Start date: 22/09/2017
Time: 9h45 – 20h
Location: KU Leuven Campus Brugge Room 04.40, Spoorwegstraat 12, BRUGGE

Welcome and coffee (9h45-10h15)
Train Leuven 8h19 – Bruges 9h51 (0 stops) or Leuven 8h03- Ghent 9h04, Ghent 9h04- Bruges 9h34 (1 stop in Ghent)

Individual presentations (10h15-13h) (+ 10 min break) (Each team member gets 10 min including one minute for questions)

Each member gives a short presentation consisting of a scientific and a personal part.

The scientific part is meant to stimulate interaction and requires some preparation (not excessive). Each one is asked to present someone else’s work (same format as last year mid-term workshop 28/10/2016). This part is meant to take about 8 mins and at most 8 slides. Collaboration is strongly encouraged.

The personal part (1 slide): (i) Motivation to do your particular type of research work, (ii) Personal interests, things-to-know about you, perhaps an update of last year presentation.

  1. Presentation Lieven (10 min)
  2. Presentation Sabine (10 min)
  3. Sibasankar presents Ignat’s work on Generic uniqueness of a structured matrix factorization and applications in blind source separation and possible use in BIOMED signal separation problems.
  4. Ofelie presents Nico’s work on CPD of incomplete tensors with linearly constrained factors, efficient representations in tensor decompositions and use in BIOMED.
  5. “Martijn” (prepares slides and Ofelie presents then since Martijn is absent) presents Ofelie’s work om tensor based approaches of multiscale entropy with applications in sleep staging and brain maturation in premature infants.
  6. Simon presents Otto’s work on tensorisation and nonnegative polynomial models for NN constraints on factors with possible use of polynomial NN constraints in BIOMED.
  7. Chuan presents Simon’s work on revealing Neural-Hemodynamic Coupling Through Structured Matrix-Tensor Factorization using flexible data fusion of EEG-fMRI.
  8. Bori presents Chuan’s work on prewhitening in the case of channel-dependent noise levels and relevance for BIOMED.
  9. Michiel presents Bori’s work on coupled tensor decompositions for resting state and epileptic EEG-fMRI.
  10. Griet presents Martijn’s work on weighted CPD computation and relevance of weighted LS in BioTensors.
  11. Nico presents Rob’s tensor based approaches and EEG tensor GUI with applications to auditory attention detection possibly combined with neurofeedback.
  12. Rob presents Frederik’s work on tensor similarity (comparing CPD/BTD without explicitly computing them) and possible use in BIOMED.
  13. Sabine presents Griet’s work on tensor based approaches for cardiodiagnostics using multichannel ECG (based on EUSIPCO 2017 keynote talk).
  14. Sabine presents algorithms and applications of Sibasankar’s multiscale analysis using different tensor decompositions (based on EUSIPCO 2017 keynote talk).

Lunch 13h – 14h30, including visit to Campus BRUGGE

Individual presentations continued (14h30-15h30) (each team member gets 10 min including one minute for questions)

  1. Bharath checks recent work by Alwin + master thesis student Jeroen Vanderstukken and discusses possible relevance of sets of polynomial equations for BIOMED (relevant part of Otto’s Tensorization paper to be checked as well).
  2. Ignat presents Bharath’s work on structured tensor decompositions applied to water removal and brain tumor tissue typing using MR spectroscopic imaging.
  3. Alexander Caicedo presents Michiel’s work on updating and possible use in BIOMED
  4. Stijn (new member) introduces himself and his PhD topic on tensor-based EEG-fMRI.

BioTensors project: WP1-8 Status and next Challenges (15h30-17h30)
Some preparation prior to the meeting is expected: (re)read the BioTensors proposal, the Mid-term progress report and the report of our Mid-term workshop 28/10/2016 (see below)

PART 1 (30 min): the following team members prepare one WP (3 slides, 4 min) including:

WP1: “Martijn” (presented by Ignat)
WP2: Michiel
WP3+4: Nico
WP5: Bori
WP6: Bharath
WP7: Ofelie
WP8: Simon

Coffee break (16h00-16h30)

PART 2 (30 min): discuss LOOKING FORWARD issues in 4 mixed groups (select one):
Group 1: WP1 and WP6
Group 2: WP2 and WP5
Group 3: WP3 and WP8
Group 4: WP4 and WP7

PART 3 (30 min): one appointed group member presents for the whole group a summary of the main conclusions for his/her WPs.

BioTensors project: new hints/final workshop (17h30-18h10)
Reread the report of last year mid-term workshop 28/10/2016.

Items for discussion:
How can the project be improved? Exchange SWOT

  1. BioTensor meetings?
  2. Facilitating/enhancing collaboration?
  3. Website?

Final BIOTENSOR workshop to be programmed in January 2019:

  1. Who is willing to help? Which task?
  2. Ideas for organization? Location? (social) events? Format?

Dinner (18h30-20h30) in local restaurant in Bruges: Kok au Vin, Ezelstraat 19