Data set 003


Polysomnographic recordings contain measurements of multiple channels such as ECG, EMG, EOG, oxygen saturation, thoracic and abdominal respiration,...(see figure 1). Polysomnography plays an important role in the detection of children at risk for the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

Different studies support the idea that the use of pacifiers can reduce the risk of SIDS. Possible mechanisms are preventing the tongue falling back sealing the airways, reducing gastro-esophagal reflux periods, reducing apnoea periods by stimulating respiratory drive. To investigate the effect of non-nutritive sucking on heart rate, cerebral circulation and respiration polysomnographic recordings of neonates were used.


polysom2lg.jpg (51527 bytes)

Figure 1


Data format

The data are available in Matlab format. The file datapoly.mat contains two arrays:

nns: 30 seconds of polysomnographic recording at 100 Hz during period of non-nutritive sucking
nonns: 30 seconds of polysomnographic recording at 100 Hz in the absence non-nutritive sucking.

Both arrays contain 9 columns that correspond to the following channels:

  1. ECG
  2. heartrate
  3. thoracic respiration
  4. abdominal respiration
  5. nasal flow
  6. oxygen saturation
  7. EMG
  8. EOG
  9. EGG