Engineering Sciences "Geniaal"

10 February 2017

Did you know that in Belgium approximately one third of type 2 diabetes patients are unaware of their condition?

Joos Vandewalle is nieuwe voorzitter KVAB

09 October 2016

Op 5 oktober 2016 heeft de Algemene Vergadering van de Academie KVAB Joos Vandewalle verkozen tot voorzitter van de KVAB.

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