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DISCRETE - Supporting incontinence management in nursing homes through ambient monitoring and actionable data

From 01-10-2018 to 30-09-2020


DISCRETE aspires to support incontinence management in nursing homes. A multi-sensor approach will be developed using ambient parameters to unmask urinary and faecal incontinence episodes. DISCRETE will unlock the data of non-obtrusive sensors in the room via a smart bed and by leveraging the nurse call system. DISCRETE aims to provide an IoT ready infrastructure with open interfaces by designing a connectivity and interfacing middleware focusing on secure plug’n play deployment enabling new sensors to be seamlessly coupled. Furthermore, DISCRETE will augment this sensor data with available data from the nurse call system and the care file via intelligent algorithms, profiling and recommender techniques to create actionable data. This actionable data will be coupled back to the care team by providing smart alerts, making registrations in the care file, recommending specific care actions and creating dynamic dashboards. Insights will be further translated into resident incontinence profiles to help optimize care plans. The ultimate goal of DISCRETE is to innovate in care management in order to improve quality of care for residents, reduce the workload for caregivers, and optimize the cost efficiency for nursing homes.




Funding: imec - imec

Program/Grant Type: imec ICON - imec-ICON


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