BIOTENSORS Mid-Term Workshop

Start date: 28/10/2016
Time: 9h45 – 20h
Location: Kulak, IICK building: Crealab and room 01.23

Welcome and coffee (9h45-10h15)
Train Leuven – Kortrijk 08:03-09:44 (0 stops), 8:19-10:02 (1 stop in Ghent, 9:20-9:36)

Individual presentations (10h15-13h) (10 min break included) (6-8 min/member)

Each team member gives a short presentation that consists of a scientific and a personal part.

The scientific part is meant to stimulate interaction and requires some preparation (not excessive). This part is meant to take about 4 mins and at most 4 slides. Collaboration is allowed, not to say encouraged.

The personal part: (i) Motivation to work on biomedical signal processing resp. tensor methods / motivation to do your particular type of research work, (ii) Personal interests, things-to-know about you, perhaps something not widely known.

Lunch (13h – 14h30) (includes visit to Kulak)

The BioTensors project (current) (14h30-16h) (Total 45 mins for WP 1-4, total 45 mins for WP 5-8.)

Again some preparation is expected: (re)read the BioTensors proposal. Where does your work fit? What is your own past/current contribution?
Think about a-b-c-d below.

After a short discussion in small subgroups, each WP is presented including:

  1. Results obtained.
  2. Remaining work.
  3. Difficulties, problems along the way.
  4. Points of attention.

Coffee break (16h-16h30)

The BioTensors project (future) (16h30-18h)

First prepare in small subgroups (2 bio + 2 tensor people) (20 mins, reshuffle, again 20 mins), then exchange with the whole team:

How can the project be made a success?

  1. BioTensor meetings?
  2. Facilitating/enhancing collaboration?
  3. Bio vs tensor?
  4. What can the project do for you? What can you do for the project?

Dinner (18h-20h)

De Heeren van Groeninghe, Groeningestraat 36, 8500 Kortrijk

It is a 15 min walk from the restaurant to the railway station

Photos taken during the day