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LMTC - Leuven Medical Technology Centre

From 01-01-2008 to 31-12-2011


Encouraged by a strong technological progress, medicine has evolved substantially during the last century. It is impossible to imagine hospitals, rehabilitation centers and practices of doctors and paramedics today without computers and other technological equipment. Ageing and the wish for an improved medical care and quality of life – also at an advanced age – increase the need for biomedical technology, which is an evolution that also offers new economic opportunities.

For a considerable time research groups within the University Hospitals and the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven are involved in research and development in biomedical technology. Bundling these activities under an umbrella organization offers advantages at different levels:

The Leuven Medical Technology Centre facilitates interdisciplinary collaboration within the University Hospitals and the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, bringing together a unique combination of competence and know-how.
The centre strengthens the exploitation potential of the medical technology portfolio, by facilitating the contacts with financing instances, industry, and governmental bodies.
Leuven-MTC offers the opportunity to embed education at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - more specifically the Master in Biomedical Engineering and the Master in Biomedical Sciences - in a strong research environment.
Bringing together a large critical mass in medical technology research and development, Leuven-MTC makes its high quality research visible.
The Leuven Medical Technology Centre supports the development of medical technology throughout the Association K.U.Leuven.



    Funding: -


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