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AI-PROGNOSIS - Artificial intelligence-based Parkinson’s disease risk assessment and prognosis

From 01-07-2023 to 30-06-2027


Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the most common neurodegenerative movement disorder1, with a multifactorial aetiology, a heterogeneous manifestation of motor and non-motor symptoms, and no cure, affecting ~10 million people worldwide; a figure expected to nearly double by 20402. PD is often missed or misdiagnosed, as early symptoms are subtle and common with other diseases, allowing for considerable damage to occur before treatment3. Effective, symptomatic treatments, relying mainly on dopaminergic medications, are available, yet selecting the optimal regimen is usually a lengthy, “trial and error” process, leading to critical, costly non-adherence. Overall costs to Europe have been estimated at ~€13.9 billion annually4, with the cost per patient increasing with severity. AI predictive and precision medicine models, and new monitoring technologies, hold the potential to improve PD diagnosis and care5. Personalised risk assessment can lead citizens to suitable healthcare pathways early, enabling timely diagnosis and treatment initiation, while individualised prediction of disease progression and drug response could foster treatment optimization and adherence, improving patients’ quality of life (QoL) and lowering costs associated with advanced disability.





Funding: EU Funding - European Funding

Program/Grant Type: HORIZON HLTH - Tools and technologies for a healthy society


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