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Alexander Bertrand

Alexander Bertrand


Signal processing algorithm design for biomedical sensor arrays

Alexander Bertrand's research involves signal processing algorithm design with a focus on biomedical sensor arrays, such as electroencephalography (EEG), neural implants, ultrasound probes, and distributed body- and neuro-sensor networks. Applications include brain-computer interfaces, cognitive control of hearing prostheses, and wearable neuro-monitoring with distributed neuro-sensor networks. He also conducts research in generic signal processing techniques, with a focus on multi-channel and distributed signal processing, spatial filtering, beamforming, adaptive filtering, and signal enhancement.

Research topics: Signal Processing algorithm design with a focus on

  • Multi-channel signal processing & sensor arrays
  • Signal enhancement and artifact/noise reduction
  • Distributed signal processing
  • Biomedical sensor arrays
  • Brain-computer interfaces (BCI) and neural decoding
  • Electroencephalography (EEG)
  • Neural implants
  • Neuro-sensor networks
  • Wireless sensor networks (WSNs)
  • Wireless body area networks
  • Audio and speech processing


Current research team

Zhenxiang Cao, Fernando de la Hucha Arce, Ruochen Ding, Simon Geirnaert, Nicolas Heintz, Charles Hovine, Tianyi Li, Cem Ates Musluoglu, Iustina Rotaru, Nick Seeuws, Thomas Strypsteen, Davina Van den Broek, Yuanyuan Yao

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