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SADCO - ”Sensitivity Analysis for Deterministic Controllers design (SADCO)”

From 01-01-2011 to 31-12-2014


The Marie-Curie Initial training Network “SADCO-Sensitivity Analysis of Deterministic Optimal
COntrol design” links eight academic and three industrial partners with complementary
excellence and strong expertise in optimal control theory. The main aim is to train young researchers
in a challenging field of mathematics where there is a real need for formation, and
also to build the foundation of a long-term European research-training network in this field.
The goal is to make progress the theory, to develop new numerical methods and to answer new
challenges arising in high technology fields, where the European community must maintain a
position of leader (space, automobile, energy management,?).
The training program combines fundamental theoretical aspects as well as algorithmic studies,
and includes a significant (industrial) application driven part. This program will be done
through a joint research project which will be carried out by the participants to the network
throughout collaborations beetwen the different teams (and not inside a same team). Particular
emphasis will be put on close contacts between the teams. The full network partners will not
only host their own ESRs, but will also receive other partners’ ESRs in secondments in the frame
of well defined individual training programs. The network will draw on the diverse strengths
of its constituent institutions to provide an integrated program of technical, professional and
transferable skills training for early stage researchers (ESRs). In order to fill the lacks, we intend
to set up additional special modulus opened to all the participants of the network.
The SADCO network is constituted of a selected group of partners, having the best competences
in optimal control theory in Europe, to ensure a top level scientific environment, a high
background in applied mathematics and a broad knowledge of optimal control from fundamental
theory to applications, and to give them better opportunities of employability afterwards either
in academic labs or industry.



Funding: EU Funding - European Funding

Program/Grant Type: MSCA ITN - Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions International Training Networks


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