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CSE - Community Service Engineer

From 01-10-2013 to 01-09-2016



This proposal focuses on engineering as being a social undertaking and not a pure technical undertaking. Engineering is a process that starts with understanding people’s and/or organizational needs and ends with actually bringing tailored products and services to these people/organisations. A multi-campus blended learning environment will offer engineers an innovative curriculum with a strong mix of theory and practice in life settings. The profile of Community Service Engineer will be added to their engineering profile. The theory will give engineers a thorough background in developing technology for and implementing technology in the social profit sector. For practice all partners will set up a structural partnership with the social profit sector to detect needs for technology. Associated partners (enterprises, chambers of commerce and local regional bodies, …) will be involved as a link to the market per participating country. Confrontation between social work, economics and engineering students is an essential part of the project work (collaboration between fields of study). Mobility (physical and virtual) will be set up for the project work. In case of physical mobility reciprocal peer assisted learning and related assignments will guarantee that international-intercultural-competences can be acquired by all actors and projects can be carried out in a non-native speaker setting (language issues). The curriculum will gradually be built. Starting from webinars & project work that evolve towards a postgraduate joint degree and translation of the curriculum into undergraduate curricula. Labour markets in European countries are in need for engineers. It has been proven that by emphasizing the social added value of technology the younger generation and female students in particular are attracted towards the profession. All university partners are committed to continue the curriculum after project termination and invite others to join.



  • Sabine Van Huffel, Co-promoter
  • Alfredo Soeiro, Co-promoter (External)
  • Erik Pastors, Co-promoter (External)
  • Kristina Sandström, Co-promoter (External)
  • Jo Decuyper, Co-promoter (External)
  • Thierry Taverna, Promoter (External)


Funding: EU ERASMUS - Lifelong Learning Programee Erasmus & ERASMUS +

Program/Grant Type: LLP Erasmus Multi - Lifelong Learning Programme - Erasmus Multilateral Projects


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