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ERC Back to the Roots Seminar by Guillaume Mercère

Revisiting gray box model learning and Kalman filtering with subspace based model identification

Start: 11/06/2024, 17:00
Location: Thermotechnisch Instituut, Aula van de Tweede Hoofdwet

Guillaume Mercère University of Poitiers, France

In numerous industrial projects, engineers face the crucial task of extracting physical parameters and signals from real-world data. When employing gray box state space model learning, a key challenge lies in generating reliable initial estimates to ensure convergence towards precise parameter values. Similarly, in utilizing Kalman filtering for signal reconstruction, a common obstacle is selecting reliable covariance matrices to attain accurate estimates. This presentation delves into how subspace-based model identification can effectively address these challenges. These solutions, relying solely on linear algebra, center on determining the similarity transformation between various state space realizations. Through both simulated and real data demonstrations, we illustrate the efficacy of these approaches.

Everyone is welcome to attend in person.

The presentation will be streamed and can be followed by using this link:

The slides and recordings of the previous seminars are available on our website.



Organized by: Bart De Moor