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ERC Back to the Roots Seminar by Prof. Didier Henrion

The Moment-SOS hierarchy

Start: 20/02/2024, 17:00
Location: Thermotechnisch Instituut, Aula van de Tweede Hoofdwet


Polynomial optimization consists of minimizing a polynomial of many real variables subject to polynomial equality and inequality constraints. Its special case is the problem of finding real solutions of a system of polynomial equations. This difficult problem has many applications in fields such as statistics, signal processing, machine learning, computer vision, computational geometry, and control engineering. The Moment-SOS hierarchy is an approach to polynomial optimization that solves it globally at the price of solving a family of convex (semidefinite) optimization problems of increasing size. The lecture introduces the approach and describes its main milestones during the last two decades. The focus is on the computational features of the Moment-SOS hierarchy, its limitations and current efforts to overcome them.

Organized by: Bart De Moor