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UCELLS - Ultra-wide band real-time interference monitoring and CELLular management Strategies

From 01-01-2008 to 31-12-2010


Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) is a wireless technology which exhibits unique features such as
spectrum coexistence with other wireless services, RF front-end simplicity (enabling potential
low cost terminals), good radio wave propagation (robustness against multi-path fading,
material penetration) and high bitrate.  
Current UWB implementations target short-range ultra-high bitrate point-to-point wireless
communication. UCELLS project will develop the required technology to enable the cellular
operation of UWB transceivers. This cellular operation enables the seamless provision of UWB
communication along a medium range user area, e.g. a whole office or home.
Cellular operation of UWB transceivers requires the spectral coexistence of UWB wireless
communications with other wireless licensed services operating in the same band. Strong
concerns exist nowadays regarding this coexistence. These concerns are reflected in the strict
maximum radiated power imposed by the Spectrum Regulation Agencies (e.g. FCC and ETSI) in
current UWB regulation to avoid UWB-induced interferences.
The cellular UWB technology in UCELLS guarantee that regulated radiation limits are meet in a
given coverage area, despite a large number of UWB transmitters are in operation and/or the
transmission limits are locally exceeded. In UCELLS radiated power limits could be locally
“relaxed” in some frequency sub-bands, which is reflected it larger UWB range, higher bitrate
and larger user capacity.
UCELLS monitors spectral radiation limits at the cellular coverage area boundary by a real-time
spectrum monitor. This system with unique features (large bandwidth, high dynamic range and
good spectral resolution) is implemented using a photonic analogue-to-digital converter (Ph-
ADC). The associated spectral analysis algorithms to optimise both the system performance and
an efficient spectrum utilisation of cellular UWB communication are also developed in UCELLS.



Funding: EU Funding - European Funding

Program/Grant Type: EU Other - Other


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