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IBD4Health summer school 2017 - Big Data Challenges for Healthy Living and Active Aging

From 01-02-2017 to 31-12-2017


IBD4Health addresses the Big Data Challenges for Healthy Living and Active Aging, by considering the obesity’s underlying mechanisms, comorbidities and preventive management as case study. IBD4Health focuses on one major IT’s innovation that could reduce the demand for expensive healthcare by detecting more early the health conditions, avoiding larger health issues by Lifestyle interventions, Self-management of health and Overcoming functional loss, within a digital health framework. IBD4Health has developed a learning environment of the highest quality to train scientists in medical, life and physical sciences and engineering, who can address data challenge in the context of European privacy regulations. This involves the following items: collecting, normalizing and curating semi-structured datasets, creating algorithms capable of supporting a wide range of applications for analysing diet, mobility, lifestyle, psycho-social interactions, human and gut microbial genes, etc.



Funding: EU EIT - European Institute of Innovation & Technology

Program/Grant Type: EIT Health - Promoting entrepreneurship and innovates in healthy living and active ageing


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