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From Lab to Clinic: AI-Driven Musculoskeletal Image Analysis and Clinical Translation

MEET-the-Jury Symposium

Start: 12/06/2024, 16:00
Location: Aula van de Tweede Hoofdwet - Thermotechnisch Instituut

Speaker: Claudia Lindner, PhDSenior Research Fellow, Sir Henry Dale Fellow  

This seminar investigates the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into musculoskeletal image analysis and its transition from laboratory research to clinical implementation. Through case studies, the seminar showcases how AI algorithms can automate medical image analysis, benefiting diagnosis and treatment in musculoskeletal disorders. Moreover, the seminar explores the translational challenges inherent in bringing AI technologies from research environments to clinical settings, covering validation processes, integration strategies, and clinical acceptance. In summary, the seminar aims to highlight AI's potential in advancing musculoskeletal healthcare and improving patient outcomes, while also emphasising the need for careful consideration of translation into clinical practice right from the outset.


Participate online:
The symposium can be livestreamed through the following link (PIN: 823347)





Organized by: Adriaan Lambrechts