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MicroArray - Ovarian cancer management using microarrays

From 01-01-2003 to 31-12-2006


We will use microarrays to measure expression levels of a given set of genes in ovarian tumor cells (ovarian tumors taken from the tissue collections – see above). This gives, for each experiment, an expression vector with thousands of components (1 component for each probe or gene present on the array). The determination of these expression levels can be repeated for ovarian tumor cells coming from different classes. For example:
-    Tumors with a different histological diagnosis (e.g., serous versus mucinous, well differentiated versus poorly differentiated)
-    Tumors in a different stage of development (e.g., stage I or more)
-    Tumors with a different effect of therapy (e.g, with and without platinum resistance)
-    Tumors with a different prognosis (e.g., disease-free survival versus relapse in for stage I tumors or stage I tumors with and without subclinical metastases; indolent versus more aggressive disease)
-    Benign, malignant and borderline ovarian tumors/tissues
-    Primary tumor versus metastasis (taken during primary surgery)
-    Tumor taken before and after chemotherapy



Funding: FWO - Research Foundation - Flanders

Program/Grant Type: FWO Research Grant - FWO Research Grant


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