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Katrien De Cock

Katrien De Cock


System Identification

My main research interests are

  • system identification, in particular subspace identification methods
  • polynomial system solving
  • distance measures for models, including the so-called subspace angles between models


I received a Master's degree in Electrical Engineering in 1996, a Teaching Degree in Applied Sciences in 1997 and a PhD degree in Engineering in 2002 from the K.U.Leuven in Belgium. I was a post-doctoral researcher in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY from January 2003 until August 2004, where I worked with Prof. Petar Djuric. From October 2004 until December 2007, I was a post-doctoral researcher at ESAT-SCD. Since September 2018 I am a scientific collaborator at STADIUS in the group of Prof. Bart De Moor.

Active projects

Finished projects



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    Contact information

    • Office: B04.25
    • Address:
      Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, bus 2446, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium
    • Tel: 016 37 42 70
    • Fax: 2 19 70
    • Email: