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Prodex-Cardio - Cardiovascular autonomic control and hemodynamics: a comparison between long and short durations space missions.

From 01-01-2006 to 31-12-2008


This project about human physiology/cardiology in space, deals with health related topics for astronauts as well as for earth applications. Basically we want to achieve: 1. Understanding the influence of 0g, reduced load on the body leading to systemic cardiovascular deconditioning. 2. Determine physiological adaptation mechanisms especially compare outcome of short stay in space versus long duration missions. Understanding mechanisms acting after long duration is important in relation to the time scale of long duration missions as are planned in the near future to the moon and to Mars. 3. Relate 0g physiological adaptation mechanisms to equivalent behaviour in daily life. In general the reduced load on the body in space will influence all functions, especially those related to our research: blood pressure and heart rate control and fluid balance. These phenomena are to some extend equivalent to syncope in patients on earth. To a lesser degree they are linked with the ageing process on earth 4. The input of an engineering related group will result in an interaction allowing to model cardiovascular control mechanisms taking all the specific space parameters into account. Moreover in the future, this can result in some diagnostic tools using noninvasive techniques and advanced sensors used in space, adapted for telemonitoring. 5. Finally it is hoped that after understanding and modelling of fundamental physiological behaviour under 0 g conditions, physiological countermeasures for astronauts will be developed. Earth equivalent can be leading to clinical countermeasures for better rehabilitation programs in patients.



Funding: -


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