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ERASMUS-BIODESIGN - Life long learning programme ERASMUS Multilateral action: BIODESIGN - Biodesign for health applications

From 01-10-2011 to 30-09-2013


The recent EU publication of the Innovation Union Scoreboard brings the need for improved innovation initiatives in higher education institutions (HEIs) across Europe into sharp focus. The aim of this proposal is to address this ‘innovation emergency’ by developing a framework for undergraduate innovation in biomedical engineering which is suitable for implementation in HEIs across Europe. We propose the design and delivery of a novel educational module which offers practical, interdisciplinary and effective learning opportunities to undergraduate engineering and medical third level students across Europe. Specifically, BIODESIGN describes a module which is tailored towards integration of systematic innovation teaching tools with biomedical devices design learning in a multidisciplinary learning environment. While alternative educational modules in this space have emphasised the development of commercially viable devices as a core deliverable, the key objectives in BIODESIGN are learner-centered, focused on learning outcomes. The proposed module has a pedagogical focus which incorporates the following innovating elements: (1) creation of an integrative interdisciplinary learning environment; (2) introduction of a structured innovation process; (3) clinical immersion; (4) development of commercialisation and business plan development skills. The involvement of SME partners during both the development and delivery of module content ensures the transfer of industry-centered and employability skills. Bringing together a consortium of partners from medical education and engineering schools across several European countries, as well as enterprise partners, BIODESIGN combines the expertise of partners in these disciplines to formulate a targeted educational programme which addresses specifically the unsolved problem of educating for creativity and innovation (as applied to biomedical design) in third level education.


  • N. N., Co-promoter (External)
  • Sabine Van Huffel, Co-promoter
  • S. Jaecques KUL, Co-promoter (External)
  • N. N., Co-promoter (External)
  • Jozef Vander Sloten, Co-promoter (External)
  • N. N., Co-promoter (External)
  • N. N., Promoter (External)
  • G Shorten, Promoter (External)


Funding: EU ERASMUS - Lifelong Learning Programee Erasmus & ERASMUS +

Program/Grant Type: LLP Erasmus Multi - Lifelong Learning Programme - Erasmus Multilateral Projects


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