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Research assistants

Sonny Achten
Muhammad Quamber Ali
Andreas Angelou
Alexandre Arnould
Pooya Ashtari
Kevin Bardool
Lennert Beeckmans
Pourya Behmandpoor
Miguel Bhagubai
Matthias Blochberger
Alexander Bodard
Marta Bono
Robin Bruneel
Jesper Brunnström
Thomas Burger
Bilgesu Cakmak
Zhenxiang Cao
Juha Carlon
Yamini Chitale
Fernando Crema Garcia
Songqiao Cui
Stefano Damiano
Sarthak De
Paul Didier
Tihol Ivanov Donchev
Ahmed Elmahy
Arina Epure
Brecht Evens
Andras Formanek
Jaldert François
Hannah Rosa Friesacher
Guido Gagliardi
Axel Geysels
Michiel Ghesquiere
Nicolas Heintz
Leander Hemelhof
Elisabeth Heremans
Ben Hermans
Charles Hovine
Benjamin Huremagic
Helene Huts
Angeliki-Ilektra Karaiskou
Emmanouil Kariotakis
Bavo Kempen
Robin Kenis
Alireza Khayatian
Konstantinos Kontras
Sibren Lagauw
Congting Lai
Tianyi Li
Kathleen MacWilliam
Matthias Maeyens
Joran Michiels
Phu Nguyen
Konstantinos Oikonomidis
Martijn Oldenhof
Zander Op de Beeck
Akshara Parul
Pieter Pas
Antoine Passemiers
Ashkan Pirmani
Giulia Rinaldi
Arnout Roebben
Hannes Rosseel
Iustina Rotaru
Georgios Rousis
Zahrasadat Sajjadifar
Vincent Scheltjens
Julian Schott
Amir Shahhosseini
Mohit Sharma
Shakir Showkat Sofi
Brent Sterckx
Elisa Tengan Pires de Souza
Guanchun Tong
Yoeri Uyttendaele
Davina Van den Broek
Hans Van Rooij
Lore van Santvliet
Thomas Vanhemel
Lukas Vanpoucke
Nora Verplaetse
Kenneth Verstraete
Prabhu Vijayan
Goran Vinterhalter
Sem Viroux
Lyse Naomi Wamba Momo
Jia Wang
Meixi Wang
Raphaël Widdershoven
Milan Wils
Robin Wroblowski
Zhijun Xiao
Yuanyuan Yao
Maxim Yudayev
Xinjie Zeng
Jingwei Zhang

STADIUS Group 2016

STADIUS Group picture


PhD defense - Martijn Oldenhof
Machine Learning for Advanced Chemical Analysis and Structure Recognition in Drug Discovery

Meet the Jury Igor Tetko on Advanced Machine Learning in Drug Discovery

Multimodal analysis of cell-free DNA for sensitive cancer detection in low-coverage and low-sample settings
Seminar by Antoine Passemiers

More events


STADIUS Alumni Herman Verrelst – new CEO of Biocartis

08 June 2017

Herman Verrelst, the founder of KU Leuven spin-off Cartagenia, who has been working in Silicon Valley, US for the last few years will be returning to Belgium to follow the steps of Rudi Pauwels as CEO of the Belgian diagnostic company, Biocartis.

Supporting healthcare policymaking via machine learning – batteries included!

29 May 2017

STADIUS takes the lead in the data analytics efforts in an ambitious European Project MIDAS.

Marc Claesen gives an interview about his PhD for the magazine of the Faculty of Engineering Sciences "Geniaal"

10 February 2017

Did you know that in Belgium approximately one third of type 2 diabetes patients are unaware of their condition?

Joos Vandewalle is nieuwe voorzitter KVAB

09 October 2016

Op 5 oktober 2016 heeft de Algemene Vergadering van de Academie KVAB Joos Vandewalle verkozen tot voorzitter van de KVAB.

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