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EURASIP-SOUNDS-I-SPOT Seasonal School Machine Learning for Speech and Audio Processing

Start: 8/04/2024, 9:00
End: 11/04/2024
Location: Group T

The MSCA European Training Networks SOUNDS and I-SPOT are jointly organizing this Seasonal School on "Machine Learning for Speech and Audio Processing". Targeting MSc and PhD students with a basic background in machine learning and a keen interest in audio, acoustics, and speech applications, this school aims to offer a timely overview of how machine learning has been shaping academic research as well as industry practice in these application domains.

The school consists of four course days, starting Monday April 8, 2024 up till and including Thursday April 11, 2024. The first course day will provide a recap of fundamentals of machine learning and deep learning, and each of the next three course days will zoom in on one of three applications areas: speech, audio, and acoustics. The primary course activity consists in guest lectures delivered by experts from academia and industry. Students who aim to develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter and a more intense interaction with other participants, can opt in for the practical sessions that will be organized Monday to Wednesday, and/or for the poster session on Thursday where they can present a research topic of their own choice.


Organized by: Toon van Waterschoot, Marian Verhelst