Awards  B. De Moor



  • Bart De Moor ranked 136th among leading computer scientists worldwide (nr 1 for Belgium) by (The ranking contains h-index, publications and citations values collected on June 25th 2021).
  • Alamire Foundation, presided by Bart De Moor awarded twice in April 2021
    •  With a Society Award 2021 of KU Leuven Humanities and Social Sciences Group
    • Selected as one of eight creative ambassadors of the City of Leuven


  • Honoured as Commander in the Order of Leopold I by King Filip
    The order of Leopold I is the oldest and highest order of Belgium and rewards meritorius services to the Kingdom of Belgium based on the carerr path of the recipient.







  • Tri-annual best paper award of Automatica (1996), a journal of the International Federation of Automatic Control (samen with Peter Van Overschee) voor de paper: Subspace algorithms for the identification of combined deterministic-stochastic systems , Automatica 30 (1), pp.75-94, January 1994; Het toekenningscitaat leest: Met diep inzicht, ontwikkelt dit document een zeer nuttige en efficiënte methode voor multivariable systeemidentificatie. De presentatie behandelt numerieke, statistische en implementatiekwesties, die een directe invloed op beste praktijken in identificatietoepassingen gehad hebben.




  • Promotor van het ere-doctoraat voor Prof. Dr. Gene Golub, Stanford University, at the KU Leuven, December 1992




  • Leybold-Heraeus Prize (1986) voor het rapport over de positie van België in vergelijking met Japan en de USA, betreffende het wetenschappelijk onderzoek en de technologische innovatie.

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Awards (ex-) PhD studenten B. De Moor


  • Peter Van Loo : Winner of the 1st VIB Alumni Award


  • Nico Verbeeck : Biovis Data contest Winner : Sakai R., Verbeeck N., Simm J., Aerts J., BioVis 4th Symposium on Biological data Visualisation, Boston, MA, USA, Jul. 2014.


  • Nico Verbeeck : Best Poster Award for "Verbeeck N., Van de Plas R., Yang J., Caprioli R.M., Waelkens E., De Moor B. "Guided exploration of mass spectrometry imaging data through integration with anatomical information", Benelux Bioinformatics Conference 2013, Brussels, Belgium, Dec. 2013


  • Nico Verbeeck : Best Poster Award for Verbeeck N., Van de Plas R., El Aalamat Y., De Moor B., Waelkens E. "Inter-tissue comparison of mass spectral imaging data using group independent component analysis (GICA), NVMS/BSMS Rolduc Conference, The Netherlands, Kerkrade, March 2012.


  • Anneleen Daemen : Postdoctoral BAEF fellowship (2010-2011) Belgian American Educational Foundation
  • Shi Yu : Outstanding Self-Financed Students Studying Abroad.  China Scholarship Council, Ministry of Education, China
  • Olivier Gevaert : BAEF Fellowship : Henri Benedictus Fellow of the King Boudauin Foundation and the Belgian American Educational Foundation
  • Olivier Gevaert : Fulbright fellowhip : Honorary Fulbright Scholar of the Commission for Educational Exchange between the Unites States of America, Belgium and Luxembourg
  • Nico Verbeeck : Best Poster Award for : Verbeeck N., Van de Plas R., De Moor B., Waelkens E. "Compression of mass spectral imaging data using discrete wavelet analysis with incorporated spatial information", Flanders Proteomics KVCB-P, Belgium, Antwerp, Flanders Proteomics, 16 Dec. 2010.


  • Maarten Breckpot : EOS award 2009 and the agoria award 2009 for his masters thesis "Overstromingsbeheersing van de Demer met Model Predictieve Controle"
  • Maarten Breckpot : Nominated for the Vlaamse Scriptieprijs 2009.  He belonged to the short list of 5 students who graduated in 2009
  • Hong Sun : Best student paper award IJCBS 2009.
    Best student paper award at the 2009 International Joint Conferences on Bioinformatics, System Biology and Intelligent Computing, IJCBS 2009 (Shanghai, China, August 2009) for the paper "Layout and Post-Processing of Transcriptional Modules"  (Sun H., Lemmens K., Van den Bulcke T., Engelen K., De Moor B., Marchal K.)
  • Maarten Breckpot : BESIX Award
    for the best Master thesis at the promotion/graduation session of Engineering 2009.
    Click here to download the thesis entitled "Overstromingsbeheersing van de Demer met Model Predictieve Controle"  (Praktische uitwerking met de INCA software van IPCOS)
  • Anneleen Daemen : PSB 2009 reisbeurs voor deelname aan "14th Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB 2009) in Big Island, Hawaii, USA (bedrag $ 1250USD)
  • Anneleen Daemen : ISMB 2009 travel fellowship to attend the 17th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2009)& the 8th European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB) in Stockholm, Sweden for the amount of 450 euro.
  • Carlos Alzate : IJCNN 2009 Best Paper Award  (Atlanta US, June 2009) for his paper "A regularized formulation for spectral clustering with pairwise constraints"


  • Anneleen Daemen : KES 2008 Best Student Paper Award 12th International Conference on Knowledge-Based & Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, Zagreb, Croatia, 3-5 September 2008, voor de paper "Classification of Sporadic and BRCA1 Ovarian Cancer Based on a Genome -wide Study of Copy Number Variations".
  • Anneleen Daemen : PSB 2008 reisbeurs voor deelname aan 13th Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB 2008) in Big Island, Hawaii, USA (bedrag $1000USD).
  • Ivan Markovsky : Alston S Householder Award 2008 :Best Dissertation in Numerical Linear Algebra. Awarded at the Householder XVII Symposium, held in Zeuthen, Germany, June 1-6, 2008. Selection Commitee: James Demmel (university of California), Howard Elman (University of Maryland), Volker Mehrmann (TU Berlin), Sabine Van Huffel (K.U. Leuven), Charles Van Loan (Cornell University) Committee Chair
  • Fabian Ojeda en Johan Suykens : Outstanding Poster Award at ISMB/ECCB 2007 Conference. Viena, Austria. “A large scale clustering algorithm with out of sample extension : application to gene expression data” by F. Ojeda, C. Alzate, J. Suykens, B. De Moor.


  • Anneleen Daemen : Finalist for the KVIV Engineering Master Thesis Award 2007


  • Bart Vanluyten : Interactive paper prize. Rewarded to the paper "Matrix Factorization and Stochastic State Representations" by Bart Vanluyten, Jan C. Willems and Bart L.R. De Moor for outstanding technical quality, originality, importance and presentation at an interactive session at the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control CDC2006 )


  • Gert Thijs : Tech-Art 2005 Award of the VIK for the Silicos’ Virtual Screening Factory
  • Frank Verstraete : ASL Prijs voor Exacte Wetenschappen. De Academische Stichting Leuven (ASL) bekroont een doctoraatsproefschrift dat zich situeert in het domein van de exacte wetenschappen en dat aan de K.U.Leuven behaald werd. Het bekroonde werk moet uitmunten door de originaliteit van het onderwerp, de wetenschappelijke uitwerking en/of de innoverende conclusies.
  • Tom Van Herpe : Diabetes Technology Peterson Student Research Bronze Price during the 5th Annual Diabetes Technology Meeting
  • Bert Pluymers : Student Best Paper Award of the American Control Conference 2005
  • Katrien De Cock : outstanding reviewer for Automatica 2004-2005
  • Marcelo Espinoza : Automatica Outstanding Reviewer(2005)


  • Ivan Markovsky : Mathematica Award by Wolfram Research at the International Conference on Computation Statistics (COMPSTAT 2004),
    Prague, for the poster “Consistent estimation of an ellipsoid with known center”, by I. Markovsky, A. Kukush and S. Van Huffel


  • Ivan Goethals : Kanunnick J. Desmet
    Award for most distinguished physics student in the graduating year 2000
  • Ivan Goethals : Kanunnik J. Desmet.  Award for most distinguished physics student in graduating year 2000

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