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BESTCOM - Belgian network on Stochastic modelling, analysis, design and optimization of communication systems

From 01-10-2012 to 30-09-2017


1.Korte omschrijving van het voorgestelde project

  1. The DOMAIN covered by the proposal is that of « wired and wireless digital communication links and networks », and in particular consists of the following areas: traffic modelling and analysis, communication channels modelling and shaping, optimized algorithm design for transmission, reception, resource allocation, scheduling, queueing and switching.

Recent paradigm shifts and new challenges call for a coordinated research effort in this domain. One can in particular mention relaying and cooperative communications; interference management/shaping in high bit rate communication systems or circuit boards subject to crosstalk or co-channel interference; cognitive networks; heterogeneity of traffic sources. Moreover, new analysis and performance metrics should not only account for information rate, bit/packet error rates, packet loss and delay, but also fairness, priority, energy efficiency, complexity and security, as globally as possible.

  1. The OBJECTIVES of the network are the following:
    • To produce fundamental research results which are innovative at international level in the different areas of expertise of the network, and to generate novel multi-disciplinary research results by exploiting synergy between the diverse research teams;
    • To organize the rapid dissemination of the new results generated by the partners, inside and outside the network;
    • To offer excellent workshops, summer schools and supporting material for PhD students and postdocs of the network; to offer training sessions to the PhD students for writing and reviewing papers and making scientific presentations;
    • To make available, to the whole network, research infrastructures acquired by the partners (such as channel sounder, software radio interface);
    • To take a leading role in the organization of a number of well selected major scientific events (such as IEEE SPAWC, IEEE PIMRC, MCQT, VALUETOOLS);
    • To interact and coordinate initiatives, when appropriate, with other IAP networks (such as the successors of DYSCO and PHOTONICS@BE if applicable).
  2. The METHODOLOGY of the proposal consists
    • In adopting a global and stochastic research approach of communication systems, taking into account (when appropriate and possible) the different areas covered by the proposal;
    • In stating in analytic form, the analysis, modelling and optimized design problems and challenges identified;
    • In solving these problems and challenges by using and contributing to the following theoretical frameworks:  information theory, estimation and detection theory, optimization theory, queueing theory, propagation modelling, abstract modelling;
    • In corroborating the obtained fundamental results by means of simulations and experiments when relevant.



2.Omschrijving van het voorgestelde netwerk en taakverdeling tussen de partners

  1. The research activities are organized in WORKPACKAGES (WPs). Inside each WP, a number of key topics are studied.
    • WP1: Global performance metrics and new solutions for digital communication systems (all partners)

Topics: identification of performance metrics for centralized and for distributed strategies; stochastic abstract models of transmission channels and interference; cross-layer design and optimization of communication systems.


    • WP2: Stochastic modelling for channel and traffic (P1, P2, P4, P5, P7, FP2, FP3)

Topics: stochastic full-wave modelling of multi-Gbit/s multiconductor wired links; stochastic antenna and multidimensional (space, frequency, etc) propagation modelling; space-time signature of distributed or interference channels; body centric transmissions; session-based traffic models; versatile Markovian models for video and bursty traffic; class clustering models in multiclass communication systems.

    • WP3: Channel shaping, and transceiver algorithm design (P1, P3, P4, P5, P6, FP1, FP2)

Topics: channel estimation; error control; signal and spectrum coordination; centralized and distributed strategies; network MIMO; filter bank modulation; cooperative communications; network coding; robustness to interference and changing channel conditions; energy efficiency; channel parameter optimization for multi-Gbit/s backplane interconnects.


    • WP4: Scheduling, queueing and resource allocation (P1, P2, P3, P5, P6, P7, FP3)

Topics: delay and loss characterisation of buffers; dimensioning and performance optimization for optical buffers and switches; spectrum management and opportunistic scheduling in cognitive radio networks; queueing disciplines and scheduling strategies in heterogeneous/multiclass communication networks; gradual and dynamical priority disciplines; performance metric-aware buffer management techniques.

WP1 will be the workpackage where a global view and stochastic abstract models will progressively be conceived and built for state of the art digital communication systems. This view and the models will trigger the research actions addressed in WPs 2, 3 and 4. Based on the results obtained in these WPs, the global view and the models will be updated, and the whole process is intended to be iterative between WP1 on the one hand, and WPs 2, 3 and 4 on the other hand.




  • Herwig Bruneel, Co-promoter (External)
  • Marc Moeneclaey, Co-promoter (External)
  • Hendrik Rogier, Co-promoter (External)
  • Francois Horlin, Co-promoter (External)
  • Benny Van Houdt, Co-promoter (External)
  • Marc Moonen, Co-promoter
  • Luc Vandendorpe, Promoter (External)
  • Rodolfo Torrea Duran, Team member



Program/Grant Type: IUAP - Interuniversity Attraction Poles Programme


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