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Sophia - Stabilization and Optimization of the PHysical layer to Improve Applications

From 01-02-2006 to 31-01-2008


More and more operators are upgrading their network in order to change their offer from only High Speed Internet (HSI) to a full Triple Play offer, which combines data, voice and video. The main advantage of Triple Play is the simplicity of installation and use; one connection can be used to offer all these services. This results in a lower cost of operation, single billing, lower prices, higher customer satisfaction, lower churn and larger penetration of these services.
In order to offer these Triple Play services, several requirements need to be fulfilled. These requirements are new compared to the current requirements for HSI.
    •    Higher Data Rates. All services need to be offered simultaneously. This demands for an increase in data rate, especially for video deployment. So, new technologies need to be investigated to maximize the copper loop plant and to achieve the highest possible data rate. More specifically the innovation goal in this work area is to
    •    Solve the practical problems related to Power Spectral Density (PSD) shaping
    •    Quantify the potential gains of alien crosstalk cancellation and reference based crosstalk cancellation (MIMO) in a practical real-life system
    •    Investigate in detail the potential gains of phantom mode transmission
    •    Stable Connection.
    •    Quality of Service.
    •    Advanced Management.



Funding: IWT - Agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie 

Program/Grant Type: IWT O&O - IWT Industrial R&D projects


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