Data set 005


This dataset needs to be generated by the user by running the Matlab program mrs.m. The latter program yields a simulation signal derived from a typical in-vivo 31P spectrum measured in the human brain. The signal consists of 11 exponentials. The 31P peaks from brain tissue, phosphomonoesters, inorganic phosphate, phosphodiesters, phosphocreatine, Gamma-ATP, Alpha-ATP and Beta-ATP are present in this simulation signal.

The time sampling interval is 0.333 msec. The number of samples in the simulation signal can easily be modified by changing the variable "ndp" in mrs.m. Typical values however range from 256 to 1024.  Noise with any desired standard deviation can be added by changing the entries of the array "noisestd" in mrs.m.

Data format

Download the Matlab program mrs.m and execute it.

Publications in which this data set is used

  1. L. Vanhamme, A. van den Boogaart, S. Van Huffel: Fast and accurate parameter estimation of noisy complex exponentials with use of prior knowledge, Proceedings EUSIPCO-96, Sept. 10-13 1996, Trieste, Italy.
  2. L. Vanhamme, A. van den Boogaart, S. Van Huffel: Improved Method for Accurate and Efficient Quantification of MRS Data with Use of Prior Knowledge , Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Number 129, p. 35-43, 1997.
  3. Totz J., van den Boogaart A., Van Huffel S., Graveron-Demilly D., Dologlou I., Heidler R., Michel D: The use of continuous regularization in the automated analysis of MRS time domain data', Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Number 124, p. 400-409, 1997.
  4. I. Dologlou, S. Van Huffel, G. Carayannis, D. van Ormondt: Frequency-selective MRS data quantification with frequency prior knowledge, Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Number 130, p. 238-243, 1998.