
Bart De Moor (°1960, PhD (1983)) is full professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering of KU Leuven, Belgium (ESAT – STADIUS). In 1988-1989 he was a research associate at Stanford University.

Bart De Moor’s fields of research are in mathematical engineering, including numerical linear algebra and algebraic geometry, system theory and control, numerical optimization, machine learning and data science, with many projects in industry and biomedicine.

He has been guiding more than 91 PhD students and co-authored more than 400 scientific papers and 11 books. He is an ERC Advanced Grant holder. His scientific work was recognized with many international awards (including fellowships of IEEE, SIAM, IFAC) and led to the creation of 10 spin-off companies (5 in Health 2.0, 5 in Industry 4.0).

An elected member of the Royal Academy since 2004, in 2010 he received the FWO Science Excellence Award from King Albert II of Belgium and in 2020 was nominated a Commander in the Order of Leopold I, by King Filip I. He served three times (1991-1992, 1994-1999, 2006-2008) as head of cabinet of ministers of Science and Socio-Economic Policy in Belgium/Flanders and acted as a vice-rector of International Policy of his university KU Leuven (2009-2012).

Dr. De Moor has been serving as chair or member in numerous international scientific boards, funding agencies and science policy assessment committees, in Flanders, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, Italy, Serbia, Slovakia. He was a committee member with the ERC, and member of ESGAB (the European Statistics Governance Advisory Board).  In Flanders, he was/is member in or chair of several scientific institutes, including the Flanders Biotech Institute (VIB) and science funding agencies.

Since 2019, he is one of the architects and coordinators of the large Flanders AI program that involves all 5 universities and 4 strategic research institutes in Flanders. He is the chairman of the Capricorn Digital Growth Fund (venture capital) since 2018, of Health-House (a high-tech biomedicine science outreach centre) since 2015, of the Alamire Foundation (digital humanities, polyphonic music) since 2016, of VAIA, Flanders AI Academy since 2020, and co-founded Technopolis (children’s science centre) in 1999.

In 2020, he has acquired the Advanced Grant ‘Back to the roots’. Bart De Moor is member of the European Statistical Governance Advisory Board (ESGAB), (from 2018 to 2022) advisory body to the European Commission on the whole European Statistical System and to Eurostat, appointed to this board by the Council of the European Union.

Since 2023 he is the Chairman of the Board of Athumi, the Flanders Data Utility Company

  • De Moor, Bart, Lodewijk, René
  • 12 July 1960
  • Belgian
  • Hilde Devoghel
  • Thomas (1992), Hannah (1994), Jakob (2000)


  • Thomson Reuters list of World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds 2014
  • Winner of the Excellence Award of the Flanders Research Foundation
  • Fellow at IEEE
  • Winner of IEEE Signal Processing Society Award
  • Winner of IFAC Automatica Award
  • Winner of the Leybold-Heraeus Prize