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Cochlear - Objective mapping of cochlear implants

From 01-01-2013 to 31-12-2016



Many hearing impaired children receive a cochlear implant (CI) between6 and 12 months of age. Prior to switch on, the minimal and maximal stimulation levels for each of the typically 20 electrical stimulation channels have to be mapped to the dynamic range of the individual patient. A CI at a young age is highly advantageous for speech and language development, but it poses great challenges for the technical adjustment of the CI signal processing as this mapping process is based on behavioral responses of the patient. The general aim of this project is the development of an objective methodology for mapping CI parameters based on electrically evoked auditory steady state responses (EASSRs).EASSRs are brain responses recorded with electrodes on the skull following electrical stimulation of the auditory nerve. This project will focus on the development of optimal EASSR stimulation schemes which allow prediction of the CI parameters, as well as on advanced signal processing strategies and algorithmic development for precise and fast detection of the EASSRs. This should lead to an objective and automated mapping procedure which will be evaluated in young children with a CI. This project proposal is highly interdisciplinary and balances on the edge of signal processing(engineering) and audiology (medical sciences). The outcomes of this project will lead to significant advances in each of both domains and will resolve an important medical-technical problem.


  • Marc Moonen, Co-promoter
  • Jan Wouters, Promoter (External)
  • Astrid Van Wieringen, Promoter (External)


Funding: FWO - Research Foundation - Flanders

Program/Grant Type: FWO Research Grant - FWO Research Grant


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