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INFANS - INtegrating Functional Assessment measures for Neonatal Safeguard

From 01-01-2019 to 31-12-2023


INFANS will train 15 ESRs with background from basic to clinical sciences in multiple aspects of neonatal brain monitoring. The need for a coordinated research training programme in neonatal brain monitoring arises from i) the severe shortage of clinically viable means to high quality monitor the brain function in infancy, crucial to prevent later life neurological, cognitive and motor impairment and ii) the lack of well-educated PhDs in this field. Through their individual research projects, encompassing technological innovation, industrial development, clinical validation, identification of neonatal healthcare needs, the INFANS ESRs will develop a novel platform for high quality, clinically-viable EEG-NIRS monitoring accessible worldwide. Excellent science, industrial leadership and societal challenge are merged in INFANS: 6 academic and 4 nonacademic partner from 6 EU countries, among which leading universities, industries, clinical institutions, share complementary expertise and facilities to provide international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral research training and mobility that will complement local doctoral training. Well-targeted visits and secondments, soft skills and dynamic training activities, an Open Science strategy, extensive involvement of ESRs in the network events organization, extensive contacts with other research, training and industrial European networks, dissemination activities and the award of Double doctoral degrees are further assets of INFANS. The ESRs will learn to transform a scientific/technological challenge into a product of socio-economic relevance, as the INFANS functional neuro-monitoring system will reduce the number of children with neurological, cognitive or motor dysfunctions associated with brain injuries at birth. The INFANS ESRs will become independent researchers with career prospects in both the academic and non-academic sectors, and will advance the EU capacity for innovation in biomedical engineering.

Grant Agreement #813483



Funding: EU Funding - European Funding

Program/Grant Type: MSCA ITN - Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions International Training Networks


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