Event: Celebration of Bart De Moor, 30 years professor at KU Leuven

When: 8 July 2022


Click on the photo for a slideshow by each photographer:

Programme & Presentations

Click on the titles to download each presentation.



Former Phd students explain how they apply numerical linear algebra in data driven system identification, complementarity problems, tensors, quantum information theory and algebraic geometry.

Twenty Years Of Bioinformatics


How former PhD students contributed to bioinformatics from the start, and where we are now

Science And Innovation Policy


ENTREPRENEURSHIP: From Science To Business


How former PhD students evolved into CEO’s of successfull start-ups and spinoffs

CULTURE, For Mind And Soul


A Kaleidoscope Of Twenty Years


About The Leuven Chanssonier


Concert by the Sollazzo Ensemble led by Anna Danilevskaya

  • Le corps s’en va et le cuer vous demeure, Antoine Busnoys († 1492)
  • instrumental: Ha cuer perdu et désolé, Anonyme
  • La despourveue et la bannye, Johannes Ockeghem (†1497)
  • L’omme bany, Barbingant (actif entre 1440 et 1460 environ)
  • Au travail suis que peu de gens me croiraient, Barbinguant (actif entre 1440 et 1460 environ)
    Johannes Ockeghem (†149
  • De touz bien plaine est ma maitresse, Hayne van Ghizeghem (†après 147)
  • instrumental: Comme femme desconfortée, Gilles Binchois (†1460
  • N’araige jamais mieulx que j’ay, Robert Morton
  • Cent mille escus, Firminus Caron (actif entre 1460 et 1475 environ)/Antoine Busnoys († 1492)
  • Si vous voullez que je vous ame, Anonyme (unicum)
  • Vraiz amans, Anonyme (unicum)
  • Donnez laumosne chiere dame, Anonyme (unicum)

Reception In The Entrance Hall Of The Quadrivium