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BANITS - Broadband Access Networks Integrated Telecommunication

From 01-01-2004 to 31-12-2005


BANITS aims to extend the knowledge in the area of the Access Network in order to deliver the new service packages to residential and business customers, among them multimedia high quality services, with special focus on maximum utilization of existing network infrastructure. Such new services are facilitated by the high growth rate of the xDSL/DSLAM infrastructure. It is of paramount importance to find ways to leverage the already deployed xDSL/DSLAM infrastructure and to study evolution scenarios toward a fully multimedia enhanced set of services for residential and business customers. BANITS also aims to mobilise the European scientific and technological competencies in Ethernet technologies in order to leverage existing SDH infrastructure for delivering the new Ethernet-based services and ensure interworking between SDH access and the new packet-switched networks (GbE metro, IP/MPLS). In addition, such interworking should maintain legacy services for business customers. The new SDH-PSN interworking solutions will maximize revenue from existing SDH networks, while providing migration path to future next generation networks. This goal will be achieved by developing new customer-located NTU/CLE and carrier-class Ethernet aggregation devices for efficient transporting of Ethernet-based services.



Funding: IWT - Agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie 

Program/Grant Type: IWT O&O - IWT Industrial R&D projects


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