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SymBioSys4 - SymBioSys: Computationally mapping genomic heterogeneity from long read sequencing data

From 01-10-2022 to 30-09-2026


Cells are basic units of life and, not surprisingly, single-cell analyses are revolutionizing our understanding of the extent, nature, and biology of cellular diversity throughout the lifetime of an organism, in health and disease. Recent advances in long-read sequencing now allow combining the advantages of single-molecule long reads with the revolution of single-cell multi-omics. This offers exciting opportunities to answer a plethora of questions. Still, the tools for long-read genome-wide analyses are in their infancy. With this project, we will address a series of computational challenges and develop algorithms and tools in four key areas: (1) Multi-cell long-read ‘omics’ (2) single-molecule long-read multi-omics, (3) single-cell long-read mult-omics and (4) artificial intelligence approaches for mechanistic/functional (pathway, gene regulatory network) interpretation. These bioinformatic frameworks will be applied to four relevant use cases for which the partners in this project have ample experience, have already generated long-read and single-cell data for, and have matched funds to generate additional data sets and follow up new discoveries with in vitro and in vivo validation. These research areas include embryo development, neurodevelopmental disorders, cellular heterogeneity in cancer in treatment naive and drug exposed conditions, and the aging brain.



  • Yves Moreau, Co-promoter
  • Thierry Voet, Co-promoter (External)
  • Diether Lambrechts, Co-promoter (External)
  • Stein Aerts, Co-promoter (External)
  • Joris Vermeesch, Coordinator (External)


Funding: KU Leuven - Internal Funding KU Leuven

Program/Grant Type: C1 - KU Leuven Category 1 Funding


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