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Clinicoproteomics - A clinicoproteomic study of patients with cervical and endometrial malignant tumours

From 01-01-2005 to 31-12-2008


The proteome, all proteins that are possibly present on a certain time point in a human tissue or serum, is characteristic for a specific examined sample and is influenced by the micro-environment and physio(patho)logical circumstances in which a tissue (or organism) finds itself. The presence of a malignant tumor in a human body will also influence the proteome present in the serum with over expression of some and under expression of other proteins. Especially the over expression of a certain protein can be used as a biological marker of the absence or presence of malignancy. It speaks for itself that the nature of a certain tumor (histopathologic type, tumor grade, resistance for certain types of chemotherapy or radiotherapy…) will also influence this proteome, causing a different protein profile caused by these changed circumstances. The subject of this research project is the profiling of proteomes of endometrial and cervical tumors by using serum and tissue samples of patients with one of these tumors. By comparing these protein profiles new biomarkers can be discovered for the prediction of the behavior of a tumor (e.g. local recurrence, pattern of metastases, chemo- or radioresistance…)



Funding: FWO - Research Foundation - Flanders

Program/Grant Type: FWO Research Grant - FWO Research Grant


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