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Bioinformatics for single-cell genome sequence analyses and High-throughput mRNA sequencing

From 01-10-2013 to 28-02-2014


SymBioSys is a consortium of computational scientists and molecular biologists at the KU Leuven focusing on how individual genomic variation leads to disease through cascading effects across biological networks. The goal of the project is to develop innovative bioinformatics and computational biology strategies aimed at two key challenges. First, it addresses the technological challenge of efficiently leveraging the flood of data from next−generation sequencing (NGS) towards mapping genomic and transcriptomic variation in human and mouse. Second, it tackles the scientific challenge of understanding how (human) genetic variation originates and how it leads to differences in (clinical) phenotypes.

Two ongoing projects will benefit from the accessibility to Tier1.

The first project refers to the study of DNA mutation rates and mutator phenotypes at per cell-cycle level and to the profiling of the intra-tumor genetic heterogeneity at  single-cell level.  The goal of the second project is to study the 3’UTR length of RNA transcripts in mature spermatozoa, oocytes and early embryonic cells, hypothesized to be important in the post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression in early embryogenesis


  • Yves Moreau, Co-promoter
  • Thierry Voet, Promoter (External)
  • Parveen Kumar, Team member (External)
  • LIgia Mateiu, Team member (External)


Funding: OTHER - Other Funding Agencies

Program/Grant Type: VSC - Vlaams Supercomputing Centrum


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