
Welcome to the BioSource database! The goal of this database is to provide researchers in the biomedical field with signals and/or datasets that were measured/obtained in our group or were submitted to our database by researchers active in biomedical research.

The motivation for putting this database online can be summarized as follows:

Reproducibility:  too often, reproducing experimental results obtained in papers is a difficult task, simply because  obtaining the data is a research effort by itself.
Cost-effectiveness: online experimental datasets allow others to test their algorithms on datasets without having to repeat costly measurement set-ups.


The data

Short description Contact person  
Renography data. More ... Sabine Van Huffel Download here
MRS Imaging. More... Sabine Van Huffel Download here  
Polysomnography. More... Sabine Van Huffel Download here
TSEP. More... Sabine Van Huffel Download here
MRS simulation signal. More... Sabine Van Huffel Download here
Fetal Electrocardiogram. More... Sabine Van Huffel Download here
EEG data. More...
Sabine Van Huffel
Download here