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LMCC - The Leuven Mathematical Modeling & Computational Science Centre

From 01-05-2008 to 30-04-2012


thematical modeling and computer simulations are becoming ever more important in both fundamental scientific research and engineering sciences. As a matter of fact, this powerful approach has a high potential for discovering new laws of nature and for extending our current knowledge of science and technology. It is even central to advances in astrophysics and space sciences, chemistry, biomedicine, system biology, fluid dynamics, advanced materials, product development, etc. This discipline is thus of strategic importance for maintaining the K.U.Leuven’s leadership in several science and engineering disciplines and for establishing new leadership in some other disciplines. Therefore, the Leuven Mathematical Modeling and Computational Science Centre (LMCC) unites researchers with shared interests and expertise in advanced modeling and simulation methods, cutting across traditional disciplinary boundaries and, in fact, the proposed research centre finds its justification in the cross-fertilization between these disciplines. The LMCC will coordinate, extend and support the shared high-performance computing resources for the K.U.Leuven, organize a broad-based research colloquium series, host visiting scholars and organize workshops and lecture series on centre-related themes. It will also be involved in several Master programs.

The Leuven Mathematical Modeling and Computational Science Centre (LMCC) approach is similar to the approach followed e.g. in the Centre for Analysis, Scientific computing and Applications, T U Eindhoven, in the Centre for Mathematical Modelling (MMC) of the University of Leicester, in the Center for Scientific Computation and Mathematical Modeling (CSCAMM) of the University of Maryland, and in the Mathematical Modeling and Analysis Group (T-7) of the Los Alamos National Laboratory.



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