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SIGNAL - Core Signal Processing Training Program

From 01-05-2006 to 30-04-2010


SIGNAL is aimed at providing a unified and in-depth training in signal processing, focussing on the fundamental core disciplines and formal saspects of signal processing. It guides the early stage researcher to a broad and solid knowledge of the field, not confined to the models and tools relevant to a particular domain of application. At the same time, exploiting the strong links of the participating partners to industry and applied research institutions, the research will be confronted with the challenge of applying the formalisms learnt, as wellas their own research results, in the framework of real world problems in targeted domains amongst major consumer areas of signal processing: digital communications, biomedics, environmetnal survey, audio and speech communications and navigation.



Funding: EU Funding - European Funding

Program/Grant Type: MSCA Mobility - Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions - Mobility


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