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Yves Moreau

Yves Moreau


My research focuses on AI algorithms and software platforms for the integration of complex data in clinical genomics and drug discovery: (1) federated analysis of real-world clinical and genomic data, (2) data fusion algorithms for the identification of pathogenic genetic variation in rare genetic disorders and liquid biopsies, and (3) data fusion for drug discovery and drug design. At the algorithmic level, I focus on the development of novel AI methods, such as deep learning and Bayesian matrix factorization, for the fusion of heterogeneous sparsely-observed data; and on privacy-preserving implementations of such methods. I aim at demonstrated clinical or industrial applicability of our methods and proven effectiveness in human genetics research and drug discovery.

I am also a tech innovator interested in identifying relevant business models for emerging technologies and developing projects up to the precompetitive stage and the startup of university spin-offs. I am a co-founder of Data4S, a data mining company specialized in fraud detection and anti-moneylaundering, which is now part of BAE Systems, Detica NetReveal. I am also a co-founder of Cartagenia, specialized in ICT solutions for clinical genetic diagnosis.

I am engaged in a reflection on how information technology and artificial intelligence are transforming our world and on how to make sure this transformation is beneficial for all. In particular, I am actively pushing back against the emergence of surveillance societies that has been made possible by such technological advances. For these activities, see my press portfolio.

Current research team

Muhammad Quamber Ali, Kevin Bardool, Edward De Brouwer, Andras Formanek, Hannah Rosa Friesacher, Susan Ghaderi, Benjamin Huremagic, Martijn Oldenhof, Antoine Passemiers, Ashkan Pirmani, Daniele Raimondi, Nishkala Sattanathan, Nora Verplaetse, Goran Vinterhalter

Active projects

Finished projects



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    Contact information

    • Office: B00.18
    • Address:
      Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, bus 2446, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium
    • Tel: +32 16 32 86 45
    • Fax: 2 19 70
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