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Pyxima (Social Profit software) is a software company providing innovative services and products to process and publish multi-language and multi-media information.



Cartagenia is a spin off project at the Center for Human Genetics, Gasthuisberg UZ Leuven and the department of Electrical Engineering of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.
Cartagenia's mission is to revolutionize the use of genetic information in standard medical practice by delivering a unique combination of highly specialized and reliable data management, integration, and mining applications. With a strong focus on servicing constitutional cytogenetics laboratories that are introducting high-resolution array-based molecular karyotyping technology in the clinical practice, Cartagenia serves a fast and robust diagnostic workflow in clinical genetics.

Latest Press Releases:


Trendminer (former D square)

Trendminer offers data-driven process mining solutions for the process industry. Trendminer aims at improving data quality and translating integrated data into valuable process insight that can be directly related to cost benefits such as energy saving, quality improvement, throughput raise, less alarms, safety improvement,... to summarize it in two words: performance optimization.

Norkom Technologies data4s

Norkom Technologies

Norkom Technologies (previously DATA4S) is a European leader in Risk Management and Compliance software to detect and combat different types of financial crime for the Retail Banking, Insurance and Investment Banking sector.



IPCOS Belgium (previously ISMC - Intelligent System Modeling and Control) is an engineering company that offers products and engineering services in advanced process control for the chemical, glass, power and oil industry.

Today (October 13th 2008), IPCOS announced it has acquired a majority stake in Aptitude Ltd, a UK-based company focusing on delivery of high-performance Advanced Process Control (APC) solutions to the refining and petrochemical markets and the development of high-end APC software tools. Aptitude has offices in Cambridge, UK, and Chandigarh, India. Aptitude will change its name to IPCOSAptitude and become a member of the IPCOS group.
More details are available in the Press Release



SILICOS is a chemo-informatics biotechnology company empowering proprietary multi-target virtual screening technologies for the discovery of novel and high-quality lead compounds for the treatment of a large variety of diseases.
Silicos expands biology lab and announces move to new facilities.

Transport & Mobility Leuven


Transport & Mobility Leuven develops advanced models and offers advice in the areas of transport economy, traffic analysis and management, strategic transport policies, new transport technologies, freight models and spatial development issues.

TML newsletter January 2015

Presentation: Impact of the ITS Directive (in Belgium) (by TML - spin-off ESAT/STADIUS/SMC - Sven Maerivoet)
Presentation: De fileproblematiek onder de loep genomen (by TML - spin-off ESAT/STADIUS/SMC - Sven Maerivoet)
Presentation: Files overal ... ook in de computer! (by TML - spin-off ESAT/STADIUS/SMC - Sven Maerivoet)


"Verdubbeling Brusselse Ring kost miljard", De Standaard, dinsdag 5 februari 2013


PhD defense - Martijn Oldenhof
Machine Learning for Advanced Chemical Analysis and Structure Recognition in Drug Discovery

Meet the Jury Igor Tetko on Advanced Machine Learning in Drug Discovery

Multimodal analysis of cell-free DNA for sensitive cancer detection in low-coverage and low-sample settings
Seminar by Antoine Passemiers

More events


STADIUS Alumni Herman Verrelst – new CEO of Biocartis

08 June 2017

Herman Verrelst, the founder of KU Leuven spin-off Cartagenia, who has been working in Silicon Valley, US for the last few years will be returning to Belgium to follow the steps of Rudi Pauwels as CEO of the Belgian diagnostic company, Biocartis.

Supporting healthcare policymaking via machine learning – batteries included!

29 May 2017

STADIUS takes the lead in the data analytics efforts in an ambitious European Project MIDAS.

Marc Claesen gives an interview about his PhD for the magazine of the Faculty of Engineering Sciences "Geniaal"

10 February 2017

Did you know that in Belgium approximately one third of type 2 diabetes patients are unaware of their condition?

Joos Vandewalle is nieuwe voorzitter KVAB

09 October 2016

Op 5 oktober 2016 heeft de Algemene Vergadering van de Academie KVAB Joos Vandewalle verkozen tot voorzitter van de KVAB.

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