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Glioma progression evaluation

From 01-09-2012 to 31-08-2013


Due to recent changes in glioma treatment, e.g. combined radiotherapy with temozolomide(RT/CT), and anti-angiogenic therapy (AAT), the traditional Macdonald criteria for tumor response evaluationare increasingly recognized to be not adequate any more, since effects of pseudo-progression and pseudoresponseare not covered by these criteria. In order to overcome these problems, the R esponse A ssessment inN euro-O ncology (RANO) Working Group is an international effort to develop new standardized responsecriteria for malignant glioma, but according to their recent 2010 paper with updated response criteria, should tobe regarded as ”a work-in-progress”, rather than definitive criteria. Since the formulation of the Macdonaldcriteria in the beginning of the nineties, many novel MR-techniques have become available, now widely used inclinical routine, that allow for the non-invasive retrieval of morphological, functional and metabolic propertiesof brain tumors. In the same 2010 paper of the RANO group, it was pointed out that there is an urgent need toinvestigate whether these contemporary state-of-the-art MR-techniques (i.e. diffusion weighted imaging,dynamic susceptibility contrast enhanced perfusion, imaging, MR-spectroscopy (MRS)) are able to fill the gapin the proper evaluation of tumor progression. The underlying neuroradiological  study should be regerded as astructured systematic multimodal attempt to implement these state-of-the-art MR-techniques as indicated in the2010 RANO paper.



Funding: OTHER - Other Funding Agencies

Program/Grant Type: Other - Other


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