Sabine Van Huffel’s Keynote talk at SIAM CSE15

On Tuesday 17th March Sabine Van Huffel gave a keynote talk at the SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE15).

The talk was entitled “The Power of Matrix and Tensor Decompositions in Smart Patient Monitoring” and the slides and video can be found here.


Accurate and automated extraction of clinically relevant information from patient recordings requires an ingenious combination of adequate pretreatment of the data (e.g. artefact removal), feature selection, pattern recognition, decision support, up to their embedding into user-friendly user interfaces. 

The underlying computational problems can be solved by making use of matrix and tensor decompositions as building blocks of higher-level signal processing algorithms. A major challenge here is how to make the mathematical decompositions “interpretable’ such that they reveal the underlying medically relevant information and improve medical diagnosis. 

The application of these decompositions and their benefits will be illustrated in a variety of case studies, including epileptic seizure onset localisation using adult and neonatal scalp EEG and Event-related potential analysis during simultaneous EEG-fMRI acquisition.